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|author=Sue Eckstein
|publisher=Myriad Editions
|date=September 2011
|summary=‘Interpreters’ is a fascinating book spanning five generations and asking questions about damaged families and the power of secrets that can’t be communicated. This book has twists and hooks that will capture your interest, holding it hostage to the end.
This book may be composed of complex themes but it's an easy rewarding read. My natural default position is shy away from books in which emotional relationships form a lot of the story but this book is different. Hooks and twists are so skilfully revealed that my planned early night evaporated as I read it in one sitting. As you read the book, the journey will stay with you long after the satisfactory conclusion has been reached.
Thank you, Myriad Editions, for supplying with a review copy. We also have a review of Eckstein's [[The Cloths of Heaven by Sue Eckstein|The Cloths of Heaven]].
If you've enjoyed this, try [[When God Was A Rabbit by Sarah Winman]].
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