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==Confident readers==
|author=Catherine Cooper
|title=The Golden Acorn - The Adventures of Jack Brenin
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Determined as 'The One' when he insouciantly picks up a golden acorn, Jack Brenin is thrust into a world of adventure and magic as he is given the heavy responsibility of saving the diminishing magical population of the village of Glasruhen, along with Camelin, the talking raven who provides welcome flair through his humorous dialogue.
|author=Philippe Lechermeier and Rebecca Dautremer
|summary=Theo and Dodie's cat is missing, it's snowing, their clock-mender dad is away, and Mr Oak from the village has warned Theo all about witches. It's almost impossible to detect a witch, y'know, but if by some small miracle you can get them to cry, their tears turn to crystal. When Mrs Scarum turns up at Theo and Dodie's house, Theo is incredibly wary...
|author=Jenny Valentine
|title=Iggy and Me On Holiday
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=We've already met Iggy and Flo [[Iggy and Me by Jenny Valentine|twice]] [[Iggy and Me and the Happy Birthday by Jenny Valentine|before]]. They're back again, with their tales of daily life, and this time the short stories cover their summer holidays. We've been massive fans of the ''Iggy and Me'' books from day one, and will continue to be so. They're super!
|author=Ellen Renner
|title=City of Thieves
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=There's nothing better than an adventure story where the thrills and shocks just keep on coming, where you sneak a look at the number of pages left and think nothing more can be piled on the unfortunate heroes, only to see them hit again - and then again! - with shocks and reversals of fortune. At the beginning of this gripping Gothic tale twelve-year-old Charlie has found her long-lost mother, and is about to be crowned Queen Charlotte of Quale; her dear friend and playmate Tobias is still in shock from the revelation that his father is the traitor who plotted to betray their country. The villain, who also killed Charlie's father the King, is about to be hanged for his crimes and the two young people feel once he is dead they will be able to get on with their lives. But mere hours before he is due to die, the devious and complex Windlass escapes from his prison cell . . .
|author=Alan MacDonald
|title=Arrrrgh! Slimosaur!
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Iggy the Urk wants to spend his days playing boulderball with his friends, and trying to get one over on his nemesis Snark. His dad takes him hunting - Iggy is desperate to bag a woolly mammoth or snaggle-toothed tiger. When they come across huge tracks and an even bigger poo, his dad worries, and Iggy's Grumma warns him about the scary slimosaur that's out there. Life for a caveboy isn't easy.
|author=David Calcutt
|title=The Map of Marvels
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Connor is trying to draw a map for a school project but can't find any inspiration until an old book drops on the floor. Opening it to find a map, he gets inspired and starts work on his project. He's drawn to putting a tower in which he feels will complete it, and gets upset with his younger sister Alice when she scribbles it
out after claiming she's seen a nasty face in it - so he retaliates by kicking down her tower that she'd made of stuff from her toybox. As he does so, he finds himself transported onto the ship of Sindbad, King of the Pirates, and his daughter.
|author=Katie Davies
|title=The Great Rabbit Rescue
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Joe-Down-The-Road has a new love in his life. It's his new pet rabbit, a replacement for the old one that died of fright. As a result he keeps it guarded day and night, water-pistolling anything that might or might not be a threat to its safety. But when he leaves home to live with his dad, what becomes of the rabbit? What if it isn't the right move for Joe - or the rabbit - and they need to be reunited? Only Anna and friends can possibly help.
|author=Michelle Lovric
|title=The Mourning Emporium
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Two years ago in 1898, Teodora, the Undrowned Child of prophecy, saved Venice from its resurrected traitor, Bajamonte Tiepolo. Since then, she and her partner-in-prophecy Lorenzo, the Studious Son, have led a fairly uneventful existence. But now, Venice is in peril once more. Ice creeps through its lagoon, vampire eels encased menacingly within it, and black cormorants have returned to spy on the city in their great, black clouds. Teodora knows baddened magic when she sees it, and her heart sinks at the awful realisation - il Traditore is back...
|author=Anthony Browne
|title=Play The Shape Game
|genre=Children's Non-Fiction
|summary=You might have already played the shape game. It involves doing a squiggle on a piece of paper, then either you or someone else has to turn that squiggle into a full picture. Anthony Browne played it lots when he was little, and now he's playing it with 45 celebrities and you. Proceeds from the book and the auction of the artwork are going to [ The Rainbow Trust Children's Charity], who provide emotional and practical support to families who have a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. A fantastic cause.
|author=Geraldine McCaughrean
|title=Stop the Train
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Cissy and her family have come to set up a grocery store in the brand new town of Florence, Oklahoma, near the railroad. She quickly makes friends with a very chatty, kind boy called Kookie, short for Habbakuk. Other people come to stake their claim on plots of land, and open up businesses. It is all very exciting but the settlers of this new town soon discover they have a serious problem. The railroad company wanted the land the town is being built on, and when everyone turns down the cash they are offered to give up their claims, the railroad boss announces his trains will not stop in Florence. The railroad is the reason for the town's existence, and without it Florence will collapse before it is properly started.
|author=Geraldine McCaughrean
|title=Pull Out All The Stops!
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=A diphtheria epidemic is in town and has already claimed several victims including pupils at school. The school is closed and all the remaining children sent out of town to stay with relatives and friends until the danger is over. Cissy and two of her classmates are sent away to stay with their former teacher, Miss Loucien, now part of a touring theatre company with her new actor husband. Their new teacher, Miss May March, comes along as a chaperone on the train journey, motivated by a sense of duty and concern for her charges' welfare.
|author=Anne-Marie Conway
|title=Phoebe Finds Her Voice (Star Makers Club)
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=This is a sweet story in which Anne-Marie Conway makes good use of the current obsession with all-singing, all-dancing shows. Her lead character, Phoebe, is painfully shy. She never used to be though, and always loved singing and dancing before, but since she moved up to the big school, and things started to go wrong at home, she has lost her confidence. Against all her inner fears she somehow ends up joining the local drama club, and whilst she tries to find ways to deal with her crippling stage fright she also begins fighting to get her parents back together again.

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