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|summary=In pursuit of happiness? This book can set you on the right path complete with useful activities to try, tips to follow, and stories to learn from.
''Feel Happy Now'' is a dummy’s guide to happiness written by an NLP expert who Paul McKenna has dubbed ''The finest success coach in the world''. What makes this book stand out, perhaps, is the way the complexity is done away with, and everything is broken down to an accessible level without being too patronizing. It’s Its expert concepts presented in layman speak and the result is a highly readable and accessible book regardless of your belief in the subject.
I went into this book thinking it was a topic I was interested in learning about, but not one I necessarily needed for myself. I’m a pretty happy person most of the time thanks to a daily regimen of exercise (endorphins), chocolate (more endorphins) and a glass-half-full approach to day to day life. The cynic in me believed that you couldn’t be taught happiness from the pages of a book, that it was both too simple and too complex a feeling to ‘learn’ like that but I was willing to be proved wrong.