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[[Category:New Reviews|Dyslexia Friendly]] __NOTOC__ <!-- Remove --> <!-- INSERT NEW REVIEWS BELOW HERE-->{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Philippa Pearce and Cate James1800901232|title=The Ghost in Annie's Room (Little Gems)Stitched Up|author=Steve Cole|rating=4.5
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=Emma is on Twelve-year-old Hanh wanted to be a family holiday fashion designer. Life in an older relative's seaside cottage, the rural village where she is lived with her family was happy, if not prosperous, so when the smartly-dressed man and woman came to sleep in the room village to offer Hahn a job in the atticHanoi it was an opportunity not to be missed. Her brother has passed Some money changed hands and Hanh was on what he says he has overheard – that it is hauntedthe mini-bus to Hanoi. But even with the mementos of the person that once lived there all around herOnly, Hanh and with the other girls were not going to work in a strange feeling of being watchedshop, even they were to work in virtual slavery in an illegal garment factory. You know those jeans you really wanted: the ones with the stormy winds knocking tree limbs intricate embroidery and beading on to the window – Emma can sleep through it all. legs? But The ones with the artfully-placed rips and distressed seams thatfelt so soft when you touched them? It's not to say things will forever be quite possible that way…|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126852</amazonuk>Hanh and her co-workers made them.
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Cathy HopkinsMarcus Sedgwick|title=The Valentine's Day Kitten|rating=4|genre=Dyslexia Friendly|summary=Marcie is distraught. On Valentine's Day last year she'd didn't receive a single card and her parents could see that she was upset, so when she came home from school there was a box on the kitchen table and in it was the most gorgeous fluffy silver kitten. Misty and Marcie were soon inseparable until the day that Misty went out without a collar on - and didn't come home. Marcie blamed herself: Misty's collar had broken and she'd never got round to buying a new one. Mum has put notices up everywhere she can think of and rung the local vets and animal rescue centres, but there's no sign of Misty. Then Marcie starts having dreams, about a boy, a hotel, a painting - and Misty. Will there be a happy ending?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>178112678X</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Paul Stewart and Chris Ridddell|title=Free Lance and the Lake of SkullsWrath
|genre=Dyslexia FriendlyTeens|summary=Our hero Meet Fitz, a young Scottish lad full of frustration at himself. Lockdown is a only just over, and he should be free lance – one of the traditional self-employed mento do what he wants, going round the countryto go where he wants and with whom he wants, jousting but he cannot stop himself from putting his foot in it when he cantalks to his best friend, doing fantastical errands when they come upCassie. They were half of a desultory school band, all but Cassie was also one hundred per cent the enigmatic – saying she could hear a subhuman hum coming from the earth. Is this connected with no fixed employer. But one of her eco-warrior parents saying the end of the lack world is already a done deal? Is it some spooky new kind of fixed income hits home at times. music she's dreaming of? Is she just bonkers? And at those timescan Fitz find out the truth? Well, those fantastical errands, however nightmarish they not when Cassie has gone missing he can clearly be, get to be all the more appealing…'t...|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>178112714X</amazonuk>1800900899
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Jeremy Strong Lucy Strange and Scoular AndersonPam Smy|title=The Ghost Mermaid in the BathMillpond
|genre=Dyslexia FriendlyConfident Readers|summary=Luke has got problems – and just about every school subject qualifies as one There is no mermaid in the millpond. That at the momentleast is what Bess is telling herself. But none of those are Neither will there be a bigger problem than history – he's been tasked with a research-heavy project friend for homeworkher in amongst all the other kids, but has no ideawho have had their entire childhoods sold to the mill-owners by the London workhouse they used to call home. So when he Bess knows there is having a brainstorm no time for friendship in a bath and is interrupted by a ghosthand-to-mouth, every man for himself kind of all things, it might just be the way for him to be connected with the pastexistence. But that's ignoring despite herself Bess does find a bit of a kindred spirit in the fact slight little Dot, and despite everything that the girl left as a ghost life has taught her about betrayal and how befriending people only leads to harm, there might be wanting a connection glimmer of her own – and perhaps an end to an unusual problem she herself has…|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781127263</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|title=Rook|author=Anthony McGowan|rating=5|genre=Dyslexia Friendly|summary=When Nicky and his learningcompanionship in the tired-disabled brother Kenny come across a rook being attacked by a sparrowhawk, they chase off the raptor and rescue the rookout mill workers.Kenny is convinced that a good dollop of love and affection is all But surely thatdoesn's needed to keep the bird alive but Nicky t mean there is sceptical. And any truth in any case, Nicky has other things to worry about, like avoiding the bully at school and finding a way to talk to existence of the girl he likes. In the previous two books in this sequence, troubles were dogging Kenny and the boys' father but in ''Rook'' it's Nicky who could do with a helping hand. Things are about to go wrong. Will Nicky find a way throughmermaid?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1781127239</amazonuk>180090049X
