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[[Category:New Reviews|Lifestyle]] __NOTOC__ <!-- Remove -->{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Patrick Mbaya1454955546|title= My Brain Is Out Of ControlSugarless|author=Nicole M Avena|rating= 45|genre= Home and FamilyLifestyle|summary=Dr Patrick Mbaya ''This isn't a diet book. The last thing anyone needs is another diet book.'' There was enjoying life as a consultant psychiatristtime, husband and fathernot that long ago, when it was thought that sugary food was better for you than food with high-fat content. His career Fat was the demon food which was going well to elevate your cholesterol and he enjoyed making ill people bettercause heart disease. His marriage Sugar was solid and fulfilling and his two children were exploring their potentiala carbohydrate, often through the uplifting power of music. Life was so good. But then There's a problem, though. Sugar is addictive and can hijack your brain in much the same way as drugs like heroin and cocaine. Does that sound over the top? Well, it isn't.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1524636649</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Jonathan S Lee1635866847|title=Lean Gains|rating=4|genre=Sport|summary=I don't often begin a book by telling you what it ''isn't'' but in this case I think it's important. If you're a fairly sedentary person or a casual sportsman or woman looking to shed a few pounds then you won't get the best out of this book. You'll find some good advice about diet, but I'm afraid that much of it is going to go over your head. Of course you could always take up a sport seriously... On the other hand, if you ''are'' a serious sportsman then you could find that the advice in ''Lean Gains'' could lift you up to the next level of performance.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>152463493X</amazonuk>}}{{newreviewThe Lavender Companion|author=Laura Slater|title=Hollywood Beauty: Vintage SecretsJessica Dunham and Terry Barlin Vesci|rating=4.5
|summary=I have vivid memories from my youth of seeing the Hollywood beauties on the television or at It's strange, the cinema and wishing things that make you ''Iimmediately'' could look like feel that and - of course, no matter how I tried, I never couldthis is the book for you. Before I started reading ''The look of Marilyn MonroeLavender Companion'', Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Ava Gardner and Sofia Loren always eluded meI visited the author's [https://www. To begin with, I lacked knowledgepinelavenderfarm. Despite being reasonably petite my oblong face was never going to look anything like Audrey Hepburncom/ website] and there's. I lacked quite a few picture of a slice of Brigitte Bardot's attributes toochocolate cake on the homepage. Gradually, I realised that developing my own style was the best way to go, don't eat cakes and desserts - but I'll confess wanted that there are still cake viscerally. (There''elements'' of s a recipe in the stars' looks book, which I'd love m avoiding with some difficulty!!) Then I started reading the book and I was told to make a mess of it. Notes in the margins are sanctioned. You get to copyfold down the corners of pages. That's where You suspect that smears of butter would not be a problem. I ''Vintage Secrets: Hollywood Beautyloved'' comes inthis book already.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0859655083</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Yuchi Yang0760381267|title=A Food Guide to Lowering Blood PressureVerdura: 6 Simple StepsLiving a Garden Life|author=Perla Sofia Curbelo-Santiago|rating=43.5
|summary=Yuchi Yang has been a registered dietitian for over twenty years and she's allowing us the benefit of her knowledge to help us to reduce our blood pressure ''without'' taking medication, although she does stress that if you ''are'' taking medication you shouldn't stop doing so without consulting your doctor. You can reduce your BP in six steps, which are actually a lot simpler than they sound. Does it work? Yes, it does: I've been eating this way for more than two years and I've gone from having 'very worrying' blood pressure readings to getting a smile when they're taken and being told that my BP is perfectly normal - and that's without taking medication of any sort.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1539803422</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Michael Long|title=The Mock Olympian|rating=4|genre=Sport|summary=It started with an idle conversation just before the 2012 London Olympics: Michael Long's friend Sarah gave him a book as most important part of his birthday present. It was ''Time Out's'' guide to the history of the Olympics and it covered each of the summer Olympics in chronological order from the inaugural games in Athens in 1896. Sarah's boyfriend James commented that with all the running Michael did, he'd probably have run in most of the Olympic cities. Although Long had done a goodly number of runs, bike rides and triathlons he'd only competed in two of garden is the twenty three cities - London and Athens. Now most of us would have left one who enjoys it at that, but that's not the Michael Long you're going to come to know and love. He saw it as a ''challenge'' and what's more he blogged about it and then wrote this book.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1524662887</amazonuk>}}
