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[[Category:New Reviews|Crime]]
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|title=The Burial Place
|author=Adrian McKinty
|author=Stig Abell
|title=Falling Glass
|summary=Like all good ''noir'' fiction, McKinty provides us with a charismatic central character - here in the form of Killian. Of Pavee traveller, Irish stock (otherwise known as 'tinkers') he has made his name as an enforcer of other people's laws, collecting debts and finding missing people. He's tough and capable of violence, but generally gets his man by avoiding force where possible. A sort of hit man with a conscience. However, when the book kicks off he has semi-retired, but his decision to invest his ill gotten gains in property has fallen foul of the property crash, so when a job comes up offering a cool half million for simply finding the ex-wife and daughters of budget airline magnate Richard Coulter, it's not one he can easily turn down. Killian knows this sounds too good to be that simple. And, of course, he's right.
|summary=A group of archaeologists are uncovering a Roman site close to Little Sky: it's idyllic and some of the excavations are being televised. There's even a hoard of Roman gold worth millions which will be split between the finders and the landowner. It's perfect until the group begin receiving threatening letters.  Jake Jackson, a former police detective, is trying to lead a simpler life at Little Sky but he's inevitably drawn in to investigate.  Reading the letters, it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that there will be violence and even the local police are keen that Jake should be involved.
|author=M C Beaton
|title=A Voice in the Night (A D I Wilkins Mystery)
|title=Hamish Macbeth: Death of a Sweep
|author=Simon Mason
|summary=Back in the mid-1990s, despite the encroachment of satellite and cable, Sunday evenings still seemed to be a time to sit down to watch the Beeb or ITV with the family for a dose of gentle viewing.  "Drama" is too strong a word for the programmes that aired in that prime time slot (somewhere between 7pm and 9pm).  Technically, they ''were'' dramas – but they were laced with humour, protected from over-exposure to violence or sex or the truly dark underbelly of the stories they actually told.
|author=M J Trow
|title=Maxwell's Island
|summary=Maxwell had never been intending to go to the Isle of Wight but when his colleague went sick at the last moment he volunteered to take her place on the school trip.  His wife, Jacquie wasn't entirely convinced that this lived up to the family holiday they'd been planning, but she went along too. There were quite a few adults, as there have to be nowadays, including Medlicott, the new head of art, and his wifeJacquie feels that it's even less of a holiday for her when Medlicott's wife goes missing and she's forced to be the policewoman she'd hoped to leave at home.
|summary=There's a new Superintendent in Thames Valley — DCS Wainwright—and she's young, ambitious, and ruthless. She talks a good talk about work/life balance and family values, but as far as she's concerned, she has two main problems, and they're both called DI Wilkins.  Ray Wilkins is of Nigerian descent, Baliol educated and always immaculately dressed.  He's married to Diane and has twin sonsManagement's opinion of him is that he thinks too highly of himself and his last boss felt that he needed more experience at what he called 'the wet end'.  Ryan Wilkins comes from a trailer park - in fact, it could be said that he's never really left it.  He lives in shell suits and tracksuits, always in vivid colours.  Previous management was adamant that he should ''never'' be given responsibility.  Wainwright feels that she would be best shut of both of them.
|author=Elizabeth Haynes
|title=The Dark Wives (D I Vera Stanhope)
|title=Into The Darkest Corner
|author=Ann Cleeves
|summary=The book didn't actually look that appealing.  The cover is on the sepia side of dull.  I didn't know the author's name and the title didn't really grab me.  When I started reading we were straight into the transcript of a court case in which it seemed that a police officer was being questioned in court about his relationship with a womanHe was accused of being violent to her, but it seemed that the boot was really on the other footThen we were into a story – or even two stories – with two time lines some four years apartWithin ten minutes I couldn't put it down.
|summary=A man walking his dog in the early morning discovered the body of a man in the park near Rosebank, a care home for troubled teensThe dead man was Josh - one of the care workers who was due to work a shift the night before but who had never turned upD I Vera Stanhope is called in to investigate the murder - but her only clue is the disappearance of one of the residents, fourteen-year-old Chloe SpencerSome people believe that Chloe was responsible for the death but Vera thinks this is unlikely as the girl's diary makes it clear that she adored Josh. She knows that she has to find Chloe to discover what happened to Josh.
|author=Jon Osborne
|title=A Grave in the Woods (A Bruno, Chief of Police Novel)
|title=Kill Me Once
|author=Martin Walker
|summary=The title and the book cover plus the wording 'Introducing a new breed of serial killer' leave the reader in no doubt as to the type of book it isA lot of innocent blood is going to be spilled throughout these pages.  And, in the case of many individuals with evil at their core, we get to visit the childhood of one of the main characters, Nathan StiedoweI wasn't at all surprised to read that he was 'different' from the other little boys  at schoolHe often got nasty nicknames thrown at him from his peers.  But did he care?  Add to all of that, his parents were bible-bashers but their fervent love of God didn't seem to extend to their son.  Why?  Nathan decided from a very early age that, in order to survive, he'd better develop a pretty thick skin - and fast.
|summary=Because of various property transactions, people were searching for the grave but when they found it, it came with three sets of bonesThey dated back to World War II and it fell to Bruno, the Chief of Police for St Denis, to discover the identities of the bodies and establish whether or not a crime had been committedAs if this isn't enough to worry about, the Dordogne River - normally tranquil - is flowing at record levelsIt's not just the local autumn rains that have caused the problem: various dams upstream on another river have had to release water and St Denis faces the possibility of a devastating flood.
|author=Helen Black
|title=The Suspect
|title=Blood Rush
|author=Rob Rinder
|summary=Lilly has had the baby she was expecting in the last book, and daughter Alice is the child from hellSweet and angelic with just about anyone other than her mum, she won't sleep at night, is prone to screaming fits and about as disruptive to a previously one-parent, one-child household as a baby could be.  Fortunately father Jack (copper, ex-boyfriend, current status indeterminate) is welcome to come and lend a hand whenever he can spare the timeOf course, Alice adores himEqually fortunately, first-born and now teenage son, Sam, is unbelievably cool about his baby sis.  Just to round it off, Lilly and Sam's father are also on speaking and son-sharing terms (and sod his new girlfriend!).
|summary=The nation's favourite daytime TV presenter, Jessica Holby, was murdered live on television and it seems that there's only one suspectHe's celebrity chef Sebastian Brooks and his contract stated that he must not serve anything containing miso to Jessica Holby.  She's seriously allergic and carries an EpiPen in case of emergencies.  Everything seemed as normal - as normal as they can be in a busy, live television studio - and Brooks served a ragout to HolbyHer EpiPen was nowhere to be found and she was dead within minutesIt was soon clear that this was no accident.
|author=Molly Carr
|title=Swanton Morley (John Tanner)
|title=The Sign of Fear
|author=David Blake
|summary=Meet Mary Watson - a distant second to John Watson, who of course was a distant second to Sherlock Holmes. Fed up with staying at home while her new husband spends too much time at 221b Baker Street, or away with Holmes sleuthing, she gets to dabble her own feet in the underworld waters when a certain Professor Moriarty comes calling.
|summary=It seemed like an open-and-shut case. A man, covered in mud and blood - and carrying a knife, comes into the police station shouting that he hasn't killed the man. A body at the bottom of a freshly dug grave at Swanton Morley church - he's been stabbed to death. DCI John Tanner is just back from his honeymoon, which coincided with the birth of his daughter Samantha. You would think he'd be grateful for an easy answer but the words 'perverse' and 'John Tanner' were made for each other. He's sleep-deprived to the point of falling asleep at work but he's determined to keep going - probably because he can't get any sleep at home.