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Alan GibbonsKeith Gray|title=The Beautiful GameClimbers
|genre=Dyslexia FriendlyConfident Readers|summary=Football Sully is all about its colours. And even if I write in the season when one team in blue knocks another team best tree climber in blue from the throne of English football, itvillage. He has what's common knowledge that red is known amongst the more successful colour to wearkids as 'reach'. But is that flame redwhat happens when a new kid shows up in town? Blood red? The red A new kid, called Nottingham, who clambers up some of the Sun cover banner when it falsely declared 96 Liverpool FC fans were fatally caught up in a tragedy – hardest trees with ease? Suddenly Sully is worried that his status is being threatened, and not only that it had been one of their own making? And while we're on about colour, where were that his chance to name the people of colour in football final, unnamed big tree in the olden dayspark by being the first to conquer it, might be snatched from his hands. How can Sully stop Nottingham? There are so many darker sides to football's history And will it's enough cost him his best friend, or maybe even all of his friends, to make a young lad question the whole game…do so?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1781126917</amazonuk>1781129991
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Bernard AshleyLisa Thompson|title=Lena Lenik S.O.S.|rating=4|genre=Dyslexia Friendly|summary=Lena's mother seems very ill. Scary noises are coming from the bathroom, she's off food and completely listless, complaining of the effort involved in sewing a patch onto a cub scout uniform. It might be a surprise to the young reader of this book when we learn what the reason is – certainly it was obvious from page two for me – but there are definitely more surprises to come. Mother makes a slightly unusual decision about her condition – leaving Lena with a lot on her plate when fate sets in with a surprise of its own…|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781125716</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Tanya Landman|title=Passing for WhiteThe Small Things
|genre=Dyslexia FriendlyConfident Readers|summary=In 1847Although Anna has friends at school, she feels like she never really fits in Macon. Her family don't have enough money to let her do after school activities, Georgia, Benjamin was a slaveand so she feels like her life at home is boring in comparison to theirs. He was When a talented carpenter toonew girl joins her class, Anna is asked to partner her, but on November things are complicated because the 19th he was unnerved: a white woman was looking at himnew girl, Ellie, smiling is unwell and being polite. What was going on? He wasnso can't just unnervedattend school in person. Instead, but nervous: you see, Benjamin was looking at the white woman, looking ''her'' she joins in with the eye and class by using a slave could get himself killed for less than thatrobot. Only this wasn't Can Anna overcome the challenge of making friends with someone through a white woman: this was Rosarobot, who was mixed race. She could pass for white, but and is she too was even interesting enough to be a slave. Rosa and Benjamin eventually married, but it didn't stop Rosa's master from taking sexual advantage of her and when she found that she was pregnant she had no way of knowing who the father was.good friend to Ellie?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>178112681X</amazonuk>1781129649
{{newreviewFrontpage|titleauthor=The Harder They FallEmma Carroll and Kaja Kajfez|authortitle=Bali RaiThe Ghost Garden
|genre=Dyslexia FriendlyConfident Readers|summary=Cal loves comic booksFran, the gardener's daughter at a posh country house, is worried. He also dreams of being She's just cracked her garden fork through quite a grim discovery - a superhero and saving large bone, buried under the day while simultaneously winning potatoes. But she's even more worried when she learns that that event coincided with Leo, the heart older child of the girl (Freya being house, breaking his leg while playing cricket on the girl, hopefully)lawn. Batman She is due to get even more worried when she finds something else that also seems to foretell a surprise. Tasked with shoving Leo around the grounds in his favourite superherobathchair, she might have reason to be out of her mind with fear, when she learns what he is seeking - a long-forgotten burial chamber. But Calsurely that won's world outside his daydreams is t act as a premonition to anything - not particularly superhero-likehere in the sultry, summery days of 1914?