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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Before We Say Goodbye
|author= Louise Candlish
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Sphere
|date= August 2009
|amazonukcover=<amazonuk>0751540382</amazonuk> |amazonusaznuk=0751540382|aznus=<amazonus>0751540382</amazonus>
All in all, I thought it a most enjoyable book. I didn't feel the need to drop everything and read right to the end, but that's not a bad thing. It's character-driven primarily, with the plot revolving around Olivia and her various relationships, but one or two more serious issues are touched upon. It would probably appeal to women of all ages who enjoy family novels.
Many thanks to the publishers for sending this book. We also have a review of [[The Swimming Pool by Louise Candlish]].
If you enjoyed this, you might well also enjoy [[Pandora's Box by Giselle Green]] or [[Uphill All the Way by Sue Moorcroft]].
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