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White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
|author=Lilja Sigurdardottir and Quentin Bates (translator)
|reviewer=John Lloyd
|summary=As is quite often, an intriguing visit to Iceland and its crimes, but not the most successful – and certainly not the most surprising – occasion.
|title=White Nights
|sort=White Nights
|author=Fyodor Dostoyevsky
|reviewer=Heather Magee
|genre=Anthologies, Literary Fiction
|publisher=Orenda Books
|summary=This collection of three short stories by Dostoyevsky was a delight. The psychological depth of the characters, the ‘skaz’ narrative style and the wonderful moments of humour all make this collection an immensely entertaining read.  
|date=October 2020
|publisher=Penguin Classics
|date=February 2023
Meet Ursula, the stand-in minister, drafted in from outside the leading party to cover the post for a year.  You might get to meet her hunky husband she can't believe she deserves, and the children who are ignorant of just how she spent all her empathy for them on previous jobs in the foreign aid charity sector. You'll meet her ministry's cleaner, who bizarrely has fallen into the task of helping a famous newsreader with her Tinder profile. You'll certainly meet a homeless tramp, who has taken one look at a newspaper image of Ursula, and, knowing her of old, decided she needs saving from the devil posing beside her. You'll meet the ministerial bodyguard and driver the tramp almost immediately forces Ursula to accept. But as for the first ministerial case, of a woman demanding her daughter's rape get looked at and pronto, nobody can say, for all records of Ursula's meeting with the woman have been wiped…
As always in Dostoyevsky, the character work is sublime. One is never left wondering what a character is thinking or feeling because Dostoyevsky lays bare their innermost dispositions and temperaments with remarkable clarity.
The first story, ‘A Nasty Business’ follows Ivan Ilyich Pravinsky, a young man recently appointed as a general. With his newfound status, Ivan fancies himself a progressive, priding himself on his humane values—especially in contrast to his colleagues, whom he dismisses as "retrogrades”.
One evening, he literally (and drunkenly) stumbles upon a subordinate’s wedding, and decides to enter, boasting his indifference towards class divisions. What unfolds is a hilariously cringe-worthy series of events in which Ivan Ilyich’s supposed humility completely unravels. His drunken antics quickly make him the unwelcome centre of attention. He ruins the wedding, ends up sleeping in the bridal bed, and vomits throughout the night—his noble intentions amounting to nothing but chaos and embarrassment. The brilliance of this story lies in Dostoyevsky's ability to craft situations that leave the reader wincing at Ivan Ilyich’s utter lack of self-awareness. Despite his self-image as a man of the people, his behaviour disrupts the natural social order, revealing the farcical limits of his ‘progressive’ ideals.
‘The Meek One’, the second story, is longer and written in a more fragmented prose, mirroring the scattered mental state of its narrator, a middle-aged pawnbroker. He opens the story in a state of shock, having just discovered that his young wife has committed suicide minutes before he arrived home. He recounts the events of their troubled relationship, marked by his misguided attempt to ‘save’ her from her dismal family situation by proposing to her.
This so-called noble intention, however, only serves to underscore his own emotional ineptitude. In his efforts to make her understand what kind of man he is, he chooses to remain silent in her company, a silence she mirrors, and which breeds mistrust and ill-feeling between them.The Russian skaz narrative style, which mimics the spoken word, works beautifully here to portray the narrator as a bumbling fool, as if he were a schoolchild recounting an incident to an exasperated teacher.
This story of a neglected wife and her clueless husband dispels into a very nihilistic worldview held by our narrator, who has displayed nothing but cowardice and insecurity throughout the tale. To put it lightly, the ending is anything but satisfactory.
I was intrigued when seeing this as an option for my reading choice to see google translated its original Icelandic title as 'Fraud' and not ''Betrayal''.  Either way that and the whole blurb suggested some further dark look at Iceland, and with snow swamping Reykjavik it's certainly not the brightest, most friendly place.  I was also interested to read that her latest book, already out for her native readers, starts a fresh series, meaning this was potentially a great way to sample this author, with a self-contained story and none of the investment in time a trilogy takes.
I couldn't pretend to have been too emotionally invested in the characters, however, which was a shame. Of course I'm rather ignorant about Nordic politics, but the idea that someone would be plucked from the charity sector front-line to become minister overnight, and at a super-ministry of three large departments at once, just wasn't believable.  It takes an age for anyone to have any superstition about how and why this happened.  Ursula's home situation with the tramp's attentions still didn't really work – and when the connection between the two thuds on to the page, well… 
The titular story, ‘White Nights’, is my favourite. The unnamed narrator, a dreamy and lonely young man, stumbles upon Nastenka one wintry night. She appears vulnerable, crying in the street, and he feels compelled to speak to her. Even the fact that he learns her name, while she never asks for his, speaks volumes about the dynamics between them. He is helplessly drawn to her; she simply hosts his kindness.