|author=Stuart Douglas
|author=Craig Smith
|title=Lowe and Le Breton Mysteries - Death at the Dress Rehearsal
|title=Cold Rain
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Life was pretty good for Dr David Albo.  He'd just had fifteen months away from his job as an associate professor of English at a university in the mid-western USA.  He lived on a plantation-style farmhouse with a beautiful and intelligent wife and a step-daughter who adored him.  He was even going back to work in the expectation that he might well be offered a full professorship in the not-too-distant future and just to put the icing on the cake he's been clear of alcohol for two years.  Yes; life was very good.
|author=Jo Nesbo and Don Bartlett
|title=The Leopard
|summary=Still completely traumatised by 'The Snowman' investigation, Inspector Harry Hole has fled Norway for the seedy underbelly of Hong Kong where he is happy to lose himself to debt and drugs.  Back in Norway, two women are found murdered by the same gruesome means and Crime Squad believe they have another serial killer on their hands.  Harry's boss, Gunner Hagen wants his best detective back, as he believes Harry is the only person who can find the killer, after two months with no leadsDespite being persuaded to return to Oslo due to his father's illness and with no apparent interest in the case, Harry's detective instincts take him straight to the murder scene when a third woman is found dead and he cannot resist getting involved, especially when the current investigative team seem to be making such a mess of it.
|summary=During location filming for his 1970's sitcom 'Floggit and Leggit', leading man Edward Lowe stumbles across the dead body of a woman on the edge of a reservoir.  The police seem happy to assign it as an accidental death, but something about the whole thing bothers Lowe, and he enlists the help of a fellow actor, John Le Breton to help him investigate matters furtherThey travel across the country during their days off filming, uncovering more possible murders and, seemingly, a link to death during the Second World War.  But is there really a link between the deaths?  And will they manage to uncover who is responsible before more people lose their lives?
|author=John H Watson, Tony Reynolds and Chris Coady
|title=Death in a Lonely Place
|title=The Lost Stories of Sherlock Holmes
|author=Stig Abell
|genre=Short Stories
|summary=It is a truth universally acknowledged that a successful detective character will have far too many cases in his career for it to be at all realisticThe worst case in point are the Hardy Boys, who have had two hundred or more adventures and are still not 20.  Slightly more literary, but no less busy it can seem, was Sherlock Holmes, for Watson declaimed many times that he did not write down all that man's exploits. Tony Reynolds here gives us eight more cases, making Holmes' workload even more impressive.
|summary= Former Metropolitan Police detective, Jake Johnson, has settled into his rustic life at Little SkyThere’s perhaps a little uncertainty about the future of his life with his vet girlfriend, Livia and her daughter Diana, as moving in together would mean a lot of compromise: does Jake give up his off-grid and relaxing life to move in with Livia or does Livia move to Little Sky despite her reservations about whether or not this is the future she wants for herself and her daughter? For the moment they’re enjoying life in the present and putting the future on the back burner.
|author=Sam Hawken
|title=The Janus Stone (Dr Ruth Galloway)
|title=The Dead Women of Juarez
|author=Elly Griffiths
|summary=Although the story related here is a work of fiction, the situation is based on fact. The Mexican border city of Juárez has a shocking problem with female homicides (usually young and invariably pretty). Official statistics put the number of murders at 400 since 1993 while, we are told, residents believe that the true number of disappeared women is closer to 5000. But attention to this problem is diverted by drug crime, although the two may not be entirely unrelated. Anything that raises public awareness of this terrible situation, such as Hawken's book, is to be encouraged.
|summary=Builders were demolishing an old house in Norwich - the site was going to hold seventy-five 'luxury' apartments - when they discovered the bones of a child beneath a doorway.  There was no skull. Was this a ritual killing or murder?  Inevitably, Dr Ruth Galloway finds herself working with DCI Harry Nelson. It's difficult as Ruth knows, but Nelson doesn't, that she is pregnant with his child as a result of the one night they spent together some three months ago. Her condition will be obvious before long, not least because Ruth is prone to sudden bouts of sickness.
So much for the fact, what about the fiction?
|author=Denise Mina and Antonio Fuso
|title=The Devil You Know (D S Max Craigie)
|title=A Sickness in the Family
|author=Neil Lancaster
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=In Eton Terrance there lives the Usher family, in a house above a basement flat where a gangster holds sway over a Polish "girlfriend".  After a bloodbath in there, the Ushers expand downwards, clearing a cavernous hole in their home where a staircase is due to go.  This is not the only crack in proceedings, however, as we soon discover while witnessing the fall of this House of Usher.
|author=Teresa Solana and Peter Bush
|title=A Shortcut to Paradise
|summary=The characters are introduced to the reader one at a timeThe main ones have a whole chapter or two to tell their story, including a bit of background information but aside from all of this, they all seem to have some sort of connection to a swish, literary event.  So, for example, there's a young, rather frazzled husband called Ernest. You can tell that he's a kindly, mild person.  He takes his role as father, husband and (although meagre) breadwinner very, very seriously.  He's a translator.  He's had some bad luck to contend with lately and the household bills are piling up but he spares his wife the sorry details of their current financial stateBut all he's doing is piling on the pressure for himselfSomething's got to give ... and it does. Big-time.  And without wishing to spoil the plot in any way, I think I can safely say that he ' ... decided to put himself into the shoes of the heroes he translated and, for the first time in his life, he took the bull by the horns.'
|summary=It's unusual for anyone from the Hardie family to approach the policeNeither side likes or has any respect for the other. But Davie Hardie is struggling in prison and he's prepared to tell the police where the body of a missing person is buried and who was responsible for her deathThis person, he promises, is someone big and it will be worth the police doing what he wantsAnd what he wants is to be transferred to an open prison to serve the remainder of his sentence and to get an early parole dateNot much to ask, is it? The new Deputy Police Constable doesn't think so and she's even prepared to do the other thing that Hardie demanded - make certain that DS Max Craigie and anyone who works with him is kept well away from what's happening.
|title=A Stranger in the Family (Maeve Kerrigan 11)
|author=Jane Casey
|author=Jane Casey
|title=The Burning
|summary=The book opens with a bunch of young women enjoying a drink-fuelled night out in the capital.  And as often happens, there's always one absolutely paralytic - with drastic consequencesCasey gives her readers a sharp taste of danger early on as we accompany the unfortunate Kelly on a terrifying taxi rideThe media is stirring up a right old frenzy and calling this local serial killer ''The Burning Man''And yes, it's a suitably horrible title and we hear it time and time again throughout the book.
|summary=It's sixteen years since nine-year-old Rosalie Marshall disappeared from her bed one summer nightShe was never found and the investigation ground to a haltNow, her mother, Helena, and her father are dead in their bedInitially, it looks like a straightforward murder/suicide but there's something about the positioning of the bodies that makes DS Maeve Kerrigan and her boss DI Josh Derwent suspicious.  What looked as though it was going to be an open-and-shut case is now a complex double murder.  Kerrigan is convinced that the explanation lies in Rosalie's disappearance: others (such as Derwent's boss, Una Burt) are less convinced.
|author=Massimo Carlotto
|title=The Kellerby Code
|title=Bandit Love
|author=Jonny Sweet
|summary=In 2004 three criminals-turned-good are approached by a stranger to investigate a drugs haul, stolen from a fully-secure instituteRather than be pressurised into the job by a man who cannot state what info he needs, nor for whom nor why, they let him die, leaving his ugly bling ring behind for his operatorsIn 2006 one of them has the nightmare of his girlfriend being kidnapped, and replaced by the same ringCan the trio work out the identity of a man dead two years, involved somehow in the federal theft, and counter the current crime?
