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|reviewer=Tanja Jennings
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Zinging and tingling with magic the first book in [The Unmapped Chronicles] is another inventive gem from Abi Elphinstone. In Sky Song her enchanted world reflected the terrible calamity of the refugee crisis. Her new venture Rumblestar follows explores the haphazard adventures ravages of climate change in the anxious 11-year-old Casper Tock who timetables his every movement21st century wrapped within a charmed realm of sky tumbling waterfalls and frozen lightning where sun scamps spin dazzlethread and shatterblasts rage. Lyrical, makes countless to do lists imaginative and is hounded by wealthy bullies bursting with the absurdly humorous Roald Dahl style gobblefunk words and appropriate names of Candida Cashmere Jumps and Leopold Splattercash. He stumbles across a magical portal by accident, just like Lucy quirky love of Narnia famefood, meets a feisty girl troubled by her past and the message at its heart is plunged into a perilous quest. In a kingdom where the dark forces one of Midnights threaten the weather Marvels (equated here to the miracle of nature) conjured by magical creaturescourage, only unlikely heroes can battle against evilfortitude and friendship.