The drive for me, that kept me with this novel, was of course finding out how the heck everything else connected.  Why are there visits to a journalist's naivety at the lesbian swiping scene?  What was the truth of the rape case – both then when it allegedly happened, and now when some broom unknown has swept it under the carpet?  I'm used to the similarly-named [[:Category:Yrsa Sigurdardottor|Yrsa Sigurdardottir]] bundling completely disparate elements together and making them suddenly prove connected, but the spread here seemed even more enjoyably elaborate.  Yrsa tends to combine peculiar crime with peculiar crime – helping someone with their dating profile is not one of those.
My final impression of this read was, however, not convinced.  If the readability had been any lower I believe I would have sat and worked harder at picking holes in certain people – I was left with the taste that the novelist's advice of writing everyone to the top of their intelligence (so they don't get to do something stupid just to provide for narrative) was not completely adhered to.  I was left slightly annoyed that one of the elements of the story I identified above didn't really come to anything, except perhaps to inspire someone to do the patently impossible. But what I think I railed against the most was that it was just too guessable.  Much too early I thought to myself ''we're supposed to be thinking that now – so it must be a red herring'' – but it was the real thing.  And the fact that – unless you have an inbuilt prejudice against one character, at least – the big bad is blindingly obvious from the start drains all drama out of the way the reveal is delayed not once but twice at the conclusion.  Rarely have I felt so little surprise at the wrapping-up of a book like this, and I am never that right. Which gives me a surprise as to how this was award-nominated, and gives you no surprise to find this is not really recommended as a must-purchase. Browse it should the chance arise, for I've never been in the chambers of power in my visits to Iceland through crime fiction, but perhaps just read it for the satisfaction of solving the crime early.  And whether that makes you feel defrauded or betrayed I will leave to you.
The two decide to get to know one another over the course of several nights, sharing the stories of their lives. Our narrator speaks first, lamenting the isolation that has defined his existence: "And in vain does the dreamer rake through his old dreams, as if they were ashes, searching in these ashes for at least some little spark, in order to fan it into flames…” His poetic outpourings could easily come off as self-pitying, but Dostoyevsky’s beautiful imagery and turns of phrase make them captivating. The narrator is a typical eccentric, romantic type—driven by a "morbidly excited imagination." His aloof sincerity charms Nastenka, who seems, at best, entertained by his flights of fancy.
I must thank the publishers for my review copy.
We're still spreading the worth of reading the series containing [[Grave's End (DS Alexandra Cupidi) by William Shaw]] amongst crime fans.
Nastenka, however, is just as lonely as our narrator. She reveals that for the past year she has been bound to her blind grandmother’s clothes as punishment for mischief. She had little social life, except for a young lodger with whom she developed a slow-burning romance. The day she meets our hero is the day she has been waiting for—the day of her lover’s return from Moscow. Our narrator, besotted with Nastenka, agrees to help her reunite with her lost love, despite his growing feelings for her.
Over the course of four nights, their friendship deepens, blossoming into love. There’s a beautiful symmetry in Dostoyevsky’s portrayal of Nastenka’s world: her blind grandmother, deaf maid, and mute, lame previous lodger—all incapable of fully engaging with life. In contrast, our hero, so acutely attuned to the world through his sensitivity and emotion, seems like an irresistible force of change in her life.
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Eventually, our hero can bear it no longer: he confesses his love and after some consideration, Nastenka reciprocates, both lonely souls now bound to each other. Their brief moment of mutual affection is portrayed as a delicate dance, their emotions rippling between them through subtle gestures—a squeeze of the hand, a tear welling up, a sharp intake of breath. But this dance is interrupted by the return of Nastenka’s former lover. She ultimately chooses the life she had dreamed of before meeting our hero, leaving him to retreat once again into his solitary existence.
Nastenka remains an ambiguous figure. Is she a selfish soul, carelessly toying with our narrator's feelings? Or is she, like him, simply lonely and desperate, swept up by the kindness of a stranger? Her letter to the narrator after she becomes engaged, inviting him to her wedding, is thoughtless and almost cruel. It’s hard not to side with our hapless hero as he is left with nothing but his shattered dreams.
[[Category:Reviewer Centre]]
|author=Fyodor Dostoyevsky
|title=White Nights
|genre=Anthologies, Literary Fiction
|summary=As always in Dostoyevsky, the character work is sublime. One is never left wondering what a character is thinking or feeling because Dostoyevsky lays bare their innermost dispositions and temperaments with remarkable clarity.