{{newreview|author=Numba Pinkerton|title=The No Black Project|rating=4.5|genre=Lifestyle|summary=I don't like shopping ve 'gardened' in a vague, indefinite sort of way for clothes, but there's no valid reason whymore than half a century. I'm small, know (most of) the basics but reasonably slim - a size 10 petite usually fits me perfectly - life has changed and Ineeded 'm lucky projects' rather than a general commitment to be able to afford to buy whatever clothes I wantgardening. The trouble is that I lack the confidence to know what is going to suit me and to be honest it's very difficult to get excited about a trip which will almost certainly end up 'Verdura'' with another pair its promise of smart black trousers projects for both indoors and a matching top. I never feel that I look particularly good in black, but I've resorted to it because it can usually take me anywhere and is unlikely to cause offenceoutdoors of varying complexity seemed like the answer. So, how did I feel when I was given a copy of ''The No Black Project''it stack up? Well, to be honest, I felt a little scared...|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1533506957</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Robert ShortSarah Wilson|title=101 Things To Do When You're Not DrinkingThis One Wild and Precious Life: the path back to connection in a fractured world|rating=43.5|genre=Lifestyle|summary=If youMy favourite Mary Oliver line is the one in which she asks ''re thinking about giving up alcohol long term, short term or for Dry January then What is it you might be wondering if it's going plan to leave do with your one helluva hole in your social wild and precious life?'' I get to love that line so much because my answer is ''This! Precisely this. '' You might I'm lucky enough to be thinking about what you'll do with the time you normally spend out socialising (just having a quick living my one before you get wild and precious life the train homeway I want to. Sarah Wilson is equally lucky..) as well In her book that takes Oliver's words as her title (though I can't see that she acknowledges the time you spend recovering from having had source) she pushes us to think about whether we really ''justare'' one too many living the life we want – the night beforebest life that we could be living. Sunday mornings will loom large as uncharted and largely unknown territoryHer answer is an unequivocal ''no, we are not''. Robert Short has a few answers for Don't care what you're doing, she thinks you - well 101 of them in (we, I) could be doing more…And she's effing furious about the fact - in a pocket-size book which should give you some inspirationthat we are not.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1780722877</amazonuk>1785633848
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Tonia Vojtkofsky1394159544|title=Keep Your Brain Stronger Recycling for LongerDummies|author=Sarah Winkler|rating=45
|summary=On the front ''Recycling one ton of plastic can save up to 16.3 barrels of the book it says that our brains need a well-rounded workout just like our bodiesoil. A decade or two ago I wouldn't have given very much thought to this - my body ' ''andRecycling one ton of paper can save 17 trees from being cut down.'' my brain seemed  If you send an apple core to get all the workout they needed without me adding landfill, it will take between 6 months and 2 years to their burdens, but close on the beginning of my eighth decade I've noticed somethingdecompose. I keep losing words: nothing majorA glass bottle will take up to 1 million years. As a just-post-WWII baby, you know, but this morning I couldn't remember the name of faced a flower which I hadn't seen since this time last year - until about half an hour later, whendilemma: reducing, reusing and recycling is part of course it was no longer relevantmy DNA. When youNEVER throw away anything that might ''re young you donpossibly't worry about what you'll suffer from come in handy now or in old agethe future. As NEVER buy anything if you get older you develop dreads can cobble together something that would serve the purpose. Almost everything can be used one more time and one any purchase must pass the test of 'Is this absolutely essential?' On the biggest for people who are still hale and hearty is other hand, I suspected I was guilty of wishcycling: assuming that theysomething must be recyclable (toothpaste tubes - I'll develop dementiam looking at you) and dropping it in the kerbside bin.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1780722842</amazonuk> Yes, I could go searching on the internet - and get conflicting advice - but what I needed was a recycling bible.s
