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[[Category:New Reviews|Politics and Society]]==Politics and society==__NOTOC__ <!-- Remove -->{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Mick Hume1009473085|title=There Is No Such Thing As A Free PressThe Conservative Effect 2010 - 2024|author=Anthony Seldon and Tom Egerton (Editors)
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=ISometimes it's simpler to explain a book by describing what it ''isn't''ll confess and that the phoneapplies to ''The Conservative Effect: 2010-2024 -hacking scandal largely left me cold14 Wasted Years?''. It seemed to be If you're looking for an easy read which will deliver the inside story about people who had courted the media interest complaining that they had caught the mediawhat ''really''s interest when they didnhappened on certain occasions, then this isn't intend to do sothe book for you. Then the hacking of murdered teenager Milly DowlerIf that's phone came to light and disinterest turned to disgust. The Leveson Enquiry became the best show in town if what you really wanted to hear about what celebrities had been doing and 're looking for, I moved to wondering what the outcome would don't think Anthony Seldon's book, {{amazonurl|isbn=B0BH7SKG2S|title=Johnson at 10}}, can be and whether it would prove to be a talking shop and waste of moneybettered for those tumultuous years. It might have remained that way if the Jimmy Savile scandal hadn't dominated the news for s a couple of weeks compelling read and I really began should be compulsory for anyone who thinks Johnson should return to wonder if we here at Bookbag Towers were the politics. ''onlyThe Conservative Effect'' people hadn't known what was going onis an entirely different beast. Why hadnIt't s the seventh book in a series which looks at the impact a government has made and co-editor Sir Anthony Seldon regards this made headlines when other less as the most important news had? I needed to know more about . This book follows the press. I particularly needed to know if increased regulation well- which seems almost inevitable - could produce more Jimmy Savilesestablished format: a series of experts from various fields review the state of the nation when the coalition took over in 2010, the changes that occurred and the situation in 2024.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1845403509</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Sandy GallAlastair Humphreys|title=War Against the Taliban: Why it All Went Wrong in AfghanistanLocal|rating=4.5|genre=Politics and SocietyTravel |summary=It's always struck me that there are several countries where western might is going to be largely ineffective when Alastair Humphreys has walked and cycled all over the world. And then written about it comes to an invasion or any other form of warfare. Vietnam proved For this book he walked and cycled very close to be one such place for the Americans back in the seventies home and when the latest incursion into Afghanistan was announced my immediate reaction was that there would be no positive outcome, not least because that was what history dictatedthen wrote about it. This was broadly correct but overly simplistic and this was one of As he says in his introduction, the reasons why Sandy Gallbook is an attempt ''s book appealed to me so muchshare what I have learnt about some big issues from a year exploring a small map. He's been involved with Afghanistan since ''beforeNature loss, pollution, land use and access, agriculture, the food system, rewilding…'' One of the Soviet invasion joys of 1979. This isn't a war correspondent dropping in and out of a country, but a man with a deep love for the people and a concern book for their welfare. He has me was that the contactsbiggest thing he learned about all of these things was that there are no easy answers, no single 'right or wrong', his knowledge that every upside is encyclopaedic likely to have a downside for somebody and he's an expert communicatorthat there are some hard choices ahead.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1408809052</amazonuk>1785633678
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Shirley HarrisonEdel Rodriguez|title=Sylvia PankhurstWorm: The Rebellious SuffragetteA Cuban American Odyssey|rating=4.5|genre=BiographyGraphic Novels|summary=To some extentWe're in childhood, the history of the suffragettes was also the history of the Pankhurst familyand we're in Cuba. Sylvia, born in 1882The revolution has happened, was the second daughter of Dr Richard and Emmeline PankhurstCastro, and one first thought of three sisters. The family had always been heavily politicised, Richard being as a founder member saviour of the Fabian Society alongside George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wellscountry, has proven himself a Communist, and the children had quite an austere upbringingnot done nearly enough to create a level playing field for all. When their father’s health took a sudden turn for the worse in 1898Well, Emmeline and eldest daughter Christabel those hours-long speeches of his were abroad on business and Sylvia was left kind of taking his time away. Our narrator's family weren't in charge the happiest of her younger siblings places here, an uncle refusing to be the good soldier the country demanded (especially as well as having he would probably be shipped off to nurse himsome minor pro-Communism skirmish, taking such as Angola) and the full force of the shock when he died in her armsfather being watched and watched, and not liked for his successful photography business, success being frowned upon. With his passing The mother gets the couple jobs with the party to ease some of the family were left strangely detached from each other. His widow became heavily involved heat, but in public work and political agitationthis sultry island country, an increasingly remote mother from it remains the kind of heat forcing you out of the young children who needed…|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1780950187</amazonuk>1474616720