Latest revision as of 14:37, 29 September 2024

White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky


White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Category: Anthologies, Literary Fiction
Rating: 5/5
Reviewer: Heather Magee
Reviewed by Heather Magee
Summary: This collection of three short stories by Dostoyevsky was a delight. The psychological depth of the characters, the ‘skaz’ narrative style and the wonderful moments of humour all make this collection an immensely entertaining read.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 240 Date: February 2023
Publisher: Penguin Classics
External links: Author's website
ISBN: 978-0241619780

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As always in Dostoyevsky, the character work is sublime. One is never left wondering what a character is thinking or feeling because Dostoyevsky lays bare their innermost dispositions and temperaments with remarkable clarity.

The first story, ‘A Nasty Business’ follows Ivan Ilyich Pravinsky, a young man recently appointed as a general. With his newfound status, Ivan fancies himself a progressive, priding himself on his humane values—especially in contrast to his colleagues, whom he dismisses as "retrogrades”.

One evening, he literally (and drunkenly) stumbles upon a subordinate’s wedding, and decides to enter, boasting his indifference towards class divisions. What unfolds is a hilariously cringe-worthy series of events in which Ivan Ilyich’s supposed humility completely unravels. His drunken antics quickly make him the unwelcome centre of attention. He ruins the wedding, ends up sleeping in the bridal bed, and vomits throughout the night—his noble intentions amounting to nothing but chaos and embarrassment. The brilliance of this story lies in Dostoyevsky's ability to craft situations that leave the reader wincing at Ivan Ilyich’s utter lack of self-awareness. Despite his self-image as a man of the people, his behaviour disrupts the natural social order, revealing the farcical limits of his ‘progressive’ ideals.

‘The Meek One’, the second story, is longer and written in a more fragmented prose, mirroring the scattered mental state of its narrator, a middle-aged pawnbroker. He opens the story in a state of shock, having just discovered that his young wife has committed suicide minutes before he arrived home. He recounts the events of their troubled relationship, marked by his misguided attempt to ‘save’ her from her dismal family situation by proposing to her.

This so-called noble intention, however, only serves to underscore his own emotional ineptitude. In his efforts to make her understand what kind of man he is, he chooses to remain silent in her company, a silence she mirrors, and which breeds mistrust and ill-feeling between them.The Russian skaz narrative style, which mimics the spoken word, works beautifully here to portray the narrator as a bumbling fool, as if he were a schoolchild recounting an incident to an exasperated teacher.

This story of a neglected wife and her clueless husband dispels into a very nihilistic worldview held by our narrator, who has displayed nothing but cowardice and insecurity throughout the tale. To put it lightly, the ending is anything but satisfactory.

The titular story, ‘White Nights’, is my favourite. The unnamed narrator, a dreamy and lonely young man, stumbles upon Nastenka one wintry night. She appears vulnerable, crying in the street, and he feels compelled to speak to her. Even the fact that he learns her name, while she never asks for his, speaks volumes about the dynamics between them. He is helplessly drawn to her; she simply hosts his kindness.

The two decide to get to know one another over the course of several nights, sharing the stories of their lives. Our narrator speaks first, lamenting the isolation that has defined his existence: "And in vain does the dreamer rake through his old dreams, as if they were ashes, searching in these ashes for at least some little spark, in order to fan it into flames…” His poetic outpourings could easily come off as self-pitying, but Dostoyevsky’s beautiful imagery and turns of phrase make them captivating. The narrator is a typical eccentric, romantic type—driven by a "morbidly excited imagination." His aloof sincerity charms Nastenka, who seems, at best, entertained by his flights of fancy.

Nastenka, however, is just as lonely as our narrator. She reveals that for the past year she has been bound to her blind grandmother’s clothes as punishment for mischief. She had little social life, except for a young lodger with whom she developed a slow-burning romance. The day she meets our hero is the day she has been waiting for—the day of her lover’s return from Moscow. Our narrator, besotted with Nastenka, agrees to help her reunite with her lost love, despite his growing feelings for her.

Over the course of four nights, their friendship deepens, blossoming into love. There’s a beautiful symmetry in Dostoyevsky’s portrayal of Nastenka’s world: her blind grandmother, deaf maid, and mute, lame previous lodger—all incapable of fully engaging with life. In contrast, our hero, so acutely attuned to the world through his sensitivity and emotion, seems like an irresistible force of change in her life.

Eventually, our hero can bear it no longer: he confesses his love and after some consideration, Nastenka reciprocates, both lonely souls now bound to each other. Their brief moment of mutual affection is portrayed as a delicate dance, their emotions rippling between them through subtle gestures—a squeeze of the hand, a tear welling up, a sharp intake of breath. But this dance is interrupted by the return of Nastenka’s former lover. She ultimately chooses the life she had dreamed of before meeting our hero, leaving him to retreat once again into his solitary existence.

Nastenka remains an ambiguous figure. Is she a selfish soul, carelessly toying with our narrator's feelings? Or is she, like him, simply lonely and desperate, swept up by the kindness of a stranger? Her letter to the narrator after she becomes engaged, inviting him to her wedding, is thoughtless and almost cruel. It’s hard not to side with our hapless hero as he is left with nothing but his shattered dreams.

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Review of

White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

5star.jpg Anthologies, Literary Fiction

As always in Dostoyevsky, the character work is sublime. One is never left wondering what a character is thinking or feeling because Dostoyevsky lays bare their innermost dispositions and temperaments with remarkable clarity. Full Review