|summary=Edward Jevons is a working-class young man, obsessed with his upper-class friends, Robert and Stanza.  Robert's a theatre directorHe's also self-obsessed, demanding, handsome and entitled and uses Edward to run errands for him.  Edward has been in love with Stanza since their university days - and he's drunkenly confided how he feels to RobertMost men in Robert's position would stay away from Stanza or tell Edward that a relationship had begun between them but he's not like most men: Edward is left to stumble upon the two of them kissing in a dark passageway.
|author=Jo Callaghan
|author=Danny Miller
|title=Leave No Trace
|title=Kiss Me Quick
|summary=The jacket cover is certainly eye-catching, a nice sepia-tinged photograph of Brighton seafront.  The Prologue opens in the year 1939, also in the Brighton area.  A young Jack Regent is enjoying the start of what appears to be a new lifeHe's apparently paid the price for previous 'events' and is now a reformed characterOr is he?  The next couple of pages would suggest otherwise.  But then again, Jack's smart, very smart.  He makes sure that he doesn't get his hands dirtyHe leaves that for others.  For the mugs.
|summary=When a man is found crucified on the top of a hill in Nuneaton, DCS Kat Frank finds herself assigned to the case alongside her sidekick, the AI detective LockIt's their first live case together, having previously been very successful with several cold casesBut when there is a second body found crucified a few days later, Kat is suddenly struggling with a potential serial killer and a very high profile case that draws a lot of unwanted attention to their AI Future Policing projectWill they be able to solve the case in time, or will Kat find herself taken off the case and, potentially, out of a career?
|author=Bryan Talbot
|title=The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder
|title=Grandville Mon Amour
|author=C L Miller
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=The [[Grandville by Bryan Talbot|first book]] in this series didn't end particularly well for DI LeBrock, the badger who works for Scotland Yard.  At least the main problem, 'Mad Dog' Mastock, was sentenced to the guillotine.  But in the prologue here he bursts out of his quandary, and once more causes problems for LeBrock - this time by slaughtering some Parisian prostitutes.  Are they linked?  What might their story be?  And is there a darker part of the past yet to come out of some secretive hiding place, and cause even more danger and peril?
|author=Quentin Bates
|title=Frozen Out
|summary=When a body was washed up on the beach of a rural Icelandic fishing village the powers-that-be were rather keen that the death should be written off as an accidentAfter all, falling into the water when you've had far too much to drink is not unusualHvalvick's police sargeant, Gunnhildur, isn't convinced thoughThe 'drinking too much' was done in the bars of Reykjavik, some hundred kilometres awayIf the man was too drunk to walk he was certainly in no position to drive a car – so who brought him to his death – and why?
|summary=It's twenty years since Freya Lockwood has been back to the English country village where she grew upShe's back now because of a request for help from her beloved aunt, CaroleFreya's former mentor and Carole's close friend, Arthur Crockleford, is dead and the circumstances seem suspicious, to say the leastArthur was the reason why Freya had not been back to the village: Arthur, she feels, let her down badlyEven though they were in business together as antique hunters, she has not felt able to be near the man or pursue the profession she loved.  After the split, she worked in a cafe, met and married James (on the rebound from the love of her life, who was murdered) and Freya and James have now divorced.
|author=Adam Kolczynski
|title=Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter?
|title=The Oxford Virus
|author=Nicci French
|summary=When Dr Olembé discovers a potential cure for cancer and is given the go-ahead to begin human trials, the potential rewards are huge. Sadly, his first human patient dies shortly afterwards. Medical neglect? Is Dr Olembé's reputation finished? Well, before we have much time to consider these things, a second body is discovered. This time it's a career academic at the university. Was this suicide? Are the two deaths linked? Part medical crime story, part academic satire, part speculative fiction, The Oxford Virus addresses this case.
|summary=Charlotte Salter was expected at her husband's fiftieth birthday party but never turned up.  Her children, sons Niall, Paul and Ollie and her daughter, Etty. are all worried but - strangely - her husband, Alec, is not. Shortly afterwards, Etty and Greg, find the body of Greg's father, Duncan Ackerley, in the river. It was an easy assumption for the police to make that Duncan had murdered Charlie and then committed suicide when he couldn't stand the guilt.  The Salter children are not convinced but there's little else they can do but get on with their lives and wonder about what really happened.
|author=Spencer Quinn
|title=The Ghost Orchid
|title=Thereby Hangs a Tail
|author=Jonathan Kellerman
|summary=I have to admit to both skepticism and curiosity when I realised that this novel is narrated by a dog.  It's crime fiction, which isn't my usual genre of choice; I don't like anything gorier or more suspenseful than Agatha Christie's relatively tame worksBut the pun in the book's title suggested that there might be an element of humour, so I succumbed to my instincts and requested this book.  
|summary=It hadn't been Lt Milo Sturgis's fault that Alex Delaware had been badly injured but he felt responsible and even after Alex recovered, Sturgis was reluctant to ask for his help on difficult cases.  His assertions that there were only open-and-shut cases which didn't need the help of a psychologist only worked for a while.  Finally, it was Robin, Delaware's partner, who nudged Milo into asking for help againShe knew that the involvement was something that the man she loved needed.  The next case did look simple, though.  Two lovers were murdered in the swimming pool of a remote property in Bel Air.  He was the heir to an Italian shoe empire and she is married to an extremely rich man and it's not the Italian. But which of them was the primary target?
|author=Michael White
|title=Knife Skills for Beginners
|title=The Art of Murder
|author=Orlando Murrin
|summary=Detective Chief Inspector Jack Pendragon has had a lot of experience of murder but he's never experienced anything like the one he was called to on a wintery January morning in WhitechapelThe man is horribly mutilated but he's held up in a chair and the scene has been set as a nod to the surrealist painter, MagritteThis is art as murder.
|summary=Chef Paul Delamare took a teaching job at a residential cookery school in BelgraviaHe didn't really want to but celebrity chef Christian Wagner had a way of getting both men and women to do what he wantedPaul ''somehow'' got the impression that he'd be at the school to assist Paul, who had a broken arm, but it didn't turn out that way. The teaching - and the problems - are all his ownThe one thing he hadn't expected was for someone to turn up deadUnfortunately, he was the person who discovered the body and everyone knows that the police consider that person to be the prime suspect.
Back in Whitechapel in the 1880s the man who was probably the most famous murderer of them all.  He's planned the murder of four local prostitutes with the bodies being horribly mutilatedFour, he feels, is a satisfyingly balanced number.  This is murder as art.
|author=Nigel McCrery
|title=Laying Out the Bones
|title=Scream: A DCI Mark Lapslie Investigation
|author=Kate Webb
|summary=When I read on the back cover that McCrery's writing credits include television's 'Silent Witness' I was impressed and expecting a terrific readBut did it deliver?  This book opens with DCI Mark Lapslie attending a terrorism conference, yes, you heard correctly, a terrorism conference which is being held in PakistanMeanwhile, back in wet and cold Britain, one of his colleagues, DS Emma Bradbury is having to step into her boss's shoes, so to speak. A body has been discovered and the police need to get their investigation started.  There's no doubt, by the state of the body, that it is murderAnd soon the whole team is a hive of activity - from the CSIs to the pathologist.
|summary=It was one of those flash downpours that the British weather often delivers in a heatwaveIn a gully, a human skeleton came to the surface and forensic testing proved the body to be Lee Geary, who had disappeared nine years earlierHe'd been a known drug user and had learning disabilities, so it could have been a simple case of misadventure but DI Matt Lockyer wasn't convinced.  Geary was a townie, so what was he doing out on Salisbury Plain alone? There are connections to the suicide of Holly Gilbert and to two other deaths which were not considered suspicious at the timeLockyer and DC Gemma Broad of the Major Crimes Review Unit (that's cold cases to you and me) investigate.
