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__NOTOC__Check out the full lists of [[:Category: Interviews|interviews]], [[:Category: Lists|top tens]] and [[:Category: Comments|articles]].__NOTOC__<!-- Remove -->
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Nikki SheehanTop Ten Self-Published Books 2023|summary=Linda loved [[Who Framed Klaris Cliff? We've seen some really good self-published books this year: they're up there with the best of traditional publishing. Here's our top ten, in alphabetical order, by Nikki Sheehan]] but it was Robert who won the competition to ask the questionsauthor.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Jane ElsonJeffrey Dunn|summary=Jill and Robert both loved enjoyed [[A Room Full of Chocolate Radio Free Olympia by Jane ElsonJeffrey Dunn|A Room Full of ChocolateRadio Free Olympia]], a story blending prose and poetry with themes of ecology, folklore, love and loss. Jill got to do She didn't think it was the revieweasiest read, but Robert was at the front of the queue with the questions when Jane popped in to see usa rewarding one.
|category=interviewscomments|title=How To Write a Fantasy Novel: The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Leila SalesFull Guide|summary=Robert thought that he should have Fantasy has always been able to give [[our way out of the real world's limitations. It's a space where magic is real, mythical creatures roam, and heroes go on epic quests. This Song Will Save Your Life genre is loved by Leila Sales|This Song Will Save Your Life]] a sixth starpeople of all ages and backgrounds. Unfortunately he couldn't - but he could chat to author Leila Sales when she popped in It allows us to see usexplore new worlds and face unimaginable challenges, all without leaving our homes.}}
{{newfeature|category=interviews|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Tom Avery|summary=Robert thought that [[My Brother's Shadow by Tom Avery|My Brother's Shadow]] was But what if you could do more than just visit these magical lands? What if you could create your own? This is the magic of writing a well-written story about a young girl grieving for her older brotherfantasy novel. You have the power to build worlds with your words. He had quite a few questions for Tom Avery when he popped You can turn simple ink and paper into Bookbag Towerslandscapes that readers can explore. }}
{{newfeature|category=interviews|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Suzanne Rindell|summary=Robert was completely blown away by [[The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell|The Other Typist]] So, get ready for an adventure. This journey is not just about castles and he had quite wizards. It's also about the craft of writing. You'll learn to use language and imagination to make a few questions for author Suzanne Rindell when she popped in to see usrich, varied story.And who knows what unexplored realms you'll discover along the way?
|category=newsletterscomments|title=January 2014 NewsletterHow Can Reading Improve Your Vocabulary: Best Practices|summary= HAPPY NEW YEAR! Everyone at Bookbag Towers wishes you Reading is one of the best 2014 most effective ways to improve your vocabulary. Not only does it expose you could possibly imagine. Healthto new words and their meanings, wealth, happiness but it also allows you to yousee them used in context, which is essential for understanding andusing them correctly. With the rise of language learning apps, of coursesuch as Promova, a good book or twomany people have turned to technology to improve their vocabulary. We wanted to offer However, reading remains a wee thank you for reading our ramblings every month tried-and so we have instituted a monthly prize draw -true method that has been used for all newsletter subscribers. If you are our first lucky winner, congratulations! You'll find an Amazon voucher winging its way to you very sooncenturies.
|title=J Courtney Sullivan Talks To Bookbag 3 Things You Didn't Know About EavesdroppingGhostwriters|summary=Sue loved [[The Engagements by J Courtney Sullivan]] How much do you know about ghostwriters? These professionals lurk in the shadows of the publishing industry (both self- and she was fascinated when traditional publishing), with most members of the public having only ever heard of them because of the Pierce Brosnan film. Given the author popped into Bookbag Towers to chat awkwardness a lot of people feel toward ghostwriters, it's no surprise that there are a number of misconceptions about what they do, so I'm hoping to us about Eavesdroppingclarify three important things in this post.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To B R CollinsConrad Delacroix|summary=Both Jill and Robert were impressed by Sue really enjoyed [[Love in Revolution The Lensky Connection by B R CollinsConrad Delacroix|The Lensky Connection]] but it was Robert who won the battle to ask the , a thriller set primarily in Russia. She had quite a few questions for author Conrad Delacroix when the author he popped in to see usinto Bookbag Towers.
