Book Reviews From The Bookbag

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Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page.

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Fred's War by Andrew Davidson

3.5star.jpg History

Fred's War is the story of the 1st Cameronians actions in the 1st world war from 1914 -1915. The pictures themselves tell their own story. They show the happy young and carefree faces become gaunt, lined and battle-worn as the war progresses, although there is still laughter at times. The simple warmth of a roaring fire brings such obvious pleasure, that in a way the joy itself is heart-breaking. Photos like this make one wonder however they ever coined the name The Great War. This looks anything but great. It shows the desolation of ploughed fields which should have been planted to provide nourishment, instead yielding only a harvest of death and despair. It shows men wading in water nearly to their knees or scurrying like animals in the muck. The pictures show the true horror of trench warfare in a way words can not, but thankfully they show only the lulls between battles. There are no scenes of horror as men are blown to bits. I think the men of this time had too much respect to photograph comrades in the throes of death, or in agony with wounds. This is not the horror of the battlefield or the immediate aftermath, but instead of mind-numbing cold, hunger and filth - of living conditions so bleak death itself might not seem such a bad option. But it isn't all doom and gloom. There are happier scenes as Fred is an officer and billeted comfortably at times. There is also the delight of a death narrowly missed and simple scenes of camaraderie. Full review...

Colossus by Alexander Cole

4star.jpg Historical Fiction

I would not want to be in the front line of any army, but one that is facing a row of battle worn elephants must be the worst These huge beasts, that don’t smell particularly nice, are charging towards you, their tusks tipped in armour. You’ll find me cowering somewhere near the baggage train. Not Gajendra, he is an ambitious young man in Alexander’s all conquering army. He has a special relationship with the largest elephant in Alex’s army, Colossus. This close relationship between man and beast will lead Gajendra to a higher level than he could ever have imagined for a poor boy from India. Full review...

This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

5star.jpg Teens

Elise is a fragile girl who's never felt like she fitted in anywhere. Shuttled between her divorced parents, she's desperate to be popular at school but can't work out how. Then a chance event leads to her DJ'ing in Start, a hot underground nightclub and her life suddenly improves dramatically - but can she really leave behind her old self, or are the bullies who make her feel like there's nothing worthwhile about her life right all along? Full review...

When The Guns Fall Silent by James Riordan

4.5star.jpg Teens

In 1964, Perry visits a foreign cemetery with his grandfather Jack, a hero of World War I. Jack doesn't like to talk about the war, much to Perry's disappointment, but on this trip he finds himself thinking back 50 years to a time when he signed up full of enthusiasm only to be confronted by the harsh realities of war, and looking back on those of his friends - English and German - who didn't make it. Full review...

Last to Rise by Francis Knight

4.5star.jpg Fantasy

Rojan has spent his life running from any sort of responsibility, but it's all catching up with him now. With the Mishans and Storads both knocking on Mahala's door, war seems inevitable. The inhabitants of Mahala are starving as trade dries up, the natural resources of the city all used. And the paltry amount of Glow the few pain mages can generate isn't enough to protect them. Full review...

A Deal's a Deal by Stephanie Blake

4star.jpg For Sharing

There is always that stage, with children, where they always seem to want whatever someone else has got. I think it lasts until they are, well, about thirty seven?! Here we see the beginnings of envy with Simon, our little rabbit friend from Stupid Baby. He's off to play with his friend Ferdinand, and he takes along three cars - a yellow car, a green car and a blue car. But then, of course, Ferdinand has a red car... Full review...

It's Time to Say Goodnight by Harriet Ziefert and Barroux

3.5star.jpg For Sharing

When a little boy wakes up happy and decides to say 'Good morning' to everything he sees he probably doesn't realise the task he has set himself. Indeed, after saying 'Good morning' to twenty-plus things around him it seems it's now time to say 'Good night'! Full review...

How to Win: The Argument, the Pitch, the Job, the Race by Dr Rob Yeung

3.5star.jpg Lifestyle

Looking for a sure-fire way to intimidate the competition during a job interview? Just sit in the waiting room perusing the oh, so subtly titled How to Win, with the book tilted at the optimum angle to allow everyone to see the bold heading on the cover. Of course, if more than one candidate is reading the same book, difficulties may ensue... Full review...

Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman

3.5star.jpg General Fiction

Having loved Wildlflower Hill, I was really looking forward to reading Kimberley Freeman’s newest work. A story split over different time periods, featuring the story of a family who made their fortune in jewellery sounded appealing on several levels. Full review...

Ghost Moth by Michele Forbes

5star.jpg Literary Fiction

Belfast 1949: Katherine is about to become engaged to fireman George Bedford when she meets Tom McKinley. He's bright fun and makes her feel more alive than dependable, boring George ever could. The weight of the decision Katherine eventually makes will haunt her for a lifetime. We fast forward to Belfast 1969 and as the troubles in Northern Ireland exacerbate, as do the cracks in Katherine's marriage. In fact 20 years and four children later, they've become chasms. Full review...

Seven Sorcerers: Books of the Shaper: Volume 3 by John R Fultz

4star.jpg Fantasy

Vireon the Giant-King, Emperor Tyro and Feathered Serpent/Sorcerer Khama are readying their armies to face the Almighty Zyung, would be conqueror of the Five Cities, a Shaper and evil piece of work. Meanwhile Sharadza (Vireon's sister) and Iardu (the good Shaper, mostly) take on swifter forms to beg assistance from every place and being they can think of. For the time is coming when the world's freedom depends on victory against insurmountable odds. Back at the armies, Dahrima the Axe, giantess and leader of Vireon's spear-maiden body guard, has sworn to die for her king but also has some emotional issues. As for Ianthe and Gammir, the causes of much suffering in the past, they once again have their own agendas that could mean Zyung is the least of anyone's worries. Full review...

The Goddess and the Thief by Essie Fox

4star.jpg Crime (Historical)

Alice Willoughby may only be a child but she feels at one with India, the country in which she was born and where her father works for the East India Company. The sights, the smells and the tales of the Indian gods told by Mini, her Indian ayah all contribute to it being home, despite the sub-continent having made her motherless. Therefore imagine her disgust when she's left in the hands of her Aunt Mercy (a counterfeit medium) in drab, dirty Victorian London. Life isn't easy anymore but it takes on a new turn when she meets the mysterious Mr Tilsbury. He has a plan for her that includes the theft of the Koh-I-Noor diamond, Her Majesty's pride and joy. Full review...

Touchstone by Laurie R King

3.5star.jpg Crime (Historical)

Laurie R King may be best known for her Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes series, but she has also written a number of other novels, a couple of which feature detective Harris Stuyvesant. With the publication of the second in this series, the first Touchstone, originally published in 2008, has been republished, allowing those readers new to Stuyvesant, or even to King herself, to become properly acquainted. Full review...

The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls by Anton DiSclafani

4star.jpg Historical Fiction

Theodora Atwell is torn away from her much-loved brother at the age of 15, to be sent far from her home in Florida to Yonahlossee, where she's to have a fresh start after a mysterious event she blames herself for. Set in the 1930s to the backdrop of the Depression, we follow Thea as she tries to navigate her new surroundings and come to terms with the damage she's caused to her family. Full review...

Alphaprints ABC by Jo Ryan and Sarah Powell

5star.jpg For Sharing

A is for Alternative. B is for Bright. C is for Charming. D for Delight. Well, that’s my opinion of the alphabet board book Alphaprints ABC – take it from me, the actual rhymes are better! Full review...

The Heavens Rise by Christopher Rice

4star.jpg Thrillers

Marshall Ferriott thinks he has Niquette Delongpre; she wants him as much as he obsesses about her. He's certain until a late night struggle in her family's swimming pool disavows him of the idea. However they aren't alone in the water. Something unwelcome and uninvited lives there that will shape both their abilities and their futures. Fast forward through the years and Marshall is completely paralysed yet, oddly, things die around him. And Niquette? She's missing along with the rest of her family. Full review...

Eye Benders: The Science of Seeing and Believing by Clive Gifford and Professor Anil Seth

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

My husband doesn't usually do books, but when this arrived in the post it was a good two hours before anyone could get it out of his hands. The whole family ended up joining in and commenting on each illustration or illusion. On the surface, it just seems like some light-hearted fun, and this book certainly is fun. But in addition to being great fun, this is an incredibly educational book as well. Full review...