|isbn=1781129002}}{{Frontpage|author=Alex Wheatle|title=The Humiliations of Welton Blake|rating=2.5|genre=Confident Readers|summary=We meet Welton Blake at the worst of times – only they should be the best of times. Because Cal is He should be getting a bit of text from the most bae-worthy girl in school in regards to a geek cinema date, but his phone has packed up, he's chundered last night's meal and he is being bullied by mean his breakfast over another girl Anuin class, who makes 's duffed him complete homework assignments which she then sells on up in response, and the wanna-bae seems to lazy classmatesactually be with someone else anyway. Still, it On a bigger scale he's living with his mother and not all much income now that the dad has left the picture – yes, things are so badthey're resorting to having cabbage for dinner. Cal I know, right? But surely this is just a blip, a day at school to forget, and everything (like his vomit) will all come out in the wash? This can's parents are lovely and t be the gorgeous Freya is making friendly overtures...start of a most nightmarish time for young Welton?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1781126828</amazonuk>1781129495
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Chris Priestley178112938X|title=Flesh Survival in Space: The Apollo 13 Mission|author=David Long and BloodStefano Tambellini (illustrator)
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=Families change in wartime – in size, if not any other way. Bill and Jane have already had to get used to their father being away to fight, It''and'' they've tried s fifty years since the Apollo 13 mission was launched from the evacuee experienceKennedy Space Centre in Florida, but are back in London – just in time for the Battle story of that journey remains one of Britain, which is a circumstance Bill hates Jane for, as he quickly grew to love the countryside, while Jane resisted the idea greatest survival stories of them settling there, so they were returned to an allegedly safe capitalall time. One night after a bombing raid they settle outside the neighbourhood's token empty, boarded up and deserted home – only for Bill to convince himself he hears someone inside. 'Survival in Space: The unidentifiable and severely burnt child that gets rescued becomes Apollo 13 Mission'' is a kind brilliant retelling of new family member – but does this have anything to do with Bill's resent-filled wish for a brother to replace Jane?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126887</amazonuk>what happened.
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Meg Rosoff1781129312|title=Good Dog McTavishSequin and Stitch|author=Laura Dockrill and Sara Ogilvie (illustrator)
|genre=Confident ReadersDyslexia Friendly|summary=McTavish did wonder whether he was making a mistake in adopting the Peachey family: it was a decision which came from the heart rather than the head. You see the Peacheys were dysfunctional: Ma Peachey, an accountant by professionSequin loved her mum to bits, decided that but sometimes she was fed up got very cross with chasing around after an ungrateful family, so she resigned and dedicated herself to her yoga . It wasn't that mum wouldn't go outside their flat - Sequin coped with half a hint that - it was because she might also dedicate herself never pushed to her yoga teacherget credit for what she did. She gave up cooking, cleaning, baking, washing Mum is a seamstress and all she makes the other things which kept the family going, such as finding lost keys and getting people out sort of bed so clothes that they got to wherever they were going you see on timered carpets or at important weddings. And She's not the family? Well, designer - they had no idea 're the people who make a lot of how to copemoney from the clothes. Mum is the person who actually ''makes'' the garments and she's really talented, but when people talk about the dress or the suit, with one exceptionthey talk about the designer. The seamstress is never mentioned.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126836</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Philip Ardagh and Tom Morgan-JonesTanya Landman|title=Norman the Norman from Normandy (Little Gems)Jane Eyre: a Retelling
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=Meet Norman. Norman the NormanA young woman, fresh from Normandy. Not Big Bad Norman the Norman from Normandyliving with horrid relatives who could care less about her, and not Norma years in a dreary school, moves into Thornfield Hall with only one intent – to have something like the Norman from Normandy life she wants – and not even Nora the Norman fromwith only one job, well it doesn't sayto tutor a young half-French girl, but my guess whose father is Normandyalmost always absent. Norman isn't very big at all When he does turn up he seems to be dark, brooding and troubled hebut that's just a little boynothing compared to the darker, more broody and he's not bad. Or at least he doesn't think he iseven more troubling secret in the house. But because his fatherYes, Big Bad Norman, is buried in three parts (if you know Jane Eyre then you know the rest – but if you don't ask), and little baby Norman has inherited Big Bad Norman's big bad Norman swordfor whatever reason, he's going this is a wonderful book to turn to visit the three parts – but only good will happen… Right?.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1781126976</amazonuk>1781129126
