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|title=The Hanged Man Rises
|sort=Hanged Man Rises
|publisher=Simon & Schuster
|date=February 2013
'''2013 Costa Children’s Book Award shortlist'''
The Wigman is at large, murdering children. You'd think this would be the first concern for Titus Adams, as he's only fifteen, his parents are incorrigible drunks and he has a young sister, Hannah, to look out for. But in London in the late 1800s, there are more pressing concerns than serial killers on the loose. Like how to pay the rent. Like where the next meal is coming from. Like staying out of the workhouse. Like keeping your sister on the right side of the law. Thankfully, Titus has a friend in Inspector Pilsbury. He doesn't arrest Hannah when she's caught with pickpockets. He feeds her and keeps her safe at the station until Titus comes to collect her.
This type of traditional Gothic horror is very popular at the moment and if you are a fan, then you'll think ''The Hanged Man Rises'' is absolutely great. We certainly did!
If you like Gothic stories, I think you might also enjoy [[The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric]], which is set in Venice. And there's also the fantastic [[The Eyeball Collector by F E Higgins]] which has a beautifully beautiful classical style. You might also enjoy [[The Blood List by Sarah Naughton]].
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