Book Reviews From The Bookbag

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The Bookbag

Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page.

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The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat

3.5star.jpg For Sharing

A child's imagination can be a powerful tool, so their imaginary friend could be absolutely anything. How about a giant panda or an octopus that likes to build sandcastles? But what of those forgotten creatures; if an imaginary friend sits in the dark and no one thinks about them, do they exist? An audacious animal may just buck up the courage to stop waiting around for someone to imagine them and instead seek out their friend. Full review...

The Forgotten Summer by Carol Drinkwater

4star.jpg General Fiction

It is time for the annual grape harvest at Les Cigales, and Jane is preparing herself for a busy day, overseeing the work. At this moment in time, Jane's life seems as perfect as it gets: living in a stunning location with a husband who adores her and a job that allows her the freedom to travel. There is, however, a significant cloud hanging over Jane's perfect world: a vindictive mother in law who despises her and is determined to make her as miserable as possible. Clarrisse Cambon is a woman with an axe to grind and poor Jane is the unwilling recipient of her vitriol. Full review...

Where's Wally: The Colouring Book by Martin Handford

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Are you looking for something relaxing, easy to complete and which will allow your mind to wander freely as you gently colour in a pleasing design? Do you want to indulge your imagination and use the colours which tempt you at the moment, content that it will not affect the finished creation? Would you like large spaces which you can shade in large swoops as it pleases you? Are you aiming for a soothing finished product which is easy on the eye?

Sorry: you've got the wrong book. Full review...

The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel

4star.jpg General Fiction

Tomas is being thrust into the twentieth Century, and he doesn't like it. He has given himself the job of seeking something out in the High Mountains of Portugal, based on an ancient religious diary he found working in an archive, and to do so he needs the use of his uncle's brand new car to get him there and back in time. His jaw drops when he learns he will have to do the driving himself, for he cannot make head nor tail of what anything on the infernal machine does and why. It is of course a certain kind of progress, a looking forward, which has become quite anathema to him – for ever since he lost his beloved wife, beloved child and father, all in the space of a week, he has walked everywhere backwards – shielding himself from what really is ahead with a padded behind, and never letting sight of what he has lost. Full review...

Distant Light by Antonio Moresco and Richard Dixon (translator)

4.5star.jpg General Fiction

Our unnamed narrator might as well be the only person alive. He knows he's not – he still goes down to the nearest inhabited village to buy things to eat and other necessities, and he sees planes spreading their contrails over the remote area he lives in – but he might as well be. A lot of his thoughts are about life, however, for he has little to do except notice the nature around him, from the smell of lilies burgeoning with nobody else to see them in this deserted village, to the swallows darting across the ravines of the countryside. Life – and the nature of a light that he sees spring into activity every night at what he thought was a totally lifeless, empty forest area on land separated from his lookout post in his back garden by a deep, wooded gorge… Full review...

This is Your Life, Harriet Chance! by Jonathan Evison

4star.jpg General Fiction

The cruise to Alaska came as something of a surprise to Harriet Chance. It had been booked by her husband, Bernard, before his death and almost on a whim Harriet decided that she would go and take her best friend Mildred along with her. She might be seventy eight, but when she thought about it there didn't seem to be any reason not to go and it might give them both a new lease of life. She and Bernard had been married for fifty-five years, but the cruise would not work out as she hoped and for some of the strangest of reasons. Full review...

Underwater by Marisa Reichardt

4.5star.jpg Teens

Morgan has a post-it note in her apartment:

1. Breathe
2. You are okay
3. You are not dying

And if you had escaped a school shooting alive, you might need a note like this too, right?

People died. Kids died. Friends died. And afterwards, Morgan's school closed for a while. Morgan started attending a new school but it was just too much for her. She retreated to her apartment, enrolled at an online high school and didn't leave. Morgan hasn't crossed the threshold for months. If she only stays inside then she's safe. And a shut-in's life has a rhythm. Morgan's day is predictable: daytime TV, online school, grilled cheese and soup for lunch, visits from her therapist. And Mom and little brother Ben to liven up the evenings. Full review...