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn= Vivian French and Nigel Baines1781128952|title= The Covers of My Book Are Too Far Apart (and other grumbles)Starlight Watchmaker|author=Lauren James|rating= 54|genre= For Sharing Dyslexia Friendly|summary=''I'm too old This is a dyslexia-friendly, science fiction novella for bedtime stories''young adults. It tells the tale of Hugo, an unwanted and rather lonely android, ''That's who makes a girl's book!''living for himself mending time-travel watches. When one of his clients demands that his broken watch be mended, '' I hate this book but I've got Hugo realises there is a mystery to finish it''be solved and is only too ready to help. An exciting journey of discovery unfolds, ''I can't find which takes Hugo out of his drab attic workroom and into a book that I like.'' You've probably heard at least one scary adventure with some amazing new friends, exploring regions of the grumbles in this book planet never before but have you known how to respond to it? This brilliant picture book will do it for you and is a joyful celebration of all that's wonderful about books and readingexist. |amazonuk=<amazonuk>178112602X</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Phil Earle1781128693|title= SuperDad's Day OffSpecial Delivery|author=Jonathan Meres|rating= 4.5
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary= Stanley's dad How do you explain to children about dementia? Injuries or illnesses are obvious, but when the problem is tired. It can be exhausting work being a Superhero. For six days of the week he saves the world from disasters and defeats the baddies brain which isn't functioning quite as it used to it isn't as Dynamo Daneasy to grasp. Stanley decides his poor dad needs Frank was a day off normal nine-year-old and is determined to make sure that like many nine-year-olds what he gets wanted was a proper restnew bike. So they head off to the park He'd had his for some much needed Dad about seventy-eight years and Son bonding time. However people donhe didn't seem want to understand raise the seat any more. Mum pointed out that even Superheroes need it wasn't his birthday or Christmas any time to recuperatesoon and bikes cost a lot of money, which didn't grow on trees. The requests for His sister Lottie had a solution: Frank could help keep on coming so what can poor Stanley do other than step in her with her paper round. Frank agreed despite thinking that it would take him a thousand years to save up the money for a bike AND he had to get up at six o'clock in the daymorning. |amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126844</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn= Quentin Blake1781128707|title= The Story Spectacular Revenge of the Dancing FrogSuzi Sims|author=Vivian French|rating= 4.5|genre= Dyslexia Friendly |summary= When Jo's Great Aunt Gertrude's sea captain husband is drowned Suzi Simms loved running and it was her ambition to win the 100 metres race on sports day at sea she is griefthe end of term -stricken and, that was next week. We're going to read about what happened in despairher diary, she goes for although there's a walk alonewarning that we really shouldn't be reading it, particularly as it's about Barbie Meek. During this walk she notices a small frog To say that the two girls don't get on at all well is a lily-padbit of an understatement. But he Suzi wouldn't actually do anything about it, but Barbie is no ordinary frog - he's a dancing frog troublemaker and she wants to win the two quickly become good friends. Soon the duo are touring the world with their routine, spreading joy and fun - and carrying out the occasional rescue 100 metres race too - wherever they goby fair means or foul.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781125910</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Robert Swindells1949471004|title=Knife EdgeDog on a Log Chapter Books: Step 1|author=Pamela Brookes
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=IWhat do you do when your child has dyslexia and you need books which will help them to achieve the wonder that is reading? You can risk buying early readers, but the sounds in the book might not be the ones you'm ve been working on and encountering words which are just not interested. I'm not interested in there ever being too challenging can have more of a knife in junior fiction, unless it comes with negative effect on the young dyslexic than a lesson. And I'm just not interested unless child without that lesson tells you one thing – that they're quickproblem. Knives can You need to be quick able to findbuy books at a reasonable price which concentrate on what you've been working on, are quick to whip out, and quick to get without anything else being thrown into the bearer into trouble, whether they actually meet flesh or notmix. Sam is the student of that lesson here – his school has You need a Citizenship campaign whereby story which engages the pupils do odd jobs for local elderly, young mind and he finds a perfect knife he thinks will defend him from you need stages which progress steadily through the local gang – a gang whose leader he constantly rattled in primary schoollearning process without there being any large jumps. As for the rest – ISome online support and games wouldn'll leave his personable firstt go amiss, either. Reading -person narrative and ''learning'' to teach you…|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126860</amazonuk>read - should be a pleasure. It should be ''fun''.
