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The text itself suggests that foreknowledge of the outcome is a given, with chapters headed: Túrin in Doriath... Túrin among the Outlaws... .The Fall of Nagorthrond... The Death of Glaurung...
This notion of the story being not a "telling" but a "re-telling" of the tale will sit well with the Tolkien aficionados who ARE familiar with not only ''The Silmarillion'', but also the [[''Unfinished Tales]]''... for versions of this story or parts of it appear in both of those posthumous publications.
What the editor has done with this version is to go back again to the original manuscripts and reconsider his earlier judgements. He is allowed to do that. As the third son of the man himself, Christopher Tolkien was entrusted with the literary estate - to which he has devoted his life since his father's death. For my part, I think his father made a good choice in his executor. In Christopher's own words, he has revised earlier judgements, and been less 'interfering' in this rendition... for which we should be grateful. Grateful also for his continued trawling through the various versions of the tale - in poetic and prose form - that his father left behind.