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Margery Allingham and Julia Jones0760378134|title=Beloved Old Age and What to Do About itThe First-Time Gardener: Margery Allingham's the RelayContainer Food Gardening|author=Pamela Farley|rating=4.5
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=We remember [[:Category:Margery Allingham|Margery Allingham]] as a novelist from If you've ever thought how good it would be to be able to pop out into the golden age of crime, perhaps not as famous as Agatha Christie or Dorothy L Sayers but certainly well regarded by those who appreciate good writing garden and pick some fruit and excellent plotting. Her last completed book was not vegetables for a novel meal – but realised that you wouldn't know where to start, this is the book you need. It'The Relays comprehensive: you'll cover everything from why you should grow your own food, what you're going to grow, a combined account of caring for three elderly relatives, what you'll grow it in (Em, Maud both containers and Gracesoil) between 1959 , where you'll put these containers, how you'll water and 1961 fertilise them and suggestions as to how other people might achieve you finish the main part of the book with a handy section on troubleshooting. There's also a good old age for their relativesglossary. Margery died in 1966 and ''The Relay'' was never published in the form in which So, is it was written.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1899262296</amazonuk>any good?
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Jack Pendarvis1398508632|title=Cigarette Lighter (Object Lessons)The Wilderness Cure|author=Mo Wilde|rating=35
|summary=I have It had been on the cards for a favourite cigarette lighterwhile but it was the week-long consumer binge which pushed Mo Wilde into beginning her year of eating only wild food. That sentence may become more strange The end of November, particularly in Central Scotland was perhaps not the best time to you when you consider start, in a world where the fact that I have never smokednormal sores had been exacerbated by climate change, Brexit and a pandemic. I don't know how but I got it as Wilde had a freebie donkey's years ago, and I loved its curvy bronzed lines, and few advantages: the fact that I area around her was a known habitat with a variety of terrains. She had electricity which allowed her to click down on run a button instead of rub against fridge, freezer and dehydrator. She had a flintcar -wheel to light itand fuel. I optimistically took it with me at uni in case I found a girl good enough to be with even though Most importantly, she smoked (which took almost another twenty years, but that's a different story) – therefore I had shelter: this was carrying something so evidently not a match as a potential match-makerplan to ''live'' wild just to live off its produce. }}{{Frontpage|author=Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad, Caroline Bankeler, Navid Modiiri and LaterAgnes Bromme (Translator)|title=I May Be Wrong|rating=5|genre= Autobiography|summary= When the Dalai Lama adds his words to your frontispiece, its semi-art deco styling made it perfect for a play I was in once, after which it dried up. Now 'm inclined to think itdoesn's more or less a paperweightt really matter how the rest of the world responds to your book. But if I can imbue such personal relevance know, having read the book in a bleeding fag lighterquestion, just think what all that Lindeblad would disagree with that thought. He knows (and at core so do I) that it matters very much how the rest of culture can do?the world responds to this book, because it tells the truth as it is, in the early 21st century.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1501307363</amazonuk>1526644827
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Lydia Pyne1732898731|title=Bookshelf (Object Lessons)The Boy Who Loved Boxes: A Children's Book for Adults|author=Michael Albanese
|summary=Could you imagine There was a whole book dedicated to Boy who loved boxes. He had a single lump of wood, or a few sections of metal? I canbox for everything and he was meticulous about storage: his parents probably couldn't assume it would be great – believe their luck! It began with or without said item being ''an object with physicalart supplies, historical stuffed toys and psychological components'the like: all the things which most children have in abundance. The Boy's delight was in the sense of order in his room: it made him feel happy. But shove some distorted tree by-products on to said wood or metalAs he grew up and became a Man, his life became more complicated and lo he dealt with this by getting bigger and behold you have a bookshelfbetter boxes. Now Look carefully at the pictures and you're talking – but could you even now imagine ll see that one of them has a whole book dedicated to it?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1501307320</amazonuk>padlock...