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Tom Palmer and Garry Parsons1781128510|title=Secret FCOne Shot|author=Tanya Landman|rating=4.5
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=Meet Lily''Pa and I understood each other. Our souls were cut from the same cloth.'' But Pa has since died, Maddieleaving Maggie very much alone in her family. She was the only one of three children who looked like him, Zackand none of the others acted like him, Khaland certainly, and James and Battshis wife didn't seem to fully understand him. They all go to a school together – and they do it eagerlyMaggie might as well be reliving the Cinderella story, as their inner city life is so devoid of nature stuck with two siblings and the open space mother that the playground is the only room large enough for footballare fully against her. But lo and behold the new head teacher has banned all ball gamesat least she can sneak out at night, on health and safety grounds. How do these friends get over their disappointmentshoot some game to stop them from starving? WhyWell, with imagination, hard work and a firm belief that what they're doing is rightno, not where her mother is how concerned they convert a rotting tennis court handily hidden in the school's woods into very idea of a pitchfemale shooting things, where after when they could be preparing for a lot life of labours they can play to their heart's contentunhappy married drudgery, is just scandalous. Or so they think…|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126879</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Meg Rosoff178112843X|title=Good Dog McTavishLark|author=Anthony McGowan
|genre=Confident ReadersDyslexia Friendly|summary=McTavish did wonder whether he was making a mistake in adopting I'll warn you first. This is the Peachey family: it was a decision which came from the heart rather than fourth and last story about Nicky and Kenny. Try not to cry before you've even read the headfirst page. You see the Peacheys were dysfunctional: Ma Peachey, an accountant by profession, decided that she was fed up with chasing around after an ungrateful family, so she resigned  Things have got tense at home - again - for Nicky and dedicated herself his learning-disabled brother Kenny. Their mum is coming to her yoga with half visit - the mum who abandoned them a hint that she might also dedicate herself to long time ago. They haven't seen her yoga teacher. She gave up cooking, cleaning, baking, washing for years and all the other impending visit is stirring up a lot of uncomfortable feelings. And Nicky's girlfriend has ended things which kept the family going. To take their minds off it all, such as finding lost keys Nicky and getting people Kenny plan a day out of bed so that they got , trekking across the moors. But it doesn't go to wherever they were going on time. And the family? Wellplan and an accident puts both boys - and their dog, they had no idea of how to copeTina, with one exceptionin terrible danger.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126836</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Mary Hoffman1786697173|title=TiltMr Tiger, Betsy and the Blue Moon|author=Sally Gardner|rating=45
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly
|summary=To make an authorBetsy K Glory lives a rather wonderful life on a peaceful island where nothing horrible ever happens. Her father, Alonso, makes the most wonderful ice cream in every flavour you first show someone bookscould imagine. To make a readerHer mother, you first show them the books they want toMyrtle, is a mermaid and/or can, read. To make a builder, you first show someone buildings. I use those platitudes comes to introduce Simonettavisit regularly, or Netta, who although she still lives in Pisa late in the thirteenth centurysea. She is surrounded by fabulous buildings – it's not for nothing the area will become known as the Field Betsy dreams of Miraclestwo things: firstly, for about the Cathedral, Baptistry circus owned by a tiger and bell tower look gorgeous. But something is wrong with the latter one – whether it's definitely leaningwould ever come to her island and secondly, cracks are showing, and over about a magical ice cream made from the hundred-plus years it's taken to get this far people have built berries of the floors at odd angles to correct the problemGongalong bush. Netta is intent on being the person who One scoop of this ice cream can solve it, alongside her father who's employed to finish it offmake wishes come true. But therein lies the problem – it's all well  And then Mr Tiger and good showing someone buildings, and making them want to be an architect, but if they're the wrong gender then all hope his circus arrive. And a journey is lost… or is it?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781125651</amazonuk>planned...