|author=Jane Robins
|title=Lost and Never Found (A D I Wilkins Mystery)
|title=The Magnificent Spilsbury and the Case of the Brides in the Bath
|author=Simon Mason
|summary=During the early months of 1915, Britain was fighting for her life during the First World War, and newspaper headlines were preoccupied with the army's exploits and outrages by the enemyFor a time, only one event at home could compete with them on the front news pages – the unhappy fate of two or three brides who had been drowned, in separate incidents, in their baths, and the fact that one man was probably responsible.
|summary=In Oxford, there are two D I Wilkins.  Raymond Wilkins is of Nigerian descent, Balliol educated and always exquisitely dressed.  D I Ryan Wilkins, son of Ryan and father of Ryan, is not.  He's not any of those thingsHe's white, originated from a trailer park, barely educated (reading's not ''really'' his thing) and his wardrobe consists mainly of shell suits and trackies.  They're usually in lime green or acid yellow.  You might wonder if you're being introduced to a police procedural written for laughs.  Well, you're not.  The two men are just different sides of the same policing coin.  Sometimes the combination works brilliantly well.  Sometimes it's problematic.
|author=Arnaldur Indridason
|title=The Winter Visitor
|author=James Henry
|summary=Maria's body was found by her friend KarenIt was hanging from the rafters of her holiday home at Lake Thingvallavatn and when Detective Erlendur arrived it seemed like a straightforward case of suicideMaria had been in a poor mental state since the death of her mother two years previously and there was a history of depression.  It wasn't until Karen approached Erlendur with a recording of a séance which Maria had attended shortly before her death that his curiosity was arousedThere was no great pressure at work and he had the time to indulge himself, so he looked further into the case along with the unsolved disappearances thirty years earlier of two unconnected people.
|summary=It's February 1991 and Essex is bitingly cold, which made Bruce Hopkins' return all the more surprisingHe'd been exiled on the Costa del Sol as a wanted drug smuggler for a decadeThe return has come about because he's had a letter from his ex-wife, saying that she's ill and hasn't long to live.  It's hard to feel any sympathy when Hopkins is abducted, stripped to his underwear and sent to a watery grave in the boot of a stolen Ford SierraIs it a warning from a Spanish gang or a problem closer to home?
|author=John Dean
|title=A Nye of Pheasants
|title=To Die Alone
|author=Steve Burrows
|summary=The bodies of a man and his dog are found in an isolated part of the northern hills.  The injuries, particularly to the dog are horrific and although it initially looks though the man might have died from accidental injuries it soon becomes obvious that he's been stabbed.  The victim – Trevor Meredith – has been acting strangely lately as it looks as though he might have been aware that he was in danger.  And where has his girl friend disappeared to?  More to the point, who, ''exactly'', is Trevor Meredith.  Chief Inspector Jack Harris and his team have their work cut out.
|author=Rachel Sargeant
|title=Long Time Waiting
|summary=Pippa Adams is determined to do well on her first day as a CID detective, especially when she is plunged straight into a murder case. However, an unfortunate comment about Agatha Christie plunges that into disarray and she becomes known as 'Agatha'. There is little time to dwell on this though; there is a murder to solve. Two men broke into the Brocks' home late one night, took Carl Brock away and killed him, and chained his wife, Gaby, to a chair. Carl Brock was a teacher and presumably above reproach - but as Pippa and her colleagues investigate, all sorts of issues come to the surface and it seems that Carl was not as innocent as they first presumed. Can Pippa find out the truth and persuade her disdainful colleagues that she is a capable detective?
|author=Adrian Magson
|title=Death on the Marais
|summary=We meet the central character, Inspector Rocco and are informed that he's a city man, happiest pounding the elegant streets of Paris.  But suddenly and against his will, he finds himself in the sticks.  He's not too happy about it.  His new colleagues are more than happy to rib him a little, tell him that nothing much in the way of crime happens hereOne of these colleagues takes things a stage further - puffs up his cheeks before commenting 'we get the occasional punch-up over a game of bar billiards ...'  Rocco thinks he'll be bored out of his skull in no timeBig surprise then when on day one, yes, on day one he's involved in the discovery of a young womanAnd Magson wastes no time in giving his readers all the gory details of this woman's last few hours alive. We almost feel her slow, agonising death.  And the question is why?
|summary=DCI Domenic Jejeune's close friend and former colleague, Danny Maik, has taken a short holiday in Singapore to meet up with an old ally, Guy TruemanMaik was involved in a street brawl - he would later maintain that he was facing a man armed with a knife - and he killed a Ghurka. Initially, he faced a charge of manslaughter but evidence came to light that suggested that he might have planned to murder the manNow he could be facing the death penaltyDomenic Jejeune can do nothing to help as any interference from another police force could provoke a diplomatic incident and wouldn't help Danny at all.
|author=John Buchan
|title=They Had It Coming (Greg Mason mysteries)
|title=The Island of Sheep (John Hannay)
|author=Keith Redfern
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Richard Hannay is feeling old.  He looks at himself and his contemporaries and sees a spread of complacency.  Luckily - or perhaps very unluckily - an old pledge will come to haunt him.  His earlier career in Africa saw Hannay and his friends swear to protect a man from others - and now a second generation of animosity is ripe for Hannay to step in and be a protective detective.  Add in a supposed treasure hoard, and who knows where his last journey might end up?
|author=Katherine Hall Page
|title=The Body in the Fjord
|summary=Page gives us another ''The Body In The...'' book within a tried and tested format. The book jacket covers are always bright and jazzy and this one is no exception. We're deep in Norway, its picturesque countryside and world-famous fjords. We are in the company of two different but interesting women. Mother and daughter. Pix, the daughter (I think the name sounds as if it belongs to someone young) is a mother in middle-age with teenage children. She has responsibilities, but at times she behaves like a sixteen year old and I suppose that is part of her appeal. She cannot seem to say ''no'' to anyone and now finds herself enlisted to solve an unexplained death and a missing person. The latter is the more important as the missing person, Kari, is related to Ursula's best friend. Yes, perhaps a few too many names at the beginning of the book to grapple with but it soon settles down.
|summary=Greg Mason's just beginning to get his confidence as an investigator to the point where he'll warn someone about how much he charges. It's a good job too because Greg and Joyce will soon have a baby and they're both delighted. Joyce will be more delighted about the baby when she gets past the morning sickness. Greg is approached by an old friend whose brother-in-law appears to have killed himself. Stuart's concerned about his sister, Lucy, who's struggling to make ends meet and her son is not thriving. Lucy, he says, is convinced that Gil would never have killed himself - it simply wasn't in his nature. The police and the coroner have accepted that the death was suicide, but Stuart's prepared to pay Greg to find out what happened on the night Gil died.
|author=Tarquin Hall
|title=Responsibilities (Greg Mason mysteries)
|title=The Case of the Missing Servant
|author=Ann Macarthur
|summary=We concentrate in and around bustling Delhi and straight away Hall gives a great description of his main character.  Once seen, never forgotten apparently.  And as if that were not enough to be going on with, we're also given the low-down on his 'team.'  Their nicknames are very funny and all of this delightful information gives the reader a taster of what's to come later in the book.  I can't resist giving one explanation.  Puri has several undercover operatives (I'm smiling to myself just recalling it) one of whom is called Flush.  Why?  Simple.  '' ... he had a flush toilet in his home, a first for anyone in his remote village in ...''  You just cannot help but smile, you really can't.  And this gentle humour runs throughout the book.
|author=Dave Zeltserman
