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Dinosaur Police by Sarah McIntyre

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Help! There’s trouble in Dinoville! A T-Rex is causing havoc in the pizza parlour! So starts the silliest of dinosaur books that had me giggling until the very last page. Trevor is a naughty little thing, ruining all the pizzas for a special order, and then running away from the Police before they can catch him. It’s one kerfuffle after another here, but somehow, some way, the show must go on, and the town rallies together to make it happen.

Dinosaur Police by Sarah McIntyre

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Zoe Page
Reviewed by Zoe Page
Summary: Help! There’s trouble in Dinoville! A T-Rex is causing havoc in the pizza parlour!
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 32 Date: May 2015
Publisher: Scholastic
External links: Author's website
ISBN: 978-1407143286

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Some of the humour might go over their little heads, but parents I know will smirk at Inspector Sarah Tops and co, and the hiccup when the Police realise you can’t keep handcuffs on a T-Rex’s diddy arms. Small elements of the story are a bit bizarre too, such as when Trevor was feeling clumsy and bloated. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen the word bloated in a book for pre-schoolers before, but when I turned the page I understood why. There’s also an interesting slant when Trevor eats sooooo much pizza he gets sleepy. I know it can do adults in, but I’m not sure post-prandial lethargy ever struck me as a child.

It’s not nice to be picky, though, especially when there are so many enjoyable bits to this book. It’s fun because it’s silly and familiar and you know that everything Trev is doing is naughty. It’s naughty to eat too much pizza, it’s naughty to make a mess and it’s definitely naughty to run away from the Police. It’s impolite (but funny) to burp loudly in public.

This is a lively, animated book that will wake them up rather than send them off to sleep, so it’s probably best kept away from the bedtime reading pile. The colours are crazy and loud and there’s so much action I almost couldn’t work out what was going on on a few pages, like when Trevor rampages through a building site. It’s clear to see the devastation he leaves behind him, though, with mushrooms and tomatoes and slices of pepper littering the pages. This is a good book for boisterous boys, gleeful girls and anyone who is a fan of dinos or pizza. Mmmm, pizza.

I’d like to thank the publishers for sending us this copy to review.

After Trevor has eaten all that pizza, well I’m not sure what comes next, but I suspect at some point he may need a Dinosaur Poo! by Christyan Fox and Diane Fox

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