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2,243 bytes added ,  13:26, 12 June 2015
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I lived the first twenty five years of my life in my home town before I decided it was time for a change. Having always liked history, I thought I’d enjoy studying the subject for a degree so went to Coventry and enrolled on a course.
After graduating with an honours degree in English and Politics, I spent nearly a year in Canada before returning to England to live in Bristol where I worked in secondary education before moving onto further education, adult education and eventually higher education.
So, why after all this time, should I write a novel about the fall of Anglo Saxon England? Well, the inspiration for my novel, ‘1066: What Fates Impose’, came from reading a biography of Harold Godwinson, that my wife bought me. I found the book really opened my eyes to the late Anglo Saxon era. Once I’d finished it I wanted to know more, so I read books about William the Conqueror, the Godwin family and then more and more about Anglo Saxon England. I found the history fascinating, full of marauding Vikings, papal plots, blood feuds, court intrigues, assassinations, so much so, I couldn’t believe the story hadn’t been covered more. So, I decided to do something myself. I researched everything I could about the period, including court etiquette; sword manufacturing techniques; everything. I also visited most of the locations that appear in the book, usually on family holidays, (the kids have forgiven me), and once I’d done all that, and it took quite some time, I wove together facts and fiction to produce the novel.
Why 1066? The twists and turns of fate fascinated me.
When writing the book I decided to stick as close as possible to the events and be as true to the characters as possible. For me it’s important to get the research right, so the reader has confidence in the story, knowing what they’re reading is the real thing. This is why Lady Godiva doesn’t ride naked through the streets of Coventry - it never happened. Besides, there was enough going on at that time for me not to have to add any additional spice to the story. Most of the events depicted in my book really happened with perhaps, one or two exceptions or manipulations. That is, I think, why the history comes alive.