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Guinevere (generally known as Gwen) is something of a tomboy and she'd much rather be out doing archery practice with the boys than practicing her curtsey and brushing her aunt's hair. Will and some of the other pages are dismissive of her because she's a girl, but Arthur is a little more kindly. One day, out in the woods with her friend Flora, she discovers the island of Avalon which is in a sorry state. The evil Morgana Le Fay has imprisoned her sisters who hold the spells which keep the island healthy asit should be and it's now up to Gwen and Flora to rescue the Spell Sisters and return Avalon to full health.
It's 'inspired by' rather than 'based on' the Arthurian legend. There's a lady of the lake but the sword in the stone becomes a pendant with magic properties which only the chosen one can remove from the stone. Arthur makes but a fleeting appearance: this is a book about girls and for girls, but that doesn't mean that it's ''girly''. Gwen is a feisty spirit who knows her own mind and she and Flora have plenty of adventures in the course of their quest.