|summary=I loved Dave Zeltserman's ''man out of jail'' series, with both [[Pariah by Dave Zeltserrman|Pariah]] and [[Killer by Dave Zeltserman|Killer]] being among the best crime thrillers I've read in a long timeAll good things must come to an end, however, and with ''Outsourced'' he has branched out slightly.
|summary=It's the 1990s and Greg Mason's twenty-eight years old.  He used to have a high-flying job in the city but it wasn't satisfying so he's now set himself up as a private investigator. 'Shades of Cameron Strike', you might be thinking. Nice bloke, but where's the life experience that backs up this profession?  On the other hand, he has been asked to look into something.  Joyce and Helen are half-sisters, or rather, they were until Helen was killed in what's been written off as a tragic accident at an unmanned level crossingJoyce - and her parents, Oliver and Pam Hetherington - can't understand what she was doing there - or how she could come to fall in front of a train.  Greg's been asked to investigate.
|author=P J Parrish
|title=The Misper
|title=Paint It Black
|author=Kate London
|summary=The central character, PI Louis Kincaid has decamped to Florida.  He doesn't really want to be there but he has no job prospects elsewhere, he's still young and he needs to do something, fill his daysEven when a well-paid job as a PI falls in his lap, he still hesitates.  Then he thinks, what the hell's he got to lose, a man's got to eat etc.
|summary=Ryan Kennedy killed a police officer: there's no doubt about that.  He was the fifteen-year-old holding the gun and pointing it at DI Kieran Shaw.  He pulled the trigger but due to the vagaries of the jury system he was found not guilty of both the murder and the manslaughter of the officer.  And so lives must go onFor DI Sarah Collins that means leaving the capital and hoping for a quieter life in the countryside but when a missing teenager is found on her territory she's drawn into a wider investigation - and back into the orbit of Ryan Kennedy.
|author=Valerio Varesi
|title=The Devil Stone (DCI Christine Caplan)
|title=River of Shadows: A Commissario Soneri Mystery
|author=Caro Ramsay
|summary=Rain was falling heavily in the River Po catchment area in northern Italy and the old hands knew that it would burst its banks and there would be flooding. But even they are surprised when they see Tonna's barge setting out downstream. He knows the river well, but his course out of the mooring was erratic and when the barge was eventually found Tonna was nowhere to be seen; the barge was deserted. Was it coincidence or something more sinister when Tonna's brother appeared to commit suicide on the day of his brother's disappearance: Commisario Soneri is convinced that there is more to this than meets the eye.
|summary=In the village of Cronchie on the West coast of Scotland, five members of a wealthy family are found murdered. The only item missing from the home is the Devil Stone: myth says that if the stone is removed from Otterburn House, death will follow. The only suspects are known Satanists but in many ways, that's an easy conclusion given that two of them 'discovered' the body.  The Senior Investigating Office is DCI Bob Oswald but when he disappears, DCI Christine Caplan is pulled in to 'shadow' him.
|author=Lesley Thomson
|title=The Raging Storm (Two Rivers)
|title=A Kind of Vanishing
|author=Ann Cleeves
|summary=The novel interweaves between the past (the 1960s) and the present (the 1990s)Thomson gives us the run-down on the two playmates, the two young girls, Eleanor Ramsay and Alice.  They have been instructed by their respective parents to play together nicely.  The Ramsay family is middle-class, they live in a big, rambling house and are always busy doing thingsAlice is an only child of working-class parentsThey are over-protective and monitor her every waking momentWill a noisy tom-boy and an angelic Alice who wears impossibly shiny shoes get on, have things in common?
|summary=''It's all bloody peculiar, isn't it, Sir?''
Well yes, it isJem Rosco blew into the local pub one evening in the middle of an autumn gale, stayed for about a month and then turned up, naked and dead, in a small boat, anchored in Scully Cove close to the village of Greystone, in DevonRosco had the status of a national treasure: a renowned adventurer, round the world sailor and all round ''celebrity''I ''nearly'' said 'all-round good egg' but as we'll find out, he could be more than a little bit close with money and his background isn't exactly an open bookWhere did he get the money for his first boat?  How did he finance the trip?
|author=Roger Smith
|title=The Girl in the Eagle's Talons
|title=Wake Up Dead
|author=Karin Smirnoff
|summary=Straight away Smith plunges us into the underworld of Cape Town and the street chat of the locals.  Boozed up and drugged up most of the time, violence is a nightly occurrence.  And when local 'businessman' Joe is gunned down, it sparks off a whole chain of events for his American trophy wife, Roxy.  Strong language, strong violence and strong feelings from the local criminals and low-life are the order of the day in this uncompromising novel.
|summary=''Life has more to offer than people - prime numbers for example''.
Lisbeth Salander has headed north to the small town of Gasskas, where the so-far-untapped natural resources of the area have sparked a gold rush.  The criminal underworld has not been slow in coming forwardSalander's niece's mother is the latest woman in the area to have vanished without traceIt was only with reluctance that Salander became her niece's guardian but it quickly becomes obvious that Svala is a remarkably gifted teenager who's unaware of the part Salander played in her father's death.
|author=Caspar Walsh
|title=Blood Road
|summary=The book opens with an extremely uncomfortable and graphically depicted scene of violence, made all the more so by the cool, calm and collected manner of the perpetrators.  The episode ends in a bloody deathWe're in London so straight away there's a smattering of East End humour with lots more to followWe're introduced to the main male character, Nick, who's really nothing better than low-life scum.  That's pretty clear from the outset.  Even although he's old enough to know better he's still scum.  Add in the fact that he's a husband (separated) and a father and the whole sorry saga starts to unfold.  His wife's sick of him and his criminal interests - and so are Jake and Zeb, his two sons.
|author=Rebecca Frayn
|title=The Trap
|author=Catherine Ryan Howard
|summary=Life has not been easy for Annie Wray. Her husband died of leukaemia and she was left to bring up her two young children Dan and Rachel. She appears to have a second chance at happiness after meeting Julian who eventually proposes to her. Before they can set a date for the wedding though, twelve year old Dan fails to return from school one day and appears to have vanished without trace. This is the situation that is met by the reader at the start of 'Deceptions' and no one has a clue where he might be or what might have happened to him.
|summary=It's a scene replicated all too often in the early hours of the morning. Drunken revellers spilling out of clubs and looking for a way to get home. Some are lucky and manage to get one of the few taxis available. Others squash onto the night bus that will only go as far as one of the outlying villages.  The woman all regret the 'taxi problem', particularly in the light of 'the missing women'.  For one young woman, the final stop on the bus leaves her a long way short of her home.  She had intended to ring someone to come and collect her - but her phone's dead. The bus had driven off before she had the chance to beg the bus driver to let her use his.  There's no option but to start walking - unsuitably clothed and in high-heeled shoes.
Move on to [[Newest Crime (Historical) Reviews]]
|author=Frank Tallis
|title=Deadly Communion
|summary=Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt arrives at the Temple of Theseus in Vienna to investigate the murder of a young woman at the hands of a deviant sexual predator.  Discovering the woman died by the unusual means of a hatpin inserted into her brain, Rheinhardt soon turns to his friend the young psychoanalyst Max Liebermann for assistance and the type of psychological insight that only Liebermann, a disciple of Freud, can provide.  Meanwhile, Liebermann is already caught up in his own investigations with a patient named Erstweiler, who believes he has seen his doppelganger and that this is a precursor of death.
|author=Marek Krajewski and Danusia Stok
|title=The Phantoms of Breslau: An Eberhard Mock Investigation
|summary=Eberhard Mock (a name you would not easily forget) is a police Criminal Assistant.  He's a single man still living at home with his father and leading a rather ordinary, uneventful life.  Until, one day, four young men who are apparently sailors, are found dead.  And Mock is asked by his superior to be part of the new murder commission.  He accepts and from there on his life is one roller-coaster of events and emotions.