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Georgina Rodgers1846276772|title=Peace The End of MindBias: A Book of Calm for Busy MumsHow We Change Our Minds|author=Jessica Nordell|rating=34.5|genre=LifestylePolitics and Society|summary=The promise of a book bringing me calm was too much to resist! There it Anyone who isnot an able, white man understands bias in that they may no longer even recognise the title, my job description (busy mum...well, thatextent to which they suffer from it: it's just one simply a part of my jobs!) and that elusive state that many mums seem to be trying to find, peace of mindeveryday life. I have to say, I was looking forward to some insightful revelations into changing my lifeWhite men will always come first. I think The able will come before the problemdisabled. Jobs, however, was quickly apparent in that like a busy mumpromotions, higher salaries are the preserve of the white man. Even when those who is trying to wear a hundred masks at wouldn't pass the same time, and carry out medical become a multitude part of rolesan organisation it's rare that their views are heard, this book isnthat their concerns are acknowledged. It't entirely sure what s personally appalling and degrading for the individuals on the receiving end of the bias but it's trying to be, with everything from poetry and colouring to mindfulness and recipesnot just the individuals who are negatively impacted.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1473635519</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author= Merinda D'ApranoErling Kagge|title= The Essential Guide to Your Prep School Journey (Head Teacher in Your Pocket)Walking: One Step At A Time|rating= 4.5
|genre= Lifestyle
|summary= As you might Those who have gathered from read my reviews before will know that how much I loved a book is evidenced by the titlenumber of pages with corners turned, so let me start this one with an apology to the Norfolk Library Service: sorry! I forgot it was your book not mine. In my defence, I will say that as a reader of this type of book there is something connective about noting where prior readers were inspired (provided it is subtle – I''The Essential Guide ll allow creased corners, but not scribbles – for the latter we must buy our own copy – which I am about to Your Prep School Journey'' do as soon as I have finished telling you why). Erligg Kagge is pitched at parents a Norwegian explorer who intend on using has walked to the private sector to educate their children. And clearlySouth Pole, these are the parents who will benefit most from reading North Pole and the booksummit of Everest. He knows a thing or two about walking. However, there this isn't a travelogue about any of those epic journeys, it is instead a great deal thoughtful exploration of general advice within its pages which will prove helpful even what it means to parents whose children will be travelling through the state sectorwalk. It is a plenitude of unnumbered essays about walking. So if this There is you, donno 'contents' page and I haven't discount this book immediatelycounted. Such advice includes ''Why In small format paperback, each essay is reading so important?''only a few pages long. Perhaps then, ''How can I promote better thought of as a brave learner?'' and ''Is the internet safe for my child?'' - you can see that these are universally applicable topics and topics that all parents appreciate advice aboutmeditation rather than an essay. |amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0993550304</amazonuk>0241357705
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=A A Milne and E H ShepardRichard Brook|title=Winnie-the-PoohUnderstanding Human Nature: A User's Little Book Of WisdomGuide to Life|rating=4.5
|summary=For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain Winnie-the-Pooh talks an awful lot of sense firm believer that sometimes we choose books, and we should be honoured that he's chosen to share with sometimes books choose us a few of his wise words. You seeIn my case, occasionally (well, an awful lot this is one of the timelatter. Not so very long ago, if weI had come across this book I're honest) we look for wisdom in the wrong places and forget about those who d have a very simple approach to life and who may well skimmed it, found some of it interesting, but it would not have discovered 'hit home' in the secret of happinessway that it does now. Pooh I believe it came to me not just because I was likely to give it a favourable review [ ''full disclosure The Bookbag's take on life u.s.p. is that people chose their own books rather than getting them randomly, so there is very simple and none a predisposition towards expecting to like the worse for book, even if it doesn't always turn out thatway'' ] – but also because it is a book I needed to read, right now.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1405281278</amazonuk>1800461682
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter and Gillian Coutts0753558378|title=One Second AheadEffortless: Enhance Your Performance at Work with MindfulnessMake It Easier to Do What Matters|author=Greg McKeown|rating=4.5|genre=Business and FinanceLifestyle|summary=Have you ever worked at a task and found your mind wandering to something else? Do you find yourself breaking off what you're doing to answer an email? Do you try to multitask'The marginal return of working harder was, in fact, thinking that younegative.''re being more efficient? Do you have far too much to attend to, to complete and nowhere near enough time to do it all?