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Linda Newbery1781128286|title=Until We WinRun Wild|author=Gill Lewis
|genre=Dyslexia Friendly |summary=The best journeys are made with little stepsMeet Izzy and Asha. Lizzy is slowly leaving her boring village behind – by being cheeky yet clever Bullied away from the local attempt at her lessonsa skatepark, and getting they find a job in an office huge waste ground in the nearest proper town – and by saving shadow of a derelict gasometer to buypractise on, and teaching herself which they duly do, even though they have to ride, a bicycle. All thatdrag Izzy's under the watchful eye of a mother insistent she learns younger brother with them. The following day they all want to knuckle down with return, as does the housework on behalf of the menbrother's schoolfriend, despite – and an older brother working at of course because of – there is a huge wolf living in the village huntsite. At Can the office, however, further steps are suggested to her – shorthand and typing classes, but she gets diverted. A chance encounter children survive living in a tea rooms puts more stepping stones in her way – en route to becoming a fully committed Suffragettethe urban wilderness, concerned only with making demands for votes for women.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781125791</amazonuk>alongside such obvious dangers?
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Julian Gough and Jim FieldJennings Different|title=Rabbit A Different Dog|author=Paul Jennings and Bear: The Pest in the NestGeoff Kelly|rating=4.5|genre=Emerging ReadersDyslexia Friendly|summary=Rabbit was strugglingOur hero is a boy, whose name we never learn. There We know what he was having a nice, peaceful sleep wants in life – with his friend Bear's cave when a terrible noise woke him. Was it thunder? Nomother exceedingly poor, it was Bear snoring. Very loudly. Rabbit tried putting and even his paws over his ears although that's not very successful when you have small paws bed burnt to keep the two of them warm, he wants the prize offered by a down-a-mountain-and-back-up-and very big ears-down-again foot race. But there was something good: when Rabbit went outside Winning the cave race and the large purse would also give him more status in the eyes of those kids that bully him, and it might even give him a voice – for he realised that spring had sprungis almost mute. Suddenly We quickly learn he felt ''strong''. After a winter spent in his friend Bear's cave it was time never talks back to go home anyone, whatever the motivation, and can only speak aloud to his burrow. Only there was a surprise lurking there - himself – and , so it looked suspiciously like turns out, to a snake.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1444934260</amazonuk>dog he rescues from a bad road accident he finds on his way up the hill to the start line…
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Phil Earle Dawson_Grave|title=Mind The Gap Grave Matter|author=Juno Dawson and Alex T Smith
|genre=Teens Dyslexia Friendly|summary= When Mikey's dad dies, he stops caring about anything. IndeedSince Eliza died, he becomes so desperate to feel something that he deliberately provokes since the one person on night of the estate who no one messes withcar crash that took her life, Sam is a broken soul. Not surprisingly it ends badly and not just for him. Mikey's best mate also ends up in He is lost without the girl he loves, feeling as though a pool part of bloodhim died that night too. But that doesn't matter because his friend has already lost something more importanthe is desperate and he cannot live without Eliza. He lost Mikey when remembers his dad died estranged Aunt Marie and her peculiar healing powers and he's determined wonders if she might be able to find a way to bring his best friend backhelp him. That's why he sets off on a one boy crusade to find a way to help Mikey remember However, finding his dad. He just needs Aunt Marie leads him to find a moviediscover the Milk Man, a radio extract, or a YouTube clip – something that will allow which causes Sam in his friend grieving state to remember his dad's voice. Mikey's dad was an actor, so how difficult can it be? |amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781125899</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Keren David |title=The Liar's Handbook |rating=5|genre=Teens|summary=Everyone tells River that he's make a liar but pact with forces he doesn't see it that way – understand. Things soon turn complicated as far as River is concerned he just thinks up interesting stuff supernatural powers start to fill change Sam's life in the gaps in what more ways than he knows. His lies are harmless: unlike the lies that his mum's new boyfriend, Jason, tellsbargained for. Jason is a total fake and River is on a crusade to expose him. However, River's investigation doesn't work out as planned. He does uncover a serious deception (involving his biological father and the police) but will anyone believe him?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781126801</amazonuk>
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