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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Merde Happens
|author= Stephen Clarke
|buy= Maybe
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Black Swan
|date= March 2008
So you see, in spite of all this, France may as well be an alien landscape and all most of us really want to know what it's like there in case our entire Sceptred Isle, and not just Norfolk, should totally disappear under an encroaching sea and we have to go and live there, too!
I would definitely say ''Merde Happens'' is worth a look. It was great in places, and still had the Stephen Clarke funny bone shoring up its middle. We also have a review of [[The Merde Factor by Stephen Clarke]].
As with ''Merde Actually'' this recommended reading section would have to reflect the same sentiments, namely [[A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke|A Year In The Merde]], [[Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson]] and [[A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle]]. If you have done your homework and read them all but still fancy a chuckle, ''McCarthy's Bar'' and, funnier still, ''The Road To McCarthy'' both by Pete McCarthy will provide those until you are forced into an ambulance with broken ribs.
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