You do? That's what happened to Patrick McGinnis. It's no exaggeration to say that he devoted his life to the company he worked for, struggling through, even when he was ill, only to find that he was working for a bankrupt company. His stock had fallen by 97%, he had lost his health and his job had little value. He made a bargain with God; if he survived, he would make some changes. Me tooHe did survive and came through stronger - and richer. You need this bookThere is, you see, a different way: ''great things are not reserved for those who bleed, for those who almost break.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1137551909</amazonuk>''
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn= Thomas W Hodgkinson and Hubert van den Bergh1523092734|title= How A Women's Guide to Sound Cultured Claiming Space|author=Eliza Van Cort|rating= 45|genre= LifestylePolitics and Society|summary= Sometimes it can be hard ''She brings a hug-kick-thunderclap that every woman needs in her life. Again and again and again.'' (Alma Derricks, former CMO, Cirque du Soleil RSD) ''To claim space is to run with live the big dogs, life of choosing unapologetically and while I know bravely. It is to live the life you've always wanted.'' Sometimes the names to drop reviewing gods are generous: at a time when violence against women is much in my field of workthe news, some wider cultural references can pass me ''A Women's Guide to Claiming Space'' byEliza Van Cort dropped onto my desk. This is especially true for those from before my time and so I was delighted Now - to find icons from all decades and centuries featured in be clear - this book. Badged as is not a 'how to disable your attacker with two simple jabs'manual: it's something far more effective, but discussion at the 250 names that intellectuals love moment seems to drop into conversationbe about how women can be '' protected''. I've always thought that women need to rise above this book features quotes and biographical titbits covering big names from every sector – science, the artsto be people who don't need protection, people who claim their own space. If all women did this, philosophythose few men who are violent to women would realise that we are not just an easy target to be used to prove that they are big men.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1848319304</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Tony Crabbe1529109116|title=BusyCall Me Red: How to Thrive in a World of Too MuchA Shepherd's Journey|author=Hannah Jackson|rating=4.5
|summary=Serendipity often brings you ''I want the image of a British farmer to simply be that of a person who is proudly employed in feeding the important booksnation. Recently I heard myself say don't think that is too much to a friend: ask.'' The stereotypical farmer was probably born on the land where ''his''Ifamily have farmed for generations. He'm far too busy s probably grown up without giving much thought as to what he really wants to do some of the important stuff: he knows that he'll be a farmer. It's not always the case though. It pulled me up short: there Hannah Jackson was definitely something wrong here - born and then I had brought up on the opportunity to listen to an audio download of Wirral: she''Busy'' and I knew that it d never set foot on a commercial farm until she was something I 'twenty although she'd always hada deep love of animals. Her original intention was that she would become 'Dr Jackson, whale scientist' to do and take notice of if I she was well on her way to achieving this when her life changed on a family holiday to stop going ''backwardsthe Lake District. She saw a lamb being born and, although 'Hannah Jackson, farmer'lacked the kudos of her original intention, she knew that she wanted to be a shepherd. Because With the determination that was what I was doingyou'll soon realise is an essential part of her, she set about achieving her ambition.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>B01727ER84</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Rachel Kelly and Jonathan Pugh1786495902|title=Walking on SunshineThe Natural Health Service: 52 Small Steps to HappinessHow Nature Can Mend Your Mind|author=Isabel Hardman|rating=45
