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|author=Emma Donoghue
|reviewer=Robin Leggett
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=Narrated in the voice of five year old Jack, this is a haunting, innovative and brave story that will stay with you long after the final page. A sad situation, lightly and movingly told.
|date=July 2010
'''A ''Times Educational Supplement'' Teachers' Top 100 Book'''
It's the morning of Jack's fifth birthday, but Jack is no ordinary boy. He and his Ma have been imprisoned by the character known only as 'Old Nick' in a single room for all Jack's life. True he has a television, but his mother has convinced him that those people are not real. The room is all Jack has ever known - and in it he has developed his own attachment to things like Bed, Rug, Table, Skylight and Wardrobe where he sleeps. The first victim of incarceration, it seems, is the definite article.
Our thanks to the good folk at Picador for sending this book into our Room for review.
'Room' is on the Man Booker long list for 2010 and reminded me a little of the former Booker winning [[We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver]]. Another book that you might enjoy if you liked this is [[The Book Thief by Markus Zusak]] while if you are getting an unhealthy interest in books set in a single room, then [[The Patience Stone by Atiq Rahimi]] is equally moving and highly recommended. You might enjoy [[The Boy at the Door by Alex Dahl]] but we had our reservations.
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|name=Maureen Julian
|verb= said
|comment=I read Room as one of the World Book Night selection and thought it was great. Ma was so imaginative whilst keeping her little boy occupied. I really loved this book and would love to see the film.