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The role models are varied in terms of their sphere of interest but it did strike me that only two of the twenty five are women. It could, of course, be that it's down to bias on the part of the authors, but somehow I doubt this. It's more likely that women traditionally have more responsibilities outside of work or that not as many women have yet broken through the glass ceiling - but I would like to have seen more input from women.
The topics covered are diverse and they're grouped into themes, such as ''Efficiency Boosters'', ''New Ways of Doing Old Things'' and ''Beware the Time and Energy Wasters''. Some points might sounds obvious, such as picking your co-founders carefully, but the reasoning is illuminating and the essays on acquiring finance are gold dust, particularly for the novice entrepreneur. At the other end of the scale the advice on dispensing with distractions which don't add to life is good, although I had to chuckle when the actions were lauded when done by a younger person but one of the authors seemed to think it a retrograde step when it was done by his 66 -year -old father. I guess it comes down to the reasons ''why'' something is done, rather than what, specifically ''is'' done.
It's thought-provoking and it's very easy reading, falling cheerfully into the 'I'll just read another one before I put the book down' category. I'd have loved an index as there were a couple of points which I wanted to go back and think about a little more. Don't think that you have to be an entrepreneur to get benefit from the book - you'll get a great deal from it wherever you're placed in your working life and I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
And yes - I'm going to take up the final suggestion in the book. I'm taking tomorrow off!
If this subject interests you then we can also recommend [[How to be a Social Entrepreneur: Make Money and Change the World by Robert Ashton]]. Those just starting ou will appreciate [[Make it Happen: The Prince's Trust Guide to Starting Your Own Business by The Prince's Trust]]. If you want to startyour start your own business, try [[Start It Up: Why Running Your Own Business is Easier Than You Think by Luke Johnson]]. You might also find [[Understanding the Value Proposition of Document Assembly]] useful.

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