|summary=How would you like 52 tips on how to be happier? No this isn't an offer to sign up to Isabel Hardman suffered a dodgy website - it's a small book trauma which you could pop into she chooses not to share. She says that a bag and which will give you tipsfriend who does know, tools burst into tears and positive idea about how you can make your life happier, less complicated and more fulfillinghealth-care professionals' jaws have sagged in disbelief. Open it Hardman dealt with this at randomthe time by 'keeping going': the next day she went to work to cover the budget, if that's what you feel like doingnext there was the EU referendum, or work your way through it reading one tip per week - they're helpfully divided into the four seasons - political party leadership contests and savour just a couple of pages of elegant writing which will give you something then it was party conference season. One night she had to think about or something positive be sedated and returned home to do (or not do begin long- if you see term sick leave. That was what brought me to this book: 2020 was the year when the bins went out more often than I mean)did.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1780722524</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author= Ilka HeinemannLauren Martin|title=101 Things to do Instead The Book of Playing on Your PhoneMoods|rating= 5|genre= Lifestyle|summary= There's a great joke I saw online recently. One cartoon person says to the other, ''What's your favourite position in bed?'' and the other replies ''Closest to the plug so I can still use my phone while it's charging''. It's funny because it's true.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>178072246X</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Brene Brown|title=Rising Strong|rating=4
|summary=This is Brené Brown's fourth I was in a great mood when I first learnt of this book. Like Elizabeth Gilbert, she is and because sarcasm doesn't always translate well known for her TED talkinto writing, imagine the word ''great'' being delivered with an eye roll and a sigh, through clenched teeth. As I had spent the best part of a professor rainy, windy weekend afternoon out on the water at our local sailing club in the University of Houstonrescue rib, she has spent the last 13 years working with peopleon standby in case anyone who was racing needed support. It's stories. Such a qualitative approachvolunteer duty we all do during the year, based on anecdote and experiencenormally I'm happy to, is relatively rare in the social sciences but certainly makes her work more accessible to laymen. Her books fall into that day the 'self-help' arenaweather was miserable and I was miserable, but without any of and it all came to a head that evening when I noticed on the negative connotations of website that termwe had been thanked for our time as "Dave and wife". Wow. Here she makes her research relevant to everyday life by weaving in pop culture references and telling stories from her family and professional lifeI had never needed this book more.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0091955033</amazonuk>1538733625
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Lee Crutchley0008420386|title=How to Be Happy (or at least less sad)Failosophy: A Creative Workbookhandbook for when things go wrong|author=Elizabeth Day
|summary=I gave up hoping for happiness many years ago What do Malcolm Gladwell, Alain de Botton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Lemn Sissay, Nigel Slater, Emeli Sandé, Meera Syal, Dame Kelly Holmes and settled instead for enjoying contentment when it arrived Andrew Scott have in common? They've all failed and trying - more importantly - they've been willing to make the most of itappear on Elizabeth Day's podcast to discuss their failures and how life worked out for them afterwards. You'Happinessll find the results of these discussions in ' seemed to be rather like 'privilegesFailosophy' - something which you shouldn't expect as of right. Most of the time it works well, but just occasionally an extra boost - a new approach - is needed. Lee Crutchley has suffered from depression and he knows that this book is not going to help when you're clinically depressed, but those of us who have been down that road know that there are certain laybys where you stop and possibly turn around.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0241201950</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Simon Dawson1504321383|title=The Sty's the Limit: When Middle Age Gets MuckySingle, Again, and Again, and Again|author=Louisa Pateman
|summary=''You can't be happy and fulfilled on your own. You are not complete until you find a man''.