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=David KaiserSarah Wilson|title=How the Hippies Saved PhysicsThis One Wild and Precious Life: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revivalpath back to connection in a fractured world
|genre=Popular ScienceLifestyle|summary=In his introduction Professor Kaiser states that there are three ways My favourite Mary Oliver line is the one in which she asks ''What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?'' I get to love that line so much because my answer is ''This! Precisely this.'' I'm lucky enough to be living my one wild and precious life the west coast hippies have benefited the development of Physics; they opened up deeper speculation into way I want to. Sarah Wilson is equally lucky. In her book that takes Oliver's words as her title (though I can't see that she acknowledges the fundamental philosophy behind quantum theory, they latched on source) she pushes us to a crucial theorem of Bell, think about what Einstein termed whether we really ''spookyare'' interactions between particles at a distanceliving the life we want – the best life that we could be living. This might otherwise have been totally neglected. Thirdly they propounded a key idea which has become known as the Her answer is an unequivocal ''no-cloning theorem, we are not''. Kaiser tells a lucid account as might Don't care what you're doing, she thinks you (we, I) could be expected from the Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science and department chief in the Massachusetts Institute of Technologydoing more…And she's program. Incidentally he also provides an engaging insight into effing furious about the American industrial-military complex and associated institutions like the Californian University at Berkleyfact that we are not.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>039334231X</amazonuk>1785633848
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Clive Stafford-Smith1785633457|title=InjusticeCharging Around: Life and Death in Exploring the Courtrooms Edges of AmericaEngland by Electric Car|author=Clive Wilkinson
|genre=Politics and SocietyTravel|summary=On 16 October 1986, Derrick and Duane Moo Young were shot and killed, in MiamiClive Wilkinson has a history of travelling by unconventional means with a preference for slow travel. British businessman Kris Maharaj was arrested, and As he neared his eightieth birthday the idea of exploring the edges of England in 1987 he an electric car was convicted of their murders and sentenced to deathnot totally outrageous. His defence lawyer, Eric HendonIn fact, took the unusual line of offering no defence at all - when it came time to present should be a pleasant holiday for Clive and his casewife, he simply rested. Kris protested his innocence throughoutJoan, and continues to do so to this day. Despite weighty evidence in support of this, he still languishes in prison 26 years later.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1846556252</amazonuk>shouldn't it?
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Gordon Weiss1529153050|title=The CageBritain's Best Political Cartoons 2022|author=Tim Benson
|genre=HistoryHumour|summary=The history of Ceylon, Seeking some light relief from the current political turmoil which is coming to seem more and latterly Sri Lanka has at its centre more like an undeniable contradiction. A nation which espoused and proclaimed peaceful Buddhism adrenaline sport, I was caught in one nudged towards ''Britain's Best Political Cartoons of 2022''. Sharp eyes will have noted that we're not yet through the bloodiest conflicts in year: the recent past, a conflict peppered with suicide bombings, mass killings, rapes, torture and imprisonment, and more than a hint of genocidecartoons run from 4 September 2021 to 31 August 2022. Gordon Weiss was intimately involved as a journalist and as the United Nations Spokesman Who can imagine what there will be to come in Sri Lanka for two years of the almost 40 years conflict, and has produced a detailed account of the background and eventual denouement of this conflict.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>009954847X</amazonuk>2023 edition?
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Siri HustvedtB0B7289HKQ|title=LivingConversations Across America: A Father and Son, ThinkingAlzheimer's, Lookingand 300 Conversations Along the TransAmerica Bike Trail that Capture the Soul of America|author=Kari Loya
|genre=LifestyleTravel|summary='LivingKari (that rhymes with ‘sorry’, Thinking, Looking' is by the way) wanted to spend some time with his father and the period between two jobs seemed like a collection of essays by Siri Hustvedt whichgood time to do it. The decision was made to ride the Trans America Bike Trail from Yorktown, she claimsVirginia to Astoria, are linked by an abiding curiosity about what Oregon - all 4250 miles of it means - in 2015. They had 73 days to do it - slightly less than the recommended time - but there were factors which pointed this up as more of a challenge that it would be humanfor most people who considered taking it on. In these essays she examines who we are Merv Loya was 75 years old and how we got that wayhe was suffering from early-stage Alzheimer's.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1444732633</amazonuk>
|title=22 Ideas About The Future
|author=Benjamin Greenaway and Stephen Oram (Editors)
|genre=Science Fiction
|summary=''Our future will be more complex than we expected. Instead of flying cars, we got night-vision killer drones and automated elderly care with geolocation surveillance bracelets to track grandma.''
