Tilly de Liege (that's pronounced 'de Lee', by the way) met Ainsley Driver quite by accident and they just seemed to get on with each other really well. Both were about to do A levels and were hoping to go on to university, but there was a snag. Tilly was from the wrong side of the tracks. She wasn't in the least bit worried about the fact that Ainsley lived in a council house on quite the worst estate in town but when he found out that she lived in the local manor house and went to a private school something snapped. It didn't seem to be about money – as the de Lieges really didn't have any - more about the fact that she hadn't said.
A Class Act by Kate Lace | |
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Category: Women's Fiction | |
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Reviewer: Sue Magee | |
Summary: First love and A Levels and difficulties when one of you lives the wrong side of the tracks. An indulgent and relaxing read for the younger woman. | |
Buy? Maybe | Borrow? Yes |
Pages: 312 | Date: October 2010 |
Publisher: Little Black Dress | |
ISBN: 978-0755347940 | |
Cue entry of older man (well, he was in his twenties and when you're not yet eighteen that's old) with money – lots of it – and a girl has some tough decisions to take.
When I began reading this book I developed a quite unreasonable bias against it. I'm way past the first love and doing A levels stage and I kept wanting to tell Tilly that she would get over it, look back and laugh at it all. For a while I wondered if I would keep reading, then something happened which nailed the book into my hands and I had to find out what happened. I simply couldn't put the book down.
I loved the way that Tilly developed from being a sulky and rather immature and selfish teen into a woman you could admire. Ainsley tugged at the heart-strings with his need to get his A levels despite the best efforts of his stereotypical council house mother and step-father who couldn't see the point of education. I felt for them both because when things went wrong neither of them really had anyone else they could talk to and there's a beautiful contrast with Tilly's younger twin sisters who totally have each other.
It's a book for the younger woman who won't be a long way past the first love stage and it really has some twists that you won't be expecting. If you're looking for an indulgent, relaxing read then this could be just the thing for you.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
This book is part of the Little Black Dress series and we've recently been impressed by another – Taking the Lead by Sarah Monk.
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