This was what Louisa Pateman was brought up to believe. It wasn't unkind: it was simply the adults in her life advising her as to what they thought would be best for her. It was reinforced by all those fairy tales where the girl (she's usually fairly young) is rescued by the handsome prince who then marries her so that they can live happily ever after. Few girls are lucky enough to be brought up ''without'' the expectation that they will marry and have children. It was a belief and it would be many years before Louisa would conclude that ''a belief is a choice''.
|title=Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life
|author= Sarah Ban Breathnach
|summary=Simon Dawson has met something he cannot beat. He can't come to terms with Someone once said: it either. It's called Getting Older: not the self-indulgence, it'getting older' which we all do day by days therapy! I think they were talking about shopping, but that moment when you realise that you've moved on it probably can be applied to an entirely different stage in your life - and no one actually asked you if you wanted to go on the journeymost things. For Simon In my case, it's Middle Age that's taken him by surprise: bits of the body have stopped working as they ought applies to and he's realised that if he's going writing about things because I want to look in the mirror, bare-chested, then he shouldn't do rather than because I can sell it when heor because I's standing next ve got something to a fit teenage boysell.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1409160858</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Elizabeth SwadosSharon Blackie|title=My Depression : A Picture BookIf Women Rose Rooted|rating=45|genre=AutobiographyBiography|summary=If I normally say that you can tell how much a book means to me by how many pages have ever suffered from depression youcorners turned down. Perhaps an even greater measure of impact is setting out to buy my own copy before I'll find it very difficult to explain to other people how youve finished reading the one I're feelingve borrowed. YouI want to avoid clichés like 're not feeling powerful''just a little bit downinspiring''. A treat or a dollop of positive thinking will not miraculously cure you. Youlife-changing're – although it is definitely not swinging the lead, first two and only time will tell about the third – but suffering from clichés exist for a legitimate illness which deserves to be recognised. Elizabeth Swados is a long-term sufferer from severe depression: shereason and I's also a talented storyteller and has told her the story of how depression feels for her - complete with drawings, which fill in those gaps which words m not sure I can never fill for succinctly put it any sufferer from depressionbetter.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1609806042</amazonuk>1912836017
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=William Alexander1543987877|title=Flirting With FrenchLearn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life|author=Dr Thomas Jordan
|summary=I am not a bad linguist. I don’t tend ''Learn to Love: Guide to struggle with languages too much, especially when the goal Healing Your Disappointing Love Life'' is communicative fluency a book about love relationships rather than precise grammatical accuracy, a book about love. The two greatest emotions are love and grief and I’ve taught English as a foreign language in a handful love is the opposite of countries toogrief: ''if you love'', so I have some ideas of what does Dr Thomas Jordan tells us, ''you will inevitably grieve''. Your love relationships begin the moment you're born and doesn’t work with language acquisition in adultsend only when you die. William Alexander Whilst we all come into the world hoping to give and receive love there are many people for whom love is, perhaps, not quite so luckysimple. An American with a longing to be a Frenchman, he is devoting himself to learning Some people suffer multiple disappointments - sometimes repeating the lingo same mistakes - and much morethis eventually becomes resignation. For people who are making the same mistakes repeatedly, self-preservation, and chronicles his efforts in this bookthe form of resignation is a necessity.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0715649957</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Amy MorinMichael Harris|title=13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't DoSolitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World
|genre=Popular ScienceLifestyle|summary=When Amy Morin This is not the book I was just 26 and working as a psychologist and therapist her husband died suddenlyexpecting it to be. For some reason I expected it to be another self-help manual on how to find calm, how to step outside the mainstream, but even whilst she was reeling from it is not that at all. Instead of telling us how, it is more about the shock she realised that there were things which she must ''notwhy'' do. She knew that she must not develop Harries examines how we're eroding solitude, which used to be a sense natural part of entitlementour human life, feel resentment or succumb to self-pityand why that matters. That was ten years ago: since then Morin Of course he talks about how some people have found solitude and what has remarried come of that, and worked with numerous patients using the principles which she applied to herself. She's found 13 common habits which hold us back eventually in life and developed strategies to combat them. But the best thing which she makes clear is that mental strength is not final chapter he talks about acting tough - for instancehis own experience of having deliberately sought it out, if you've suffered a bereavement, you need to grieve but mostly he wanders down the alleys and by- it's ways that his thinking about having the mental wherewithal to overcome life's challengesthis lost art led him.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0008105936</amazonuk>1847947662
