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|comment=I wonder how much has been omitted by the editors – maybe we should visit the Brighton archives and find out! This isn’t a woman to forget. I’ve thought about her quite often since reading the book in the autumn, mostly in admiration at her fortitude and optimism. As you say, she is like a familiar and favourite aunt.}}
|name=Jerry Last
|verb= said
|comment=Dear Bookbag
I am Nella's youngest grandson (a brief couple of interviews on the BBC Dear Diary programme 18.1) and yes, I too agree with Trish Simpson-Davis's review. I am very proud of Nella and humbled by her strength and determination and also think of her often. We could all learn something from her life record.
Having read some of the original material from later years (post Peace), there is a wealth of information and passionate commentary yet to be made available. I gather Victoria Wood wanted to do more and perhaps the editors/publisher will agree. I wish I had more resources to research further but perhaps others will be willing and able to.
I agree that the cover was not a suitable reflection of the contents and her personal situation.
Jerry (Jeremy) Last