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{{infoboxsort infobox1
|title=The Steel Remains
|author=Richard Morgan
|publisher= Gollancz
|date=August 2008
|sort=Steel Remains, The
One thing for sure, though, is that Richard Morgan is a name well worth looking out for. He adds a touch of reality to a genre where so much has been written that it's difficult to find a new angle and this provides a breath of fresh air. If his science fiction is written the same way, it's no surprise he is highly thought of in that genre and I predict that high praise will soon be coming his way in his new genre.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag. We also have a review of Morgan's [[The Dark Defiles by Richard Morgan|The Dark Defiles]].
If this type of book appeals to you then you might also enjoy [[Hilldiggers by Neal Asher]].
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