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=John Kemp0753553236|title=Caring for ShirleyTiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything|author=B J Fogg|rating=45|genre=AutobiographyLifestyle|summary=John KempGo on, admit it - you's wifere not quite perfect. You still have those odd, Shirleyquirky even loveable (to you) habits which seem to annoy other people. Other people, suffered from dementia and loss of coordination and for eight years he was her full-time carer as she was unable to walk unaided (wellcourse, she ''are sorely afflicted with some dreadful flaws which they could'' - but it was likely to result in so easily correct, if only they would make just a serious fall) and took care little bit of all her most personal needseffort. Probably the most heart-breaking part of this is that Shirley didn't recognise John as her husband - apart from 'give us a kiss'Or put another way, I get cross with myself because I forget to do things or do some actions more than I should and no matter how I try to make what seem to be quite monumental changes I never quite seem to get to grips with the question 'where's John?' was usually the first which sprang to her lips in any situationconcepts. I constantly fail and then I get cross with myself for failing. Although she could often have quite an affable disposition she was capable Lack of kicking and biting when she was being 'encouraged' willpower is another burden to do something which she didn't want add to dothe list.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1479374245</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Dr William Davis1785785516|title=Wheat Belly: The effortless health and weight-loss solution - no exercise, no calorie counting, no denialFucking Good Manners|author=Simon Griffin
|summary=Dr William Davis poses an interesting question: why is it that people who are leading an active Manners maketh man, they say. It certainly makes life and eating easier if everybody abides by a healthy diet set of conventions, some of which are putting on weight despite all their best efforts? He has a simple ages old and worrying answer: wheat, other which he argues increases blood sugar more than table sugarhave evolved over time. The problem isn't restricted Manners are not about how much to tip or how you should behave if you get an invitation to weight gainBuckingham Palace, eitherthey have nothing to do with class or financial status: there they's evidence re about getting the basics right before we try to suggest that wheat affects psychosis and autism toodeal with more difficult matters. In fact - the Of course we all have more that you read, the more you'll wonder if thererelaxed manners when we's an organ in the body which ''isn't'' adversely affected by wheat.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0008118922</amazonuk>}}{{newreview|author=Holly Baxter re with family and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett|title=The Vagenda: A Zero Tolerance Guide to the Media|rating=3|genre=Lifestyle|summary=I love magazines more than is socially acceptable, and I invariably read the women’s ones, or the fitness onesfriends, but yes, mainly those ones for females which insist on telling me how it's best if we learn to dress distinguish between our public and act, how to style hair in some areas private lives and remove it in others, how to have it all but still let men open doors for meact appropriately. I don’t really object ''Fucking Good Manners'' aims to any of this – after all, I choose to keep subscribing – but I was still keen to read this book. And not just to check I hadn’t been indoctrinated into forgetting it was all a ruse to make me buy stuffhelp us on the way.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1784700436</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Madsen Pirie1999811402|title=How to Win Every ArgumentPainting Snails|author=Stephen John Hartley
|genre=LifestyleAutobiography|summary=When It's very difficult to classify ''Painting Snails'': originally I thought that as it's loosely based around a year on an allotment it would be a lifestyle book makes a promise on its cover, call me old fashioned but I’m kinda expecting it you're not going to deliver get advice on thiswhat to plant when and where for the best results. So The answer would be something along the lines of 'try it and see'How to Win Every Argument'' has me thinking that . Then I would read it considered popular science as Stephen Hartley failed his A levels, did an engineering apprenticeship, became a busker, finally got into medical school and become is now an expert in proving I’m right all the A&E consultant (part-time (even when I’m not). I was expecting found out that there's an awful lot more to what goes on in a Major Trauma Centre than you'll ever glean from ''Casualty'', but that isn't really what the sort of hints and tips one could use book's about. There's a lot about rock & roll, which seems to argue successfully that be the Earth is flatreal passion of Hartley's life, chocolate is but it didn't actually fit into the entertainment genre either. Did we have a vegetable (cocoa is a plant) and Cheerleaders should rule category for 'doing the impossible the hard way'? Yep - that's the worldone. Simples It's an autobiography.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>147252912X</amazonuk>
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