Latest revision as of 10:47, 21 February 2025


Review of

The Burial Place by Stig Abell

4star.jpg Crime

A group of archaeologists are uncovering a Roman site close to Little Sky: it's idyllic and some of the excavations are being televised. There's even a hoard of Roman gold worth millions which will be split between the finders and the landowner. It's perfect until the group begin receiving threatening letters. Jake Jackson, a former police detective, is trying to lead a simpler life at Little Sky but he's inevitably drawn in to investigate. Reading the letters, it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that there will be violence and even the local police are keen that Jake should be involved. Full Review


Review of

A Voice in the Night (A D I Wilkins Mystery) by Simon Mason

4.5star.jpg Crime

There's a new Superintendent in Thames Valley — DCS Wainwright—and she's young, ambitious, and ruthless. She talks a good talk about work/life balance and family values, but as far as she's concerned, she has two main problems, and they're both called DI Wilkins. Ray Wilkins is of Nigerian descent, Baliol educated and always immaculately dressed. He's married to Diane and has twin sons. Management's opinion of him is that he thinks too highly of himself and his last boss felt that he needed more experience at what he called 'the wet end'. Ryan Wilkins comes from a trailer park - in fact, it could be said that he's never really left it. He lives in shell suits and tracksuits, always in vivid colours. Previous management was adamant that he should never be given responsibility. Wainwright feels that she would be best shut of both of them. Full Review


Review of

The Dark Wives (D I Vera Stanhope) by Ann Cleeves

4.5star.jpg Crime

A man walking his dog in the early morning discovered the body of a man in the park near Rosebank, a care home for troubled teens. The dead man was Josh - one of the care workers who was due to work a shift the night before but who had never turned up. D I Vera Stanhope is called in to investigate the murder - but her only clue is the disappearance of one of the residents, fourteen-year-old Chloe Spencer. Some people believe that Chloe was responsible for the death but Vera thinks this is unlikely as the girl's diary makes it clear that she adored Josh. She knows that she has to find Chloe to discover what happened to Josh. Full Review


Review of

A Grave in the Woods (A Bruno, Chief of Police Novel) by Martin Walker

4star.jpg Crime

Because of various property transactions, people were searching for the grave but when they found it, it came with three sets of bones. They dated back to World War II and it fell to Bruno, the Chief of Police for St Denis, to discover the identities of the bodies and establish whether or not a crime had been committed. As if this isn't enough to worry about, the Dordogne River - normally tranquil - is flowing at record levels. It's not just the local autumn rains that have caused the problem: various dams upstream on another river have had to release water and St Denis faces the possibility of a devastating flood. Full Review


Review of

The Suspect by Rob Rinder

4.5star.jpg Crime

The nation's favourite daytime TV presenter, Jessica Holby, was murdered live on television and it seems that there's only one suspect. He's celebrity chef Sebastian Brooks and his contract stated that he must not serve anything containing miso to Jessica Holby. She's seriously allergic and carries an EpiPen in case of emergencies. Everything seemed as normal - as normal as they can be in a busy, live television studio - and Brooks served a ragout to Holby. Her EpiPen was nowhere to be found and she was dead within minutes. It was soon clear that this was no accident. Full Review


Review of

Swanton Morley (John Tanner) by David Blake

3.5star.jpg Crime

It seemed like an open-and-shut case. A man, covered in mud and blood - and carrying a knife, comes into the police station shouting that he hasn't killed the man. A body at the bottom of a freshly dug grave at Swanton Morley church - he's been stabbed to death. DCI John Tanner is just back from his honeymoon, which coincided with the birth of his daughter Samantha. You would think he'd be grateful for an easy answer but the words 'perverse' and 'John Tanner' were made for each other. He's sleep-deprived to the point of falling asleep at work but he's determined to keep going - probably because he can't get any sleep at home. Full Review


