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Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.
Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.
== May and June Competitions ==
<!-- We've no competitions at the moment but keep checking back as we have more planned! -->
Jill really enjoyed [[Flowers From Fukushima by Clive Lawton]], a haunting story of two survivors in a Japanese post-disaster wasteland.  For your chance to win a signed copy of the book, enter the competition [[Flowers From Fukushima by Clive Lawton|here]].
Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.
One lucky person will win a signed copy of [[Queen & Commander (A Hive Queen Novel) by Janine A Southard]].  You can enter the competition [[Queen & Commander (A Hive Queen Novel) by Janine A Southard|here]].
[[4 Bones Sleeping by Gerald Wixey]] has a devious plot which you won't work out until the final pages.  If you'd like a chance to win a copy, enter thecompetition [[4 Bones Sleeping by Gerald Wixey|here]].
Sue thought that [[Trick of Fate: Connell O'Keeffe and The Pen Caer Legacy by Patricia Watkins]] covered some difficult issues with great sensitivity.  We've a signed copy of the book to give away and you can enter the competition [[Trick of Fate: Connell O'Keeffe and The Pen Caer Legacy by Patricia Watkins|here]].
[[Salt of Their Blood by Gerald Wixey]] gives us a twisty plot, great evocation of time and place and a combination of characters which cannot turn out well.  For your chance to win a copy enter the competition [[Salt of Their Blood by Gerald Wixey|here]].
Margaret and her sons loved [[Diary Of Dorkius Maximus by Tim Collins]].  For your chance to win one of the three copies we have to giveaway, enter the competition [[Diary Of Dorkius Maximus by Tim Collins|here]].
Jill thinks that [[The Vanguard by SJ Griffin]] is an enjoyable post-catastrophe mystery thriller with enough twists and turns to shake a stick at.  You've a chance to win a copy if you enter the competition [[The Vanguard by SJ Griffin|here]].
Robin loved [[The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes]] and we've three copies to giveaway.  You can enter the competition [[The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes|here]].
Margaret and her sons enjoyed [[What If... Humans Were Like Animals? by Paul Moran]].  There's a chance to win your own copy [[What If... Humans Were Like Animals? by Paul Moran|here]]!
Jill enjoyed [[Maria & The Devil by Graham Thomas]] - a dark revenge fantasy with  western flavour.  For your chance to win a signed copy of the book, enterthe competition [[Maria & The Devil by Graham Thomas|here]].
We'll add all entrants to our [[Newsletter|monthly newsletter]] list so you'll know when our next competitions go live, but if you'd prefer we didn't, just tell us with your entry and we won't. Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.
These competition is listed on [http://www.theprizefinder.com/ The Prize Finder - UK Competitions] and various other portals.

Latest revision as of 07:42, 3 August 2021

Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.

Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.