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Emmy is moving with her parents halfway across America, to follow her father's dreams of a big break in his music career. She leaves behind her friends and her school in Wisconsin, and moves to California, knowing only what she has heard in songs. Her struggle to settle into her new life, make friends and feel happy and confident again, is agonisingly told in a way we can all relate to. There are many new opportunities and setbacks, taking the reader on a rollercoaster of emotions, but it isn't until Emmy joins a coding class using computer language that she begins to feel she might have a chance to feel like she truly belongs.[[In the Key of Code by Aimee Lucido|Full Review]]
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=='''19 OCTOBER'''==
<!-- Belinda Landsberry -->
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===[[Once, I was Loved by Belinda Landsberry]]===
[[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:For Sharing|For Sharing]]
Tock, the toy rabbit, is in a box of toys going to the charity shop. He realises that he's not wanted any more, but muses that it wasn't always this way. ''Once'', he says, ''I was loved''. And he tells us of all the children who have loved him over the years. [[Once, I was Loved by Belinda Landsberry|Full Review]]