Doctor Who: 365 Days of Memorable Moments and Impossible Things by Justin Richards

4.5star.jpg Entertainment

Is it any wonder that The Doctor's use of a diary is mentioned merely as a joke? Let alone the fact it would come in whatever time unit (if any) Time Lords actually use, there's the problem of it not ever being chronological, and the fact he would never seem to have the time to fill it in. O tempora, o mores indeed. But if the human observer of Doctor Who would want a full year book, completely filled in and annotated with everything they would want to know about the Doctor in relation to the human calendar, then they have it at last with this lovely hardback. It's a brick of a book, of course, given the depth of the subject, but well worth the time taken to read it. Full review...

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

4.5star.jpg Autobiography

At the age of thirty six Paul Kalanithi seemed to have a glittering career - and life - ahead of him. He had degrees in English literature, human biology and history and philosophy of science and medicine from Stanford and Cambridge universities, as well as the American Academy of Neurological Surgery's top award for research. His reflections on medicine had been published in the New York Times. The Washington Post as well as the Paris Review Daily. It had been hinted, as he came to the end of ten years training to be a neurosurgeon, that he'd have the pick of the jobs on offer. There was just one nagging problem. Well there was more than one. He had severe back pain and he knew that he was unwell. He had stage four (terminal) lung cancer. Full review...

Perijee & Me by Ross Montgomery

5star.jpg Confident Readers

Forced to live on Middle Island with just her parents for company, Caitlin is lonely. The closest she's got to a friend is the grumpy fisherman, Frank, who takes her to school each day in his boat. But everything changes when Catlin finds a wriggling prawn on the beach and decides to keep it as a pet. Only it's not a prawn. It's soon the size and shape of a frog. By the next day it's the size and shape of a person and it keeps growing. And growing. What is it? Caitlin doesn't care – he's the friend she's always wanted. Full review...

Hester and Harriet by Hilary Spiers

4.5star.jpg Thrillers

Hester and Harriet are two respectable widowed sisters in their sixties, living a life of pleasant routine in their cottage in a quiet village. Known to all their neighbours, they play bridge, do good turns, and in short are everything two ladies of their age and station should be. It's no surprise, then, that their first thought upon seeing a frightened young woman with a baby in a disused bus shelter on Christmas morning is to take her home and feed her. But not everyone in the world, or even in their village, has such good intentions. Life is about to get terribly complicated. Full review...

Escape Attempt by Miguel Angel Hernandez and Rhett McNeil (translator)

3.5star.jpg General Fiction

Immigration and radical contemporary art: the two themes of Miguel Ángel Hernández's Escape Attempt are debate-provoking even on their own, but brought together into one plot, they fall nothing short of creating a painfully current and ruthlessly polemic novel. The brave choice of subject matter takes the reader on a journey that revolts, angers, and excites: Escape Attempt is an experience that does not leave the reader untouched, and locks them in a page-turner that cannot be escaped. Full review...

Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and Michael Foreman

5star.jpg Confident Readers

It was on September 10, 1987 that Michael's life changed greatly. It had once before then, when his parents get a letter, and will definitely change at least once after then. But it is the middle change that perhaps most takes Michael out of his comfort zone – the lad keen to play football, even on the boggiest of pitches, the lad with his loving parents and with his love for Stella Artois (worry not, that's the dog) is suddenly taken and turned on his head, becoming a different child in a much different life. Full review...

Cat's Colours by Airlie Anderson

4star.jpg For Sharing

Great Britain can feel like a grey country sometimes, especially on a cold winter's day when the fog is thick in the air. You can barely see your own hand in front of you, never mind the fertile landscape. Bringing a little colour into a grey world is like bringing a little joy in, so perhaps you can find a little happiness following Cat as she looks for some colour? You may even discover a wonderful surprise at the end of the adventure. Full review...