{{newreview|author=Alex Brummer|title=Britain for Sale|rating=4I've got a couple of confessions to make.5|genre=Business and Finance|summary=Buy British, we I're constantly told, m not keen on short stories as I find it easy to read a few stories and many people do - the French, then forget to return to the Germans, Qataris, If you want There's got to buy British you'd be hard pressed a very compelling hook to use a British electricity company, keep me engaged. Then there's science fiction: far too often it's the people shifting North Sea oil to you might be foreign, technology which takes centre stage along with the trains near you may be foreignworld-operated, and so much of whatbuilding. It's in human beings who fascinate me: the shops you buy from would of coursed be sourced from abroad, technology and shipped through foreign-owned portsthe world scape are purely incidental. Whether or not the country is going to hell in So, what did I think of a handcartbook of twenty-two science fiction short stories? Well, I loved it's moving in piecemeal stages to exterior business interests, and the British citizen gets the worst of the deal.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1847940757</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Umberto Eco Jane Goodall and Jean-Claude CarriereDouglas Abrams |title=This is Not the End The Book of the Book;Hope |rating=4.5|genre=EntertainmentPolitics and Society |summary=In many ways, The done thing is to read a book all the cover of my edition of this book is perfectly appropriateway through before you sit down to review it. Huge, bold serif scriptI’m making an exception here, with nothing but the typeface; a declamatory instance of the art in the most common because I don’t want to lose any of fonts, and that perfect semi-colon at the end experience of the book's name - proving that that itself is not the be-all and end-all. Buy reading this amazing book, I want to capture it as you can, in electronic form, and you might see this cover for ten seconds at most, but it hits me. And it is so much part and parcel of what's withinhitting me. This beautiful book has me in tears.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0099552450</amazonuk>024147857X
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Ian Bremmer1788360737|title=Every Nation Artivism: The Battle for Itself: Winners and Losers Museums in a G-Zero Worldthe Era of Postmodernism|author=Alexander Adams|rating=42|genre=Politics and Society|summary=We're all used Can art ever be apolitical? All art is political because art is not made in a vacuum. It is made by people. Antonio Gramsci stated that ‘’Every man… contributes to terms like 'G7' which then became modifying the 'G8' - the group of countries social environment in which met periodically to thrash out global problems - frequently with America being expected to take the lead where military muscle or finance was concernedhe develops’’. We Therefore, all art must be political, even nod knowingly at implicitly. Alexander Adams in his new book ‘Artivism: The Battle for Museum in the mention Era of the G20 Postmodernism’ is adamant that art is freer when it is art for art’s sake. The recent trend of so- formed with the good intention that a larger group would be able called artivism has caused artists to tackle such issues as climate changebecome more overtly political (read: left wing). We know where good intentions generally lead but there wasn't even sufficient agreement amongst the nations Their seemingly grass roots movements have been astroturfed by large “left-wing” donors and media elites hoping to all head off in the same directioncreate a more globalist and progressive regime. So when a point was reached where America was no longer financially able or politically willing to play global policeman Or at least that’s what was left?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0670921041</amazonuk>Alexander Adams believes.
