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|title=Picture Me Gone
|author=Meg Rosoff
|date=September 2013
|summary=A huge disappointment, with dreadful writing and awful characters. It's hard to believe this was written by the same person who wrote the exquisite ''How I Live Now''.
'''Longlisted for the 2015 CILIP Carnegie Medal'''
Mila is able to find things out about people, places and situations. When a family friend disappears, she ends up trying to find him.
It wasn't.
I don't know where to begin to start here, to be honest. Do I talk about the leaden writing style, the dreadful characters, or the dire plot? Mila is a spectacularly dull narrator, while her relationships with everyone around her are jarring and unconvincing - possibly because most of the people in the novel are so unbelievable that it would be nearly impossible to form any believable relationship with them. As fpr for the plot, it's billed as a coming-of-age story but doesn't seem to feature anywhere near as much character development as you'd expect, and the solution to the mystery of the disappearance is simply bizarre.
It's probably not quite the worst I've read this year - although it's close - but it's undoubtedly the most disappointing. Even the lack of speech marks, which seemed to fit Daisy's breathless narration in [[How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff|How I Live Now]] so perfectly, just seems affected and irritating here.
On the plus side, reading this one did encourage me to dig out [[How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff|How I Live Now]] for the first time in a couple of years, and I'm currently really enjoying rereading that one. If you're a fan of Rosoff's, I'd suggest it's a better way to spend your time than picking up this one. We liked [[There Is No Dog by Meg Rosoff]] and [[Moose Baby by Meg Rosoff]] a little better.
My favourite coming of age story of the year so far is the wonderful [[Twerp by Mark Goldblatt]].
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