Review of

Lowe and Le Breton Mysteries - Death at the Dress Rehearsal by Stuart Douglas

3.5star.jpg Crime

During location filming for his 1970's sitcom 'Floggit and Leggit', leading man Edward Lowe stumbles across the dead body of a woman on the edge of a reservoir. The police seem happy to assign it as an accidental death, but something about the whole thing bothers Lowe, and he enlists the help of a fellow actor, John Le Breton to help him investigate matters further. They travel across the country during their days off filming, uncovering more possible murders and, seemingly, a link to death during the Second World War. But is there really a link between the deaths? And will they manage to uncover who is responsible before more people lose their lives? Full Review


Review of

Death in a Lonely Place by Stig Abell

4star.jpg Crime

Former Metropolitan Police detective, Jake Johnson, has settled into his rustic life at Little Sky. There’s perhaps a little uncertainty about the future of his life with his vet girlfriend, Livia and her daughter Diana, as moving in together would mean a lot of compromise: does Jake give up his off-grid and relaxing life to move in with Livia or does Livia move to Little Sky despite her reservations about whether or not this is the future she wants for herself and her daughter? For the moment they’re enjoying life in the present and putting the future on the back burner. Full Review


Review of

The Janus Stone (Dr Ruth Galloway) by Elly Griffiths

4.5star.jpg Crime

Builders were demolishing an old house in Norwich - the site was going to hold seventy-five 'luxury' apartments - when they discovered the bones of a child beneath a doorway. There was no skull. Was this a ritual killing or murder? Inevitably, Dr Ruth Galloway finds herself working with DCI Harry Nelson. It's difficult as Ruth knows, but Nelson doesn't, that she is pregnant with his child as a result of the one night they spent together some three months ago. Her condition will be obvious before long, not least because Ruth is prone to sudden bouts of sickness. Full Review


Review of

The Devil You Know (D S Max Craigie) by Neil Lancaster

4.5star.jpg Crime

It's unusual for anyone from the Hardie family to approach the police. Neither side likes or has any respect for the other. But Davie Hardie is struggling in prison and he's prepared to tell the police where the body of a missing person is buried and who was responsible for her death. This person, he promises, is someone big and it will be worth the police doing what he wants. And what he wants is to be transferred to an open prison to serve the remainder of his sentence and to get an early parole date. Not much to ask, is it? The new Deputy Police Constable doesn't think so and she's even prepared to do the other thing that Hardie demanded - make certain that DS Max Craigie and anyone who works with him is kept well away from what's happening. Full Review


Review of

A Stranger in the Family (Maeve Kerrigan 11) by Jane Casey

5star.jpg Crime

It's sixteen years since nine-year-old Rosalie Marshall disappeared from her bed one summer night. She was never found and the investigation ground to a halt. Now, her mother, Helena, and her father are dead in their bed. Initially, it looks like a straightforward murder/suicide but there's something about the positioning of the bodies that makes DS Maeve Kerrigan and her boss DI Josh Derwent suspicious. What looked as though it was going to be an open-and-shut case is now a complex double murder. Kerrigan is convinced that the explanation lies in Rosalie's disappearance: others (such as Derwent's boss, Una Burt) are less convinced. Full Review


Review of

The Kellerby Code by Jonny Sweet

3.5star.jpg Crime

Edward Jevons is a working-class young man, obsessed with his upper-class friends, Robert and Stanza. Robert's a theatre director. He's also self-obsessed, demanding, handsome and entitled and uses Edward to run errands for him. Edward has been in love with Stanza since their university days - and he's drunkenly confided how he feels to Robert. Most men in Robert's position would stay away from Stanza or tell Edward that a relationship had begun between them but he's not like most men: Edward is left to stumble upon the two of them kissing in a dark passageway. Full Review


Review of

Leave No Trace by Jo Callaghan

4star.jpg Crime

When a man is found crucified on the top of a hill in Nuneaton, DCS Kat Frank finds herself assigned to the case alongside her sidekick, the AI detective Lock. It's their first live case together, having previously been very successful with several cold cases. But when there is a second body found crucified a few days later, Kat is suddenly struggling with a potential serial killer and a very high profile case that draws a lot of unwanted attention to their AI Future Policing project. Will they be able to solve the case in time, or will Kat find herself taken off the case and, potentially, out of a career? Full Review


Review of

The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder by C L Miller

3.5star.jpg Crime

It's twenty years since Freya Lockwood has been back to the English country village where she grew up. She's back now because of a request for help from her beloved aunt, Carole. Freya's former mentor and Carole's close friend, Arthur Crockleford, is dead and the circumstances seem suspicious, to say the least. Arthur was the reason why Freya had not been back to the village: Arthur, she feels, let her down badly. Even though they were in business together as antique hunters, she has not felt able to be near the man or pursue the profession she loved. After the split, she worked in a cafe, met and married James (on the rebound from the love of her life, who was murdered) and Freya and James have now divorced. Full Review


Review of

Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter? by Nicci French

5star.jpg Crime

Charlotte Salter was expected at her husband's fiftieth birthday party but never turned up. Her children, sons Niall, Paul and Ollie and her daughter, Etty. are all worried but - strangely - her husband, Alec, is not. Shortly afterwards, Etty and Greg, find the body of Greg's father, Duncan Ackerley, in the river. It was an easy assumption for the police to make that Duncan had murdered Charlie and then committed suicide when he couldn't stand the guilt. The Salter children are not convinced but there's little else they can do but get on with their lives and wonder about what really happened. Full Review


Review of

The Ghost Orchid by Jonathan Kellerman

4star.jpg Crime

It hadn't been Lt Milo Sturgis's fault that Alex Delaware had been badly injured but he felt responsible and even after Alex recovered, Sturgis was reluctant to ask for his help on difficult cases. His assertions that there were only open-and-shut cases which didn't need the help of a psychologist only worked for a while. Finally, it was Robin, Delaware's partner, who nudged Milo into asking for help again. She knew that the involvement was something that the man she loved needed. The next case did look simple, though. Two lovers were murdered in the swimming pool of a remote property in Bel Air. He was the heir to an Italian shoe empire and she is married to an extremely rich man and it's not the Italian. But which of them was the primary target? Full Review


Review of

Knife Skills for Beginners by Orlando Murrin

4star.jpg Crime

Chef Paul Delamare took a teaching job at a residential cookery school in Belgravia. He didn't really want to but celebrity chef Christian Wagner had a way of getting both men and women to do what he wanted. Paul somehow got the impression that he'd be at the school to assist Paul, who had a broken arm, but it didn't turn out that way. The teaching - and the problems - are all his own. The one thing he hadn't expected was for someone to turn up dead. Unfortunately, he was the person who discovered the body and everyone knows that the police consider that person to be the prime suspect. Full Review


