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Well, when that is asked of a vampire CIA assassin who has lived through untold horrors and seen innumerable deaths, and Jaz Sparks, his spunky human-but-getting-less-so-with-every-book colleague-turned-lover, it only comes down as a major understatement.
|author=Christopher Ransom
|title=The Birthing House
|summary=Spooky, sprawling house out in the sticks – check. Relocated, young, childless, vulnerable couple – check. Slow drip-drip of the odd to chill the male of the couple while she is away in a working assignment – check. Slow drip-drip of the odd to chill the reader? Well, given patience, yes, somewhat.
|author=Shaun Hutson
|title=Body Count
|summary=There is a certain edge to the prologue to this latest Shaun Hutson. Is it a futuristic slasher, or a sci-fi slasher, an otherworldly fantasy slasher? You'll see the connection among my suggestions – this is a Shaun Hutson book, after all, and we can expect no let-up in the gore and carnage over the few hundred pages to follow.
|author=Simon Holt
|title=The Devouring
|summary=Meet Reggie, a fifteen year old girl who cannot quite come to terms with her younger brother Henry's behaviour. Is it down to her awakening at last to boys and driving lessons? Is it that, due to an easily diverted father and a mother who left the household months ago, she is fed up with being a free babysitter? Or is the real reason more akin to what is in a scratchy journal she finds due to her working in an occult bookshop? Is Henry in fact only going to dark and disagreeable places and moods due to possession by a Vour, a devilish entity that thrives on developing then dining on fear?
|author=Jennifer Rardin
|title=Bitten to Death (Jaz Parks)
|summary=''Slash'' – the sound of vampires lashing out at each other – a noise and activity you'll have to get used to when reading this book and the three prequels. Vayl is a vampire working on behalf of humankind, despatching the nastier side of the undead as and when required.
''Crunch'' – the past colliding with the present in this latest mission, as Vayl and his human counterpart Jaz encounter a Grecian troupe of vampires, about to be taken over it would appear by the baddy of baddies, Samos. Jaz has to face up to the fact that Vayl has a history with this band of vamps. Which is nothing compared to the present he and a certain female among them are to share.
|author=Laurell K Hamilton
|title=Blood Noir (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)
|summary=I don't think all this can be blamed on Mr Bram Stoker. Of course there is a sexual element to the exchange of bodily fluids of his Dracula and his victims, but this has become too much in this example of what can only now be loosely termed vampire horror. Anita Blake, US Marshall with distinction in killing unwanted undead, due to some part-supernatural skills of her own, lives with at least one regular sexual partner, Nathaniel, but takes herself off with Jason, an occasional lover and full-time werewolf, to help him.
|author=Chris Blythe and Steven Parkhouse
|title=Angel Fire
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=John Dury and his partner Zee are businessmen you would find it hard to like. Hard-hitting, go-getting types, they spend their leisure hours taking drugs, and their company time making smash-and-grab raids on family firms, carving them up and selling the relics off piecemeal. Their boss, Mr Belial, rewards their more amoral business successes with escorts in their scanties, and yet more narcotics – the trendiest street drug of which is Angel Fire, a new chemical that can easily take you to heaven.
|author=Celia Friedman
|title=Feast of Souls
|summary=Whilst I tend to read fantasy more than any other genre these days, my first love has always been the horror genre. So when an author promises me a fantasy novel with a dark twist, then I am always likely to be interested.
|author=Jennifer Rardin
|title=Biting the Bullet
|summary=Things aren’t getting better for Jaz Parks, and her gang of undead, near-dead and just plain odd hunter-killers. The uberbaddy prevalent throughout the series seems to have got a new dogsbody, The Wizard – one who is able to bring the reavers – soul-eating nasties – back to life as zombie versions that are even harder to kill. A trip to hell (or a dream resembling that) has brought suggestions from Mum that things aren’t going to be getting better, or easier, and tells of jobs unfinished.
|author=Charlie Huston
|title=Half the Blood of Brooklyn (Joe Pitt Novel)
|summary=The scratchy maps at the start of the book show how the world of Brooklyn and Manhattan has been separated into gang territories – gangs of Vampyres, the undead forced that way through some form of viral contagion. The Society, that Joe Pitt works for as a gopher, hard man and possibly just mule, able to be played like a puppet on a string, that have their world centred on Greenwich, are rebuffing an approach from the Docks, over the Brooklyn Bridge. This is easily done, with a few quick axe slashes, but no-one, not Pitt, not the moll of the gang, Lydia, and not even the head honcho, Terry, can predict just how volatile the whole of New York is becoming.
|title=Unmarked Graves
|author=Shaun Hutson
|summary=This horror book certainly raises questions. How can the author so successfully manage to tie in the initial threads into what boils down to a zombie novel?
A tall, charismatic African political leader (or terrorist, depending on whose side you're on) leaves the scene of a woman he has butchered to death in a gruesome little episode, and flees across the continent as any emigrant would. An emigrant with armed bodyguards willing to take any amount of bullets, that is.

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