Asterix and the Picts by Jean-Yves Ferri, Rene Goscinny, Albert Uderzo and Didier Conrad

5star.jpg Graphic Novels

I've never been entirely certain if Asterix was written for children or adults. I am quite certain children were the original target audience, but it is equally apparent that many of the jokes are thrown in for adults as well. It does seem as if more adults are buying Asterix than children now, and comics in general have been taken over by the adult consumer, but Asterix still has plenty to offer the younger reader as well. If it is perhaps a bit more sophisticated than the average children's book today, all the better. I'm all for children's books that are light and easy to read, but I think we are doing our children a disservice by filtering out any book with a more complex vocabulary or a fair number of unfamiliar words. My children did find a few words like solidarity, fraternise and diaphanous challenging, but if we don't challenge them at all - how will they learn? Full review...

Winter by Adam Gopnik

4star.jpg Reference

In this collection of five essays, each one offering a unique and fascinating perspective on the season of winter, Adam Gopnik takes the reader on a captivating journey, exploring history, art and society, through Romantic Winter, Radical Winter, Recuperative Winter, Recreational Winter and Remembering Winter. In each essay, Gopnik focuses on one or two central themes, whilst also touching on surrounding ideas. For example, in Romantic Winter his central topics are art and poetry, however, issues such as changing society, technology, sex and culture are also explored, in relation to these pivotal notions. He also includes two sections featuring collections of artwork to illustrate his viewpoints, which add a charming, individual touch to this book. Full review...

Who Invented The Stepover? (And Other Crucial Football Conundrums) by Paul Simpson and Uli Hesse

4star.jpg Sport

In 1982, second division Charlton Athletic staged an unlikely transfer coup by signing former European Footballer of the Year Allan Simonsen. If the thought of the Danish superstar forsaking the glamour of Barcelona for south east London seemed unlikely then consider that Simonsen had previously faked his own death during a World Cup qualifier. Full review...

Cloudland by Joseph Olshan

5star.jpg Crime

Catherine Winslow, a retired investigative journalist, writes household columns for various newspapers while she sits holed up in her house in Vermont. One day, when the winter snow started melting, she discovered a body near her property. The discovery unearthed a series of killings which Catherine and her neighbour a forensic psychiatrist set out to solve. Full review...

Lionheart by Stewart Binns

3.5star.jpg Historical Fiction

Richard the First. Richard the Lionheart.

Even those of us who didn't pay attention much in history lessons, those of us who are pretty dodgy on which King came when, will be familiar with some of them and be able to put them more or less in their time context. We know William the Conqueror, we know Henry the Eighth…

… and, up to a point, we know about the Lionheart. Full review...

The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen and P J Lynch (Illustrator)

5star.jpg For Sharing

Determined heroine Gerda has a series of adventures on her journey to find her friend Kay after he has been spirited away by the Snow Queen to live in her palace of ice. 'The Snow Queen' is one of Hans Christian Andersen’s less disturbing fables with a message about the power of love and true friendship. No heart wrenching deaths like 'The Little Match Girl', no tortured longing like 'The Little Mermaid', it has the benefit of a happy ending. And, in contrast to so many traditional tales where the hero is usually male, its star is a lively girl who rescues her friend against all the odds. Full review...

Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the Badness of Badgers by John Dougherty

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

It's a good day, unless you're a young girl called Ketchup-Face, who doesn't like being rudely woken up by happy birds singing outside her window. It's a good day, unless you're a young boy called Stinkbomb who's just been woken up by his sister jumping on him. It's a good day until they find a piggy bank raided, and can only assume the thieves were badgers – the clue is in the 'bad' bit. So they go off to meet the king, and a song gets sung, and a major crime-busting task-force is formed, and someone eats an elephant. Yes, it's a good day. Full review...

Outraged of Tunbridge Wells: Original Complaints from Middle England by Nigel Cawthorne

4star.jpg Humour

It was ever thus… cyclists go too fast, without using a hooter or lights; there are hoodlums everywhere one looks, and no public conveniences; people pretend to have qualifications and degrees they haven't rightfully earned; buses are too busy with shopping women who should be indoors already, cooking for their working menfolk… It's a very clever idea to show exactly what is behind the 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' tag, and as a book to be shelved alongside those with the wackier letters sent to the Daily Telegraph, these selections from the Royal town's press itself make a great eye-opener to the complaints and complainants of Kent. Full review...