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|title=The Interview: Bookbag talks to Lisa Clark
|reviewer=Keith Dudhnath
|summary=Bookbag loved [[Livin' La Vida Lola by Lisa Clark|Lola Love's first foray into fiction]] and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask its author, [[:Category:Lisa Clark|Lisa Clark]], some questions about her life, her work, and the character of Lola.
|date=3 February 2009
|interviewer=Keith Dudhnath

Bookbag loved [[Livin' La Vida Lola by Lisa Clark|Lola Love's first foray into fiction]] and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask its author, [[:Category:Lisa Clark|Lisa Clark]], some questions about her life, her work, and the character of Lola.

*'''Bookbag: Let's start with a question straight from ''Cupcakes and Glitter Shakes'': what makes you jump-in-the-air happy?'''

Lisa Clark: The fact I get to write books and actually call it a job - how crazy is that?!, chocolate - Galaxy preferably, the movie ''Amelie'', cosmetics in pretty packaging - Benefit, I heart you!, Paris - the city, not the person, huge bubble-filled baths, New York, curling up on a sofa reading a book when it's raining really hard outside, an ability to accessorise, a compliment, a smile, spending the day in my PJs...

*'''BB: Lola's a great role model: she's unique, funky and has her head screwed on perhaps more than she realises. Who did you look up to when you were Lola's age?'''

LC: Like Lola, I had a huge list of inspir-o girls who rocked my world when I was teen girl, but I had a total obsession with [[Anne Frank]]. I'd read the book at least once a month, she's the reason I still keep a diary and her total fearless attitude has always been a total inspiration.

*'''BB: Lola's website at [] is a great continuation of the books, and obviously this is an online interview. How important is the internet to authors nowadays?'''

LC: I'd hate to think that the web would ever replace books - books are awesome - but a great website can be the perfect online accompaniment to a book. It's important for Lola to hang where her readers hang out and [] is the perfect way for Lola readers to get their daily fix of all things feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous between books - the site is interactive and really encourages the Pink Ladies to take ownership of it by asking Lola questions and advice about life, love and... well, just about everything!

*'''BB: When Lola eventually gets round to reading the book of [[Breakfast At Tiffany's]], what will she think of it? What did you think of it?'''

LC: She's obviously seen the movie, and right now she's more into Audrey's chic stylin' than the storyline, but I think once she discovers it's actually a book written by the super-talent that is Truman Capote, she'll be transfixed, just like me. I'm a Capote super-fan!

*'''BB: If Lola was your friend, what advice would she give you that you don't currently follow?'''

LC: Wow, what an amazing question! Right now, every Monday, on [ my blog] I host 'Bodaciously Beauty*licious' which is basically to remind myself, and my readers, to love yourself right now, just as you are. It's easy to forget how much you rock when you're surrounded by images of so-called cookie cutter perfection that just don't reflect who you are in any way, shape or form.

*'''BB: What's the best thing you've ever bought in a chazza shop?'''

LC: Oh, this is easy - it was a 70s style leather jacket that I bought for £2.50 when I was at college. I wore it every day, until it was beyond repair - I loved that jacket!

*'''BB: What are you reading at the moment?'''

LC: I went to Paris for new year and fell completely in love - j'adore Paris! So, because I didn't want my Parisan adventure to end, I've been reading lots of Paris-related chick lit - latest one is [[Weekend in Paris by Robyn Sisman]] - it's so descriptive it feels like I'm really there!

*'''BB: Which book has most influenced you and do you still have a copy?'''

LC: Well, I have to say, that as a teen girl it wasn't really a book, that influenced me, it was a magazine called Just Seventeen. Everything I ever learned, I learned from that magazine. It was like the Mizz of it's day - so cool. It also made me want to write - I was so excited when, as a 21 year old I got to do work experience there, total life highlight! But an influential book would definitely be [[Forever by Judy Blume]] - I remember reading it in year 6 at school, and my friends and I would read the 'naughty' bits out to each other at break time. I re-read it not so long ago and loved how it seemed just as fresh and relevent now as it did then.

*'''BB: What's next for Lisa Clark?'''

LC: Well, apart from pink domination, natch, there are two more books in the Lola Love fiction series coming out in July - [[Time to Shine by Lisa Clark|Time to Shine]] and ''Li'l Miss Bliss'' - look out for them! I'm writing lots more Lola goodness for release next year so that I get to hang out with the pink ladies a whole lot more - hurrah! And I have ideas for some new characters that I'm quite excited about writing too - that's if I can pull myself away from that time sucker that is Facebook, MySpace and blog-reading to actually write any of it!

'''Thanks Lisa. Good luck with the pink domination!'''

[[Category:Interviews|Clark, Lisa]] [[Category:Lisa Clark]]

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