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|title=Baby Brains and RoboMum
|author=Simon James
|publisher=Walker Books Ltd
|date=3 Sep September 2007
Before Baby Brains was born Mrs Brains ate all the right food to ensure that Baby Brains had lots of, well, brains! She also played him foreign language tapes and read aloud to him, because Mr and Mrs Brains were hoping for a clever baby. But when he was born they were amazed at just how clever he really was. Even the hospital was surprised when Baby Brains had a brain scan.
The illustrations really lift this book. They're deceptively simple, almost understated and in muted colours but they're packed with detail and a pleasure to look at.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending this book to The Bookbag. We also have a review of [[Rex by Simon James]].
For another book where the baby is rather clever , you might like to read our review of Phyllis Root's [[Rattletrap Car]].
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