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Richard Parry1398508632|title=People Who Eat Darkness: Love, Grief and a Journey into Japan's ShadowsThe Wilderness Cure|author=Mo Wilde
|genre=Politics and SocietyLifestyle|summary=Just over a decade ago, 21-year-old Lucie Blackman went to Japan in search of adventure, excitement, and a way to pay off her debts. A couple of months later, her disappearance set in motion a high profile investigation which would see her face plastered over It had been on the news cards for some time in this country. As so often happens with the media, though, there was a huge amount of interest in her plight, and her family's desperate search for her, and then, with the mystery looking less and less likely to be solved, the papers found something else to report on. Just over half a year later, there was a tragic end to the tale as her dismembered body was discovered.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099502550</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Stieg Larsson|title=The Expo Files: Articles by the Crusading Journalist|rating=4.5|genre=Politics and Society|summary=[[:Category:Stieg Larsson and Reg Keeland (translator)|Stieg Larsson]] would not have known Anders Breivik, while but if they'd coincided you can be damned sure he knew all there it was to know about him. Larsson and his journalist colleagues were working to condemn the farweek-right activities throughout Europe, and open the truth about the right-wing Swedish parties to his audience, and here is constant proof he knew an awful lot about his awful subject. In just the first two, powerful, short essays here he brings terrorism in the UK, Italy and Oklahoma to his home audience, and discusses Swedish extremism in its light; showing the liberal laws in Sweden that allowed the extremists to be seen as too much on the straight and narrow, too mainstream, and even able to enter parliamentlong consumer binge which pushed Mo Wilde into beginning her year of eating only wild food. The idea end of 'it couldn't happen here' gets blown out the water, and as we've seen that is relevant to us everywhere.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0857051342</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Toby Manhire (editor)|title=The Arab Spring: Rebellion, revolution, and a new world order|rating=3.5|genre=Politics and Society|summary=A Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire on 17th December 2010November, particularly in what appeared at Central Scotland was perhaps not the best time to be a desperate gesture showing a complete lack of hope after his humiliation by a municipal official. What followed was one of the most remarkable events of recent yearsstart, as a wave of revolutions occured in what became known as the Arab Spring. As you'd expect from a top nwespaper, world where the Guardian normal sores had reportersbeen exacerbated by climate change, bloggers Brexit and columnists covering it all, and Toby Manhire provides a compilation of the paper's output herepandemic.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0852652542</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Daniel Everett|title=Language Wilde had a few advantages: The Cultural Tool|rating=4.5|genre=Popular Science|summary=Daniel Everett previously worked as the area around her was a missionary in far flung corners of the world– known habitat with a fact that isn’t surprising given the number variety of references to faith that crop up over the pagesterrains. This new book, however, is about two much more appealing ( She had electricity which allowed her to me) subjects: language and travel. If [[:Category:Bill Bryson|Bill Bryson]] is run a travel writer with an interest in linguisticsfridge, then Daniel Everett is a linguist with an interest in travelfreezer and dehydrator. It’s not quite the ‘read it by She had a pool’ sort of book that Bryson might release but is somewhere between a formalised every day read car - and a text book with a big dollop of informality stirred infuel. The travel stories – jaunts to Brazil Most importantly, Mexico and beyond – are great, and while you might think they’re taking things she had shelter: this was not a bit plan to ''live'' wild just to live off track (albeit in a rather pleasant way) sooner or later the linguistic point will become clearits produce.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1846682673</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Kira Cochrane (editor)1529149800|title=Women of the RevolutionThings You Can Do: Forty Years of FeminismHow to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Waste|author=Eduardo Garcia and Sara Boccaccini Meadows
|genre=Politics Home and SocietyFamily|summary=Some revolutions happen faster than othersWe begin with a telling story. All the birds and animals fled when the forest fire took hold and most of them stood and watched, unable to think of anything they could do. The tiny hummingbird flew to the river and the revolution in society's thinking about women is certainly one began taking tiny amounts of water and flying back to drop them into the more gradual onesfire. Kira Cochrane, Women The animals laughed: what good was that doing. 's Editor at the 'I'Guardianm doing the best I can'' from 2006 – 2010, has collected together said the best articles and essays from hummingbird. And that paper's women's section since 1971. The result, ''Women of the Revolution: Forty Years of Feminism''really, is a lively account of the more recent women's liberation movement in only way that we will solve the UK and problem of climate change – by each of the issues facing women in a modernus doing what we can, late twentieth/early twenty-first century societyhowever small that might be.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0852652275</amazonuk>
|title=Black, White, and Gray All Over: A Black Man's Odyssey in Life and Law Enforcement
|author=Frederick Reynolds
|summary=''Corruption is not department, gender or race specific. It has everything to do with character. Period.''
