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|summary=What is out there that can make a wimpy kid less, er, wimpy? Why, a paper finger puppet of the ''Star Wars'' universe's Yoda character, that's what. One kid in school has taken the Origami Yoda persona on through several other books and adventures, and he's going to be useful here, as he, our chief narrator Tommy and all their friends despair at changes in the school. In a rash move, the principal has banned all the semi-educational but fun classes, like music, drama and, er, Lego Robot Club, and replaced them with horrendously boring and patronising, shrill TV programmes and rote filling-in of worksheets, just so collectively the school's exam marks bounce back from a one-year dip. But how can one little paper Yoda inspire such a large scale retraction, and get the changes reversed?
|title=Star Wars Jedi Academy
|author=Jeffrey Brown
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Roan has dreamed of going to pilot school his whole life, so it comes as a bit of a shock when he doesn’t quite make the grade. The next best alternative, unfortunately, is Tatooine Agriculture Academy, and a life as a farmer on his dusty, desert homeworld. Luckily, fate steps in and Roan receives a letter from Master Yoda, inviting him to train at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. It may not be pilot school, but Roan realises that it may be his ticket to a better life. He just needs to get to grips with the Force, lightsabers and of course...girls...
|title=The Ghost Prison
|author=Joseph Delaney
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Meet Billy Calder. The young orphan has got a job, which is lucky as he's nearly too old for the Home for Unfortunate Boys. Unluckily it's a job at the local spooky castle, which is the town prison. It's sat looming above everyone and has generated a whole host of legends and ghost stories among the people below. More unluckily, the truth behind those ghost stories is even worse than the public imagination. Even more unluckily, Billy has been singled out for the night shift. And we find out just how Billy's luck runs out completely when we learn who requested him to work nights…
|author=Rindert Kromhout and Annemarie van Haeringen
|title=Eat Up, Little Donkey
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Little Donkey won't eat his lunch. He really, really doesn't want to eat at all. So, without a fuss Mama Donkey packs him into the pushchair and off they go to the park. I wonder what she has in mind?
|title=It's Not Yours, It's Mine!
|author=Susanna Moores
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Presents are always special but Blieka’s new present is extra special. It is a lovely red ball and Blieka is sure that it is most definitely not for sharing. This ball belongs to Blieka and no-one else! Time passes and the lovely red ball is not quite so lovely anymore. Blieka needs help but what can Blieka do now? Will Blieka’s friends be prepared to come to the rescue?
|title=The Weasel Puffin Unicorn Baboon Pig Lobster Race
|author=James Thorp and Angus Mackinnon
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=I really enjoyed this book, but it is pretty clear from the outset, that this book will not be everyone's cup of tea. I'm just waiting for it to make an appearance on the banned or challenged books lists ( I read them regularly and get many of my best books from them). Curious George has been challenged more than once for being having a pipe in one illustration, but Weasel in this book is never without his. Coupled with the surreal, psychedelic images and the dream like quality of this book - there are sure to be complaints, but I don't think the author or illustrator will mind. I can't imagine this book being written or illustrated by anyone who gives a fig about political correctness. And in all honesty, there is nothing in this book that children are going to take the wrong way. The illustrations in this book are not going to make a child smoke a pipe anymore than they will make them try to go swimming in the fish tank. But if you prefer more mainstream children's books you might want to give this one a miss.

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