Muddle Your Way Through Being a Grandparent: How to Fool People into Thinking You're a Competent Granny or Grandpa by Paul Merrill

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Muddle Your Way Through Being a Grandparent: How to Fool People into Thinking You're a Competent Granny or Grandpa by Paul Merrill

Buy Muddle Your Way Through Being a Grandparent: How to Fool People into Thinking You're a Competent Granny or Grandpa by Paul Merrill at or

Category: Humour
Rating: 3/5
Reviewer: Sue Magee
Reviewed by Sue Magee
Summary: A spoof self-help book which might not solve the problems, but will make you laugh.
Buy? Maybe Borrow? Yes
Pages: 176 Date: September 2013
Publisher: Thistle Publishing
ISBN: 978-1909609402

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It seems to be accepted wisdom that being a grandparent is a great deal easier than being a parent. The trials and tribulations have largely been ignored by wrinklies grateful for contact with their children and grandchildren - and by the children who are grateful (or otherwise) for free childcare - or so Paul Merrill would have us believe. Published for Grandparents' Day his book takes us through a series of scientifically-questionable quizzes, flow charts (that's often of money, by the way - and you can guess which way it's flowing), checklists and advice from celebrities, some of whom you might even have heard of.

Wisely he starts way before the grandchildren have arrived, at the point where you might not be keen on your offspring's choice of partner, supplying some useful phrases which could suggest what you're thinking without starting open warfare. This is a service he supplies throughout the book - some phrases you might find just a little too close to the bone, but there'll be no doubting what you're thinking. Obviously telling your child that they're a hopeless parent is not pleasant but it's simply something that has to be done. Grasp the nettle.

Of course you might not want to be on tap as a constant source of babysitting services, but you need to be very careful as to which illnesses you fake. On the other hand, there's a wealth of knowledge which you do require for when you're caug... er, delighted to be asked. You'll need to understand the language your grandchildren speak, master the basics (at least) of texting and be au fait with the requirements of present giving, which is an art form in itself. All these knotty problems are covered and you will feel completely terrified at the idea of being a grandparent.

It's funny, but behind it all there's an uncomfortable grain of truth. Many grandparents, parents and grandchildren have a wonderful relationship but it's not always the case. Some long for more contact - some for much less and others for a more considerate relationship. I can't honestly say that this book is going to sure any of the problems - but you will be able to laugh at them.

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

For more fun with relationships have a look at The Romantic Economist: A Story of Love and Market Forces by William Nicolson.

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Buy Muddle Your Way Through Being a Grandparent: How to Fool People into Thinking You're a Competent Granny or Grandpa by Paul Merrill at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy Muddle Your Way Through Being a Grandparent: How to Fool People into Thinking You're a Competent Granny or Grandpa by Paul Merrill at Amazon currently charges £2.99 for standard delivery for orders under £20, over which delivery is free.


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