{{newreview|author=Frankie Owens|title=The Little Book of Prison|rating=4|genre=Politics and Society|summary=It’s probably pretty safe to assume that the sort of prisons shown on TV, and their portrayals of life inside, bear as much resemblance to real jails as the doctors in Grey’s Anatomy or House do to their NHS counterparts. That’s why Frankie has written this book: to provide a guide to what life inside is really like and how best to survive it with your sanity, and ''One more body, intactjust wouldn't matter''.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1904380832</amazonuk>}}
{{newreview|author=Peter Stone (editor)|title=Lotteries in Public Life|rating=5|genre=Politics and Society|summary=Peter Stone's reader is an examination not so much The murder of examples of lotteries George Floyd, a forty-six-year-old black man, on 25 May 2020 by Derek Chauvin, a forty-four-year-old police officer, in public life, but the US city of Minneapolis sent shock waves around the theoretical and conceptual issues which the use world. We rarely see pictures of a murder taking place but Floyd'sortation' in decision taking raisess death was an exception. There are essays here about the use The image of the lottery in politics, in allocating scarce resources (such as school places or human organs) Chauvin kneeling on George's neck is not one which I'll ever forget and even on the problems of defining protests which followed cannot have been unexpected. There was a backlash against the lottery police - and the methods for assuring fairness. Because lotteries are used not just in many societies to resolve issues and perhaps because of recent discussion of the use of Minneapolis: whatever their colour or creed they were ''all'' tarred by the lottery to allocate school places, this is a hot issue which raises fundamental questions about democracy and choiceChauvin brush.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1845402081</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Donovan HohnMatthieu Aikins|title=Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost at SeaNaked Don't Fear the Water
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=In January 1992 a container ship was on its way from China It's easy to forget at times that The Naked Don't Fear the USA when Water isn't actually fiction, because it was caught in reads very much like a storm and two containers broke loose from the deckwell-paced thriller at times. They held nearly thirty thousand bath toys - yellow ducksThis is not by any means a criticism, green frogs, red beavers but rather a testament to how well Matthieu Aikins – a Canadian citizen who decided to accompany his friend as a refugee from Afghanistan through Europe – recounts a vast and blue turtles - which were freed when the containers broke up and have circumnavigated the globe for almost twenty yearsat times painful journey. Donovan Hohn was a teacher There are tense moments and when one gripping accounts of his students wrote an essay describing what border crossings which had happened to me on edge the toys whole way through. But it caught Hohn's imagination. The rest is - as they say - history written with a haunting and almost lyrical quality that allows the reader to perfectly envisage the environments and a very good bookpeople described.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1908526009</amazonuk>B09N9157T6
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Anita Anand, Julian Barnes, Bella Bathurst, Alan Bennett and others1785633074|title=The Library BookStaggering Hubris|author=Josh Berry
|genre=LifestyleHumour|summary=I had better begin Members of Parliament like us to believe that the country is run by saying politicians, headed by the Prime minister - the ''primus inter pares'' (that I had a vested interest in liking this book since I am a chartered librarian myself 's for those of you who are Eton and so am wholeheartedly in support of saving our nationOxbridge educated) but the reality is that the ''prime''s public librariesmovers are the special advisers - the SPADS - who are the driving force behind the government. But you don't need We are in the privileged position of having access to be a librarian to enjoy this bookthe memoirs of Rafe Hubris, the man who was behind the skilful control of the Covid crisis which was completely contained by the end of 2020. It is rich with anecdotes from some wonderful writers and makes a pleasant read whether you're keen You might not know the name now but he will certainly be the man to save libraries or notwatch.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1781250057</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Helen Oakwater1846276772|title=Bubble Wrapped ChildrenThe End of Bias: How We Change Our Minds|author=Jessica Nordell|rating=34.5
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=Anyone who is not an able, white man understands bias in that they may no longer even recognise the extent to which they suffer from it: it''Bubble Wrapped Children'' takes s simply a look at the state part of adoption in everyday life. White men will always come first. The able will come before the UKdisabled. Jobs, and how aspects of it promotions, higher salaries are being threatened by the use preserve of social networksthe white man. The author, with over 20 years Even when those who wouldn' experience in t pass the adoption world, paints medical become a broad picture part of an organisation it's rare that their views are heard, that their concerns are acknowledged. It's personally appalling and degrading for the issues facing adopters and adoptees. Peppering individuals on the text are some examples receiving end of unwanted Facebook contact from birth parents, which have had massive knock-on effects for the adopted childrenbias but it's not just the individuals who are negatively impacted.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1780920970</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Francesca Beauman1529148251|title=Shapely Ankle Preferr'dMisfits: A History of the Lonely Hearts AdvertisementPersonal Manifesto|author=Michaela Coel
|summary=You might think the Lonely Hearts ad a trivial matter. You might think it should appear in lower case and not be capitalised, but you'd be in disagreement with Ms Beauman, who gives a big L and a big H to it every time she writes of it in her survey of its history. What's more, she gets to write about a lot more than just the contents of the adverts in this brilliant book.
|author=Justin Yifu Lin
|title=Demystifying the Chinese Economy
|genre=Business and Finance
|summary=The success of the Chinese economy, and as Lin makes us aware, a success which contrasts strongly with what appeared major failure in the recent historical past, is something which needs explanation. No one can ignore it, and we are confronted with the effects of it from the ownership of Thames water to the faces of tourists in London and Stratford on a daily basis. And in the roots of its success are the potential seeds of future change, a change that now more than ever is crucial to the way the world economy works.
