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Different from usual light novels, there are some interesting forays into the connections between Christianity and Paganism in the past, as well as insights into the methods and care needed when making chocolates. As for whether guardian angels exist, or whether Mayan charms help in the production of chocolate, that's left open to the reader to decide. There are, unsurprisingly, a couple of romance plot-lines, with plenty of misunderstandings and difficulties along the path; but I was glad that when the inevitable happened, the author closed the bedroom door firmly and left everything to the imagination. If there must be an exact genre, it's more a 'village novel' than chick-lit.
By the time I was about half-way through I was thoroughly enjoying this book. Something similar happened with the two others I have read by Tricia Ashley - [[Sowing Secrets by Trisha AshlyAshley|Sowing Secrets]] and [[Sweet Nothings by Trisha Ashley|Sweet Nothings]] - so I shouldn't have been surprised. I look forward to reading more by this author in future.
Many thanks to the publishers for sending this book.