The Tusk That Did the Damage by Tania James

3.5star.jpg Literary Fiction

Tania James was a Fulbright Fellow in New Delhi in 2011–12. For this, her second novel after Atlas of Unknowns (shortlisted for the DSC Prize for South Asian literature) and the story collection Aerogrammes, she clearly draws on her personal knowledge of India in all its contradictions, especially when it comes to environmental policy. The novel alternates between three perspectives: a third-person account of an elephant named the Gravedigger and first-person narratives from a poacher and a documentary filmmaker. Full review...

Out There by Chris Townsend

4star.jpg Animals and Wildlife

Chris Townsend has been Out There as a long distance walker for almost four decades. For most of that time he has been equally out there as a champion of the outdoors. He is the author of many books, many accounts of his treks, and his web site and blogs receive many thousands of visits. Here, for the first time, he gathers his thoughts and experience into a single volume, singing a hymn of praise for the Wild, and stirring defence against human predation. Full review...

The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright and Jim Field

5star.jpg For Sharing

Books about scary beasts that turn out to be not so scary are immensely popular, and I blame Disney for how much of a hit this one is sure to be. The reason is sitting quietly on top of a rock on page five. Why, hello Mr Lion. Full review...

When the Floods Came by Clare Morrall

4.5star.jpg General Fiction

Sometime in the not-too-distant future, a devastating virus has decimated the population of the UK, striking humans and animals alike and leaving Britain in a state of quarantine for decades. Most of the survivors have been left infertile and the majority of people have relocated to Brighton, where they rely on airdops from surrounding nations in order to survive. Farming is impossible, as weather conditions are harsh and extreme, including tornadoes, floods and blizzards. Not everyone chooses to live in Brighton though. In a block of flats in Birmingham live the resourceful Polanski Family: Popi, Moth, Roza, Boris, Delphine and Lucia. Moth and Popi prefer solitude and isolation and their make-do-and-mend philosophy has ensured their survival in this unconventional environment. Full review...

Animal Rescue: The Unwanted Puppy by Tina Nolan

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Animal Magic is one of those places which just shouldn't be needed. It's an animal rescue centre and they take in abandoned, lost and neglected animals, nurse them back to health and then find good homes for them. It's run by Mark and Heidi Harrison (Heidi's a vet) along with their two children, Karl and Eva, who live at the rescue centre along with their parents. The centre has two rules - they never put any animal to sleep who has a chance of regaining health - and Karl and Eva are not to get the idea that they can keep any of the animals on a permanent basis. If they did the house would be overrun! Full review...

Fallout (Lois Lane) by Gwenda Bond

4star.jpg Teens

Lois Lane is an army brat with a history of, shall we say, oppositional behaviour. Or at least, that's how her army general father sees it. Lois doesn't see it at all like that. Lois just hates injustice, that's all. And if something unjust is happening, she can't let it slide. But this time, her nth time in a new town and a new school, Lois has vowed to herself that things will be different. She'll be good. She'll keep her mouth shut. She'll fly under the radar. Heck, she might even make a friend or two. Full review...

Peekaboo 1 2 3 by Gareth Lucas

3.5star.jpg For Sharing

We're waiting for the start of the Animal Antics race and everyone (well nearly everyone, but more of that later) is wondering who is going to win. At the moment is looks as though the lineup is a crab and two mice, but more - lots more - entrants are hidden behind the flaps. Lift the first flap and there's 'One polar bear on a pogo stick'. Under the second we have 'two turkeys on a tandem'. At number three there are 'three gorillas in a gondola'. You're probably getting the idea by now! The crab and the mice are still running, but they're not going to have a chance as we move through the numbers individually up to twenty and then in tens up to fifty, and then a giant leap to a hundred - with the way the entrants are travelling getting more and more outrageous by the minute. Full review...

Crush by Eve Ainsworth

4.5star.jpg Teens

Anna's mother has left her father - and her brother, and Anna herself. That's how Anna sees it and although her mother wants contact, Anna is refusing it. It's not as though Anna sees this as some heroic defence of father and brother either: she's fed up with them, too. Her father is always distracted and he isdefinitely favouring little brother Eddie, who, as Anna sees it, is a spoiled brat. School has picked up on the fact that all is not right with Anna and has signed her up for counselling sessions... Full review...