|author=James Palmer
|title=The Death of Mao: The Tangshan Earthquake and the Birth of the New China
|summary=Welcome to China, where the populous are busy leaving a rural country full of prosperous mineral resources and coal mines, and shoddily-built hydro-electric dams in environmentally dubious locations, for the burgeoning, mechanised cities. But this isn't the birth of 2012, it's the dawn of 1976. Chairman Mao is dying, Premier Zhou Enlai has just died, and the cauldron of power is being stirred as never before. Among the momentous events of the year however will be a huge earthquake directly centred on the city of Tangshan, which will kill something like two thirds of a million people.
|author=Gene Sharp
|title=From Dictatorship to Democracy
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=Gene Sharp is an American politologist and a veritable (and venerable) guru of non-violent struggle. The story behind the ''From Dictatorship How am I able to Democracy'' is a fascinating one. The bookbe so transparent on paper about rape, or a booklet really as it consists of 160 small pagesmalpractice and poverty, was apparently created in response to a request from Burmese dissenters in the early 1990yet still compartmentalise? It's. Sharp responded to this request by producing a generic text, a manual for as though I were telling the subversive that lies out the theory and practical advice for those engaged in a struggle to bring down a dictatorshiptruth whilst simultaneously running away from it.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1846688396</amazonuk>}}''
{{newreview|author=Nicholas Shaxson|title=Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World|rating=4|genre=Politics and Society|summary=Most people think about the subject Before you start reading ''Misfits'' you need to be in a certain frame of mind. You're not going to read a book of tax havens essays or a self- if they need help book. You're going to think about them at all - as something read writing which is unlikely ever was inspired by Michaela Coel's 2018 MacTaggart Lecture to concern them and that they're for professionals within the television industry at the super-rich and celebritiesEdinburgh TV Festival. What You might surprise them is that more than half of world trade as well as most international lending is routed through them and that many common items in your everyday shopping will come to you via a tax haven. And we really should be thinking about them because tax havens are ensuring that wealth in unprecedented amounts is being transferred from ''reading'' the poor book but you need to ''listen'' to the rich - greatly exceeding the aid which flows words as though you're in the opposite directionlecture theatre. The disjointedness will fade away and you'll be carried on a cloud of exquisite writing.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099541726</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Louise Foxcroft0008350388|title=Calories and Corsets: A history of dieting over two thousand years|rating=4.5|genre=Politics and Society|summary=We’re in that post-Christmas period when all the socialising and indulging is over and all you’re left with is a pasty, bloated, over-fed but under-nourished complexion, a wardrobe full of clothes just a little too tight and a new year’s resolution to Get Healthy. So it’s the perfect time for a new diet book to hit the shelves. The title of this one might make you think it’s going We Need to be full of useful tips, and the cover does little to dispel this idea, groaning as it is with the weight of plump jellies, lavish cupcakes and even a decadent lobster or two, but take a moment to note the subtitle, if you will: '''a history of dieting over 2000 years'''.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1846684250</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewTalk About Money|author=Dennis O'Donnell|title=The Locked WardOtegha Uwagba|rating=45
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=Dennis O’Donnell spent 7 years working in ''To be a Scottish hospital and this dark-skinned Black woman is the account of his time there. It takes a special type of person to work in Mental Health servicesbe seen as less desirable, less hireable, less intelligent and though Oultimately less valuable than my light-skinned counterparts...'' ''We Need to Talk About Money''Donnell ultimately leaves the Locked Ward, he clearly is one of those people, made all the more remarkable by the fact that this wasn’t his life long vocation, having previously worked as a school teacher (some might say an equally challenging role). |amazonuk=<amazonuk>0224093606</amazonuk>}}Otegha Uwagba
{{newreview|author=Denise Kiernan|title=Signing Their Rights Away|rating=4|genre=History|summary=Many Americans believe that the Declaration ''0.7% of Independence is the cornerstone of the American democracy, the fountain-head English Literature GCSE students in England study a book by a writer of the American Way of Life and the American Dreamcolour while only 7% study a book by a woman. '' ''The 4th of July is the national holiday and often thought to be the single most important date in American history.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>159474520X</amazonuk>}}Bookseller'' 29 June 2021
