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|summary=Marcus Connelly, a quiet, reserved and private man, has recently joined the mass of humanity travelling west in search of work. It's the Midwest in the 1930s and the Great Depression is in full swing. The dustbowl is a desperate place and there's none more desperate than Connelly. But Connelly doesn't need a job and he has a wife and a home. Connelly isn't missing prosperity; he's missing his daughter, and he's in search of the man who killed her.
|author=Charlie Huston
|title=My Dead Body (Joe Pitt Casebook)
|summary=Joe Pitt's New York is one riddled with Vampyres, infected by a Vyrus that makes them drink blood and die in the sun. It is also a wasteland of lawless tribes of Vampyres, gang warfare carving up Manhattan into territories, each with their own leaders, specialist workers, fighters, animosities. As we start book five, Joe's New York is actually a subterranean one, as he hides from everyone in the sewers and tunnels, until the enterprise of a top dog character flushes him out, and tells Pitt to find his daughter - a messianic poster girl for the future of the city.
|author=Shirley Jackson
|title=The Haunting of Hill House
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=There was a time before Stephen King. There was time before ''The Shining''. There was a time when 'horror' was not rooted in blood, guts and gore. I owe a slight apology to Mr King, because along with the gutsier side of the genre, I will own that he is a master at suspense.
|author=F G Cottam
|title=The Magdalena Curse
|summary=Mark Hunter is the sort of father who would do anything for his son. After losing his wife and daughter in a tragic accident, his surviving son Adam has become his whole world. And Adam is an exceptional child – beautiful, incredibly smart and mature beyond his ten years – only recently he's been channelling the voices of the dead. Plagued by horrific dreams, able to speak Russian in the hours after he wakes, drawing occult symbols when he doodles, Hunter believes Adam to be possessed. Doctor Elizabeth Bancroft is sceptical, until she meets Adam, and witnesses the horrors the poor boy endures for herself.
|author=Chris Priestley
|title=Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Young Robert is put on a train back to school by his stepmother. It's the first journey he's made on his own. It turns out to be more of a challenge than he could ever have imagined. The train stalls at the mouth of a tunnel and while the other passengers sleep through the wait, a mysterious woman in white tells him a series of stories - stories with a difference.
|author=Edgar Allan Poe and Gris Grimly
|title=Tales of Death and Dementia
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=Wow! What a wonderful combination: Edgar Allan Poe, master of the gothic horror short story, and Gris Grimly, outstanding illustrator, known for his [[The Dangerous Alphabet by Neil Gaiman and Gris Grimly|work with Neil Gaiman]]. Poe's ''Tales of Death and Dementia'' are shown off at their very best in this edition.
|author=Shaun Hutson
|title=Last Rites
|summary=A man gets viciously beaten up by unknown assailants in a North London street. Only afterwards do we discover anything about him - he is a teacher, with a dead daughter, an estranged wife, and after the assault a new-found urge to flee, and to move on to something and somewhere new. Meanwhile, in rural Buckinghamshire, odd things are happening. People are brutally killing and displaying animals, while unconnected teenagers with both long-term aims and immediate intentions, are suddenly and flippantly killing themselves.
|author=Charlie Huston
|title=Every Last Drop (Joe Pitt)
|summary=Joe Pitt is a heavy-drinking, chain-smoking, superhuman Vampyre. A rogue in a secret world of violence and bloodlust set in the heart of The Bronx. Away from the steady infrastructure of American society, the various Vampyre clans have found the perfect place to hide themselves away from the 'Van Helsings' of their world. The clans, each with their own agenda, have claimed a piece of The Bronx as their territory and over the years have established themselves well.
|author=Carrie Ryan
|title=The Forest of Hands and Teeth
|summary=Mary has lived her whole life in a village in the middle of the Forest of Hands and Teeth, protected from the Unconsecrated by a fence. Life in the village is simple if you follow the rules – obey the Sisterhood for they know best, preserve the next generation by marrying and having children and stay away from the fence.
Then Mary's mother is bitten when she strays too close to the fence, looking for her husband who was lost some months ago. The Guardians want to kill her before she turns and becomes Unconsecrated, but Mary's mother chooses to live and join her husband in the Forest.
|author=Neil Gaiman
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Coraline has just moved to a new flat in a huge converted old house. It's the summer holidays, but her parents both work from home but are busy, so operate a general policy of benign neglect. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible on the ground floor offer Coraline the odd cup of tea - and read its leaves to boot. The crazy old man upstairs is busy training a mouse circus. There's plenty of scope for exploring in the grounds, and so that's what Coraline does, just as Alice did before she found Wonderland.
|author=Jennifer Rardin
|title=One More Bite (Jaz Parks)
|summary=''You are in the business of ghost release?''
Well, when that is asked of a vampire CIA assassin who has lived through untold horrors and seen innumerable deaths, and Jaz Sparks, his spunky human-but-getting-less-so-with-every-book colleague-turned-lover, it only comes down as a major understatement.