Review of

Laying Out the Bones by Kate Webb

4.5star.jpg Crime

It was one of those flash downpours that the British weather often delivers in a heatwave. In a gully, a human skeleton came to the surface and forensic testing proved the body to be Lee Geary, who had disappeared nine years earlier. He'd been a known drug user and had learning disabilities, so it could have been a simple case of misadventure but DI Matt Lockyer wasn't convinced. Geary was a townie, so what was he doing out on Salisbury Plain alone? There are connections to the suicide of Holly Gilbert and to two other deaths which were not considered suspicious at the time. Lockyer and DC Gemma Broad of the Major Crimes Review Unit (that's cold cases to you and me) investigate. Full Review


Review of

Lost and Never Found (A D I Wilkins Mystery) by Simon Mason

4.5star.jpg Crime

In Oxford, there are two D I Wilkins. Raymond Wilkins is of Nigerian descent, Balliol educated and always exquisitely dressed. D I Ryan Wilkins, son of Ryan and father of Ryan, is not. He's not any of those things. He's white, originated from a trailer park, barely educated (reading's not really his thing) and his wardrobe consists mainly of shell suits and trackies. They're usually in lime green or acid yellow. You might wonder if you're being introduced to a police procedural written for laughs. Well, you're not. The two men are just different sides of the same policing coin. Sometimes the combination works brilliantly well. Sometimes it's problematic. Full Review


Review of

The Winter Visitor by James Henry

4star.jpg Crime

It's February 1991 and Essex is bitingly cold, which made Bruce Hopkins' return all the more surprising. He'd been exiled on the Costa del Sol as a wanted drug smuggler for a decade. The return has come about because he's had a letter from his ex-wife, saying that she's ill and hasn't long to live. It's hard to feel any sympathy when Hopkins is abducted, stripped to his underwear and sent to a watery grave in the boot of a stolen Ford Sierra. Is it a warning from a Spanish gang or a problem closer to home? Full Review


Review of

A Nye of Pheasants by Steve Burrows

4star.jpg Crime

DCI Domenic Jejeune's close friend and former colleague, Danny Maik, has taken a short holiday in Singapore to meet up with an old ally, Guy Trueman. Maik was involved in a street brawl - he would later maintain that he was facing a man armed with a knife - and he killed a Ghurka. Initially, he faced a charge of manslaughter but evidence came to light that suggested that he might have planned to murder the man. Now he could be facing the death penalty. Domenic Jejeune can do nothing to help as any interference from another police force could provoke a diplomatic incident and wouldn't help Danny at all. Full Review


Review of

They Had It Coming (Greg Mason mysteries) by Keith Redfern

4star.jpg Crime

Greg Mason's just beginning to get his confidence as an investigator to the point where he'll warn someone about how much he charges. It's a good job too because Greg and Joyce will soon have a baby and they're both delighted. Joyce will be more delighted about the baby when she gets past the morning sickness. Greg is approached by an old friend whose brother-in-law appears to have killed himself. Stuart's concerned about his sister, Lucy, who's struggling to make ends meet and her son is not thriving. Lucy, he says, is convinced that Gil would never have killed himself - it simply wasn't in his nature. The police and the coroner have accepted that the death was suicide, but Stuart's prepared to pay Greg to find out what happened on the night Gil died. Full Review


Review of

Responsibilities (Greg Mason mysteries) by Ann Macarthur

4star.jpg Crime

It's the 1990s and Greg Mason's twenty-eight years old. He used to have a high-flying job in the city but it wasn't satisfying so he's now set himself up as a private investigator. 'Shades of Cameron Strike', you might be thinking. Nice bloke, but where's the life experience that backs up this profession? On the other hand, he has been asked to look into something. Joyce and Helen are half-sisters, or rather, they were until Helen was killed in what's been written off as a tragic accident at an unmanned level crossing. Joyce - and her parents, Oliver and Pam Hetherington - can't understand what she was doing there - or how she could come to fall in front of a train. Greg's been asked to investigate. Full Review


Review of

The Misper by Kate London

4star.jpg Crime

Ryan Kennedy killed a police officer: there's no doubt about that. He was the fifteen-year-old holding the gun and pointing it at DI Kieran Shaw. He pulled the trigger but due to the vagaries of the jury system he was found not guilty of both the murder and the manslaughter of the officer. And so lives must go on. For DI Sarah Collins that means leaving the capital and hoping for a quieter life in the countryside but when a missing teenager is found on her territory she's drawn into a wider investigation - and back into the orbit of Ryan Kennedy. Full Review


Review of

The Devil Stone (DCI Christine Caplan) by Caro Ramsay

4star.jpg Crime

In the village of Cronchie on the West coast of Scotland, five members of a wealthy family are found murdered. The only item missing from the home is the Devil Stone: myth says that if the stone is removed from Otterburn House, death will follow. The only suspects are known Satanists but in many ways, that's an easy conclusion given that two of them 'discovered' the body. The Senior Investigating Office is DCI Bob Oswald but when he disappears, DCI Christine Caplan is pulled in to 'shadow' him. Full Review


Review of

The Raging Storm (Two Rivers) by Ann Cleeves

4.5star.jpg Crime

It's all bloody peculiar, isn't it, Sir?

Well yes, it is. Jem Rosco blew into the local pub one evening in the middle of an autumn gale, stayed for about a month and then turned up, naked and dead, in a small boat, anchored in Scully Cove close to the village of Greystone, in Devon. Rosco had the status of a national treasure: a renowned adventurer, round the world sailor and all round celebrity. I nearly said 'all-round good egg' but as we'll find out, he could be more than a little bit close with money and his background isn't exactly an open book. Where did he get the money for his first boat? How did he finance the trip? Full Review


Review of

The Girl in the Eagle's Talons by Karin Smirnoff

5star.jpg Crime

Life has more to offer than people - prime numbers for example.

Lisbeth Salander has headed north to the small town of Gasskas, where the so-far-untapped natural resources of the area have sparked a gold rush. The criminal underworld has not been slow in coming forward. Salander's niece's mother is the latest woman in the area to have vanished without trace. It was only with reluctance that Salander became her niece's guardian but it quickly becomes obvious that Svala is a remarkably gifted teenager who's unaware of the part Salander played in her father's death. Full Review


Review of

The Trap by Catherine Ryan Howard

4.5star.jpg Crime

It's a scene replicated all too often in the early hours of the morning. Drunken revellers spilling out of clubs and looking for a way to get home. Some are lucky and manage to get one of the few taxis available. Others squash onto the night bus that will only go as far as one of the outlying villages. The woman all regret the 'taxi problem', particularly in the light of 'the missing women'. For one young woman, the final stop on the bus leaves her a long way short of her home. She had intended to ring someone to come and collect her - but her phone's dead. The bus had driven off before she had the chance to beg the bus driver to let her use his. There's no option but to start walking - unsuitably clothed and in high-heeled shoes. Full Review

Move on to Newest Crime (Historical) Reviews