{{newreview|author=Richard Heinberg|title=The End of Growth|rating=3Otegha Uwagba came to the UK from Kenya when she was five years old.5|genre=Business Her sisters were seven and Finance|summary=With the newspapers full of economic doom nine. It was her mother who came first, with her father joining them later. The family was hard-working, principled and gloom determined that their children would have the last thing you might want is to pick up best education possible. There was always a book that reiterates it and then some. But while painful awareness of money although this book may seem at first glance to be did not translate into a bit shortage of a downer, anything: it also provides an insight into how things might just work out ok in was simply carefully harvested. When Otegha was ten the endfamily acquired a car. Yes For Otegha, they’ll be some big changes – there have education meant a scholarship to be because the direction we’ve been heading a private school in is just not sustainable – but if we’re willing to adaptLondon and then a place at New College, we will survive was the main message I picked up as I flicked through the pagesOxford.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1905570333</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=David LammyRichard Brook|title=Out of the AshesUnderstanding Human Nature: Britain After the RiotsA User's Guide to Life
|genre=Politics and SocietyLifestyle|summary=Just about everyone in the country was shocked as pictures of the 2011 riots (which began in Tottenham I am a firm believer that sometimes we choose books, and spread to other major cities in the UK) unfolded on our television screenssometimes books choose us. EveryoneIn my case, that this is, except David Lammy, MP for one of the arealatter. He might not Not so very long ago, if I had come across this book I'd have known when skimmed it, found some of it would happen or what would trigger the riotinteresting, but a year before, he said that it would happen. This wasnnot have 'hit home't a lucky guess: Lammy was born in Tottenham and brought up on the Broadwater Farm Estate as one of five children raised by his single-parent mother and he knows whatway that it does now. I believe it came to me not just because I was likely to give it a favourable review [ ''full disclosure The Bookbag's happening on u.s.p. is that people chose their own books rather than getting them randomly, so there is a predisposition towards expecting to like the groundbook, even if it doesn't always turn out that way'' ] – but also because it is a book I needed to read, right now.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0852652674</amazonuk>1800461682
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Luke Harding1787332098|title=Mafia StateHow to Love Animals in a Human-Shaped World|author=Henry Mance
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=Luke Harding set himself a difficult task when he took up his post as the Guardian’s main man ''When we do think about animals, we break them down into species and groups: cows, dogs, foxes, elephants and so on. And we assign them places in society: cows go on plates, dogs on sofas, foxes in Moscow. He had already put his name to a front page story which appeared rubbish bins, elephants in zoos, and millions of wild animals stay out there, ''somewhere,'' hopefully on the Guardian in April 2007next David Attenborough series. This '' I was an account of an interview with the arch-oligarch and Kremlin criticgoing to argue. I mean, Boris Berezovskycows are for cheese (I couldn't consider eating red meat.. Harding was not at .) and I much prefer my elephants in the interview wild but added background to then I realised that I was quibbling for the article from Moscowsake of it. However, Essentially that quote sums up my attitude to be in any way associated with Berezovsky was sufficient animals - and I consider myself an animal lover. If I had to incur choose between the wrath company of humans and the Russian Federal Security Servicecompany of animals, I would probably choose the FSB – the successor animals. I insisted that I read this book: no one was trying to the KGBstop me but I was initially reluctant. The offending account was entitled I eat cheese, eggs, 'chicken and fish and I am plotting a new Russian revolution - London exile Berezovsky says force necessary needed to bring down President Putin'either do so without guilt or change my choices. I suspected that making the decision would not be comfortable.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>085265247X</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Ed Vulliamy1523092734|title=Amexica: War Along the BorderlineA Women's Guide to Claiming Space|author=Eliza Van Cort
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=More than 38,000 people have been killed ''She brings a hug-kick-thunderclap that every woman needs in the last 3 years in what Ed Vulliamy argues is an unacknowledged warher life. Again and again and again.'' (Alma Derricks, on the long border (2former CMO,100 milesCirque du Soleil RSD) between Mexico  ''To claim space is to live the life of choosing unapologetically and the United Statesbravely. The war It is between drug trafficking gangs over control of the lucrative drugs trade from Mexico to live the US. In this compelling and disturbing work of reportage Vulliamy travels through the borderlands meeting some of the people affectedlife you've always wanted. |amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099546566</amazonuk>}}''