The Secret Life of Daisy Fitzjohn by Tania Unsworth

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Daisy Fitzjohn lives with her mother in the crumbling but grand Brightwood Hall. The house is full of antiques and treasures and hoardings - because Daisy's mother does like to hoard - and Daisy is rarely at a loss for something to look at or investigate. Which is just as well, because Daisy has never gone outside the house and its grounds. We understand why Daisy's mother keeps her secluded - she's terrified of loss because of a family tragedy in her own childhood. Despite this, Daisy has a loving relationship with her mum and makes up for the isolation by developing friendships: with her pet rat, with the peacocks and rabbits in the gardens, and also with paintings and topiary and other creatures of her imagination, all in the knowledge that she's being kept safe from The Crazy that once ran in her family. Full review...

Where's the Starfish? by Barroux

4star.jpg For Sharing

There's a whale. A large whale. And there's a lot of fish. A lot of fish. They're there in every shape and size you can imagine and in amongst them are the Starfish, the Jellyfish and the Clownfish. On the first page it's actually quite difficult to find those three in amongst all the others, but if you persist you will find them. It will still be quite difficult on the following page, but there's a little something creeping in that's not quite so pleasant. There's an empty plastic bottle and an old tin can. Actually, the fish are quite interested. It's a little easier to spot our three fish on the next page, because there isn't quite so much space. The rubbish has grown, you see. Full review...

Knights of the Borrowed Dark by Dave Rudden

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Denizen Hardwick has spent the last eleven years – since he was two – at Crosscaper orphanage. He knows nothing about his family and is, therefore, surprised when he's suddenly summoned to visit an Aunt he didn't know he had. This is, however, only the first of many surprises. Before he even arrives at his Aunt's house, Denizen's world is abruptly turned upside down as he's introduced to a hidden world of shadows and an unseen enemy in the form of the Tenebrae. He soon discovers he has hidden powers but is he prepared for the cost of using them? Is he prepared to join the Knights of the Borrowed Dark? Does he really have a choice? Full review...

We Are Giants by Amber Lee Dodd

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Nine year old Sydney Goodrow is small for her age and she wants to stay that way. Her mum is only 124cm tall and her dad, when he was alive, wasn't much taller. Despite the challenges it can cause, Sydney knows that being little is special and that's why she tries hard with her regular 'shrinking exercises'. However, despite her best efforts, she can't help growing taller and growing up. Full review...

Eliza Rose by Lucy Worsley

4.5star.jpg Teens

Eliza's family isn't as wealthy as it once was. And she is well aware that her duty is to marry well in order to repair the Camperdowne fortunes. To this end, Eliza is sent from her family home at Stoneton Castle to Trumpton Hall, to be educated in the ways of noble ladies. Here, she meets the infamous Katherine Howard while she too is still a young girl. And from there, it's on to the Tudor court of Henry VIII, who is currently married to Anne of Cleves. Full review...

Tidy by Emily Gravett

5star.jpg For Sharing

Pete the badger likes tidy. He does it very well. Well, perhaps it's a little bit too well. He's not content with checking all the flowers in the woodland and removing any which didn't quite match, he insists on brushing fox to remove all the brambles and burrs. I'm not certain that using a hedgehog to do this is really a good idea, but Pete seems to find it effective. All the birds have to be bathed, and their beaks clean and even the rocks are scoured and scrubbed. Leaves are a major problem: just think about all that sweeping up and all the bin bags of leaves which have to be stored. There is an obvious solution. Full review...

Urban Outlaws Counterstrike by Peter Jay Black

5star.jpg Confident Readers

Thought the previous three books in this excellent series were heart-stopping? Reckon there's no way the tension could be ratcheted up any higher? Well hang on tight, brave reader, because this book's going to make you forget to eat, sleep, do your homework and (unless you're very, very careful) breathe, even. It's epic! Full review...