{{newreview|author=Jennifer Hayashi Danns and Leveque Sandrine|title=StrippedSometimes the reviewing gods are generous: The Bare Reality of Lap Dancing|rating=3|genre=Politics and Society|summary=Before I can startat a time when violence against women is much in the news, I should qualify that I have never been, nor tried ''A Women's Guide to be, a lapdancerClaiming Space'' by Eliza Van Cort dropped onto my desk. Nor have I ever gone Now - to be clear - this book is not a lapdancing club, nor ever tried 'how to. I have no opinion on the matter, save that I candisable your attacker with two simple jabs' manual: it't imagines something far more effective, in but discussion at the world of free internet porn, paying some averagely attractive woman moment seems to wiggle her semi-nudity in the general direction of my face, and thinking it erotically arousingbe about how women can be ''protected''. So I come 've always thought that women need to rise above this academically-designed volume on the matter with no prejudice, to be people who don't need protection, people who claim their own space. If only all women did this, those few men who are violent to women would realise that were the case with the creatorswe are not just an easy target to be used to prove that they are big men.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1905570325</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Stephen H SegalPolly Barton|title=Geek WisdomFifty Sounds
|genre=Popular SciencePolitics and Society|summary=Where do I am by no means a fully fledged geekstart? I could start with where Barton herself starts, but on with the Big Bang scale Iquestion 'm probably more of a Leonard than a Penny. I was weaned on 'Why Japan?'Star Trek '', chose ''Hitchhiker’s Guide... '' as Japan has been on my reading aloud piece radar for a Year 7 exam, while and think it if the world hadn't gone into melt-down I would be more than a little fun to take a trip to Comic Conhave visited by now. At the same timeI may get there later this year, there are gaping holes in my knowledgebut I am not hopeful. My first celeb crush might have been ''Blake’s 7’s'' Villa but And like Barton, Idon've never seen a t know the answer to the question ''Batmanwhy Japan?'' filmShe explains her feelings in respect of the question in the first essay, never read a comic book, never quite understood what all which is on the sound ''giro'Star Wars'' fuss was about. If Sci Fi is a religion, then this is the book that can fill me in one the stories– which she describes as being, the parablesamong other things, the rules, as it were, sound of geekdom. I had ''every party where you have to have itintroduce yourself''.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1594745277</amazonuk>1913097501
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Laurence Manley (editor)Stephen Fabes|title=The Cambridge Companion to the Literature Signs of LondonLife|rating=3.5|genre=Politics and SocietyTravel|summary=The history I was brought up on maps and first-person narratives of tales of London is a long far away places. I was birth-righted wanderlust and storied onecuriosity. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit what Dr. Stephen Fabes clearly had which was the guts to simply go out and do it. I also didn's unsurprising t inherit the kind of steady nerve, ability to talk to strangers and basic practicality that so many people would have written about meant that I would have survived if I had been gifted with the capitalrequisite 'bottle'. In order words I've always loved m not the city, its history and novels and plays set within London, so was really keen to sort of person who will get my hands on this new volume in the Cambridge Companion seriesa bike outside a London hospital and not come home for six years. Fabes did precisely that.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0521722314</amazonuk>1788161211
|title=Single, Again, and Again, and Again
|author=Louisa Pateman
|summary=''You can't be happy and fulfilled on your own. You are not complete until you find a man''.
{{newreview|author=Jolyon Fenwick and Marcus Husselby|title=This was what Louisa Pateman was brought up to believe. It Could Have Been Yourswasn't unkind: The enlightened person's guide it was simply the adults in her life advising her as to what they thought would be best for her. It was reinforced by all those fairy tales where the yeargirl (she's most desirable things|rating=4|genre=Trivia|summary=In a world of diamond-encrusted skulls, gold-leafed iPhones and luxury yachts ten a penny, of blingy shit (or should usually fairly young) is rescued by the handsome prince who then marries her so that they can live happily ever after. Few girls are lucky enough to be shitty bling?) itbrought up ''without''s a relief to know people are still spending money on unique one-offs the expectation that are more worthwhile. The records for costliest photo, artwork, musical instrument they will marry and manuscript have all been broken in the twenty four months leading up to this book's releasechildren. Our collators have scoured the press for those It was a belief and other, similarly noteworthy auctions, and found what other people paid for what you didnit would be many years before Louisa would conclude that ''a belief is a choice''t know you would have wanted given the money.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1846684900</amazonuk>
{{newreview|author=John L Locke|title=Duels and Duets: Why Men and Women Talk So Differently|rating=4|genre=Move to [[Newest Popular Science|summary=Locke's subtitle ''Why Men and Women Talk So Differently'' might lead you to think that this is just another self-help ''Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'' tome. It's not. Rather than focussing upon what we all know from experience – that men and women do not communicate very well because of some fundamental difference in their respective approach to verbal expression – the New York City University Professor of Linguistics sets out to explain WHY that might be.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0521887135</amazonuk>}}Reviews]]