|title=Top Ten Self-Published Books 20132022|summary=We've re constantly amazed at the utmost admiration for indie authors who go it alone in what's a very tough market and each year we pick quality of the ten self-published books which stood out for uscome our way and we've seen some real gems in 2022. These Here they are the ones we loved , in 2013...alphabetical order, by author:
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Dom Conlon3 Things You Should Know About Literary Agents|summary=Sue had If you're all set to publish your novel, it might be time to [ lovely time reading Dom Conlon-literary-agent/ get yourself a literary agent]. Since you's [[I Am A Giant (Tiny re essentially picking the Giant) by Dom Conlon and Nicola Anderson|I Am A Giant]] person responsible for presenting and marketing your book to the world, this is no easy task. When you've sent your [[Tommy Tickletailhttps: A Tall Tale by Dom Conlon and Carl Pugh|Tommy Tickletail: A Tall Tale]// query letters] and she was eager to chat to started getting responses, these tips will help you choose the author when he popped into Bookbag Towersright person for you.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The InterviewLolita Book Review: Bookbag Talks To Alex KovacsMost Important Things to Know|summary=Sue was slightly unnerved by the prospect of interviewing an author whose protagonist interviews himself (after allowing Lolita, a suitable time lapse between preparing the questions and answering them) highly controversial book, is not subject to bans in [[The Currency of Paper by Alex Kovacs|The Currency of Paper]], but American schools. Here are the opportunity to chat to Alex Kovacs was not one most important things you need to missknow about it.
|category=interviewscomments|title=Stylish Restaging of The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Matthew CrowCrucible is All Show and No Substance, According to Reviews|summary=We thought that [[In Bloom by Matthew Crow|In Bloom]] was The Crucible is a highly-enjoyable, life-affirming novel tragedy that’s been debated and with a lot more laughs than you would expect from discussed for many years. Its current running in theaters has received a book about two teens with cancerrather intriguing review. Robert had quite a few questions for author Matthew Crow when he popped in Keep reading to see usfind out more.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Mark Lingane, AgainHow Bar Modeling Makes Word Problems Easy in Singapore Math|summary=Author Mark Lingane describes his latest book, [[I Love Lucid by Mark Lingane|I Love Lucid]] cyber-techno-thriller-alternate reality-procedural-pseudophilospophical dark comedySingapore Mathematics is a unique way of presenting this science. Ani wasn't about Parents and teachers will be able to understand and explain to disagree but she had a few questions for Mark when he popped into Bookbag Towerschildren the simplest mathematical processes using images.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Rosie BestFinding More Time For Reading|summary=Robert thought If there is one thing that a lot of people could benefit from having more of in their lives, it's [[Skulk by Rosie BestA Bookbagger's View:What it's like to be a reviewer|literature]] was . Plenty of us have gone through this experience of suddenly finding that we are not reading as much as we used to. There are a wonderful urban fantasy with an outstanding heroine lot of possible reasons for this, and an excellent plot. He was delighted when Rosie popped it's something that you might be able to approach in a number of ways if you want to Bookbag Towers make sure that you are getting back into reading again. But one of the most important parts of this is probably that you are able to chat to usfind enough time for reading, and that can be harder than you might initially think.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Richard SmithGerry Brown and Randall S Peterson about Disaster in the Boardroom: Six Dysfunctions Everyone Should Understand|summary=Jill thought that Sue was absolutely riveted to [[Time Trap Disaster in the Boardroom: Six Dysfunctions Everyone Should Understand by Richard SmithGerry Brown and Randall S Peterson]] was a riproaring adventure and loved the real locations . It's brilliantly readable but rather frightening: people's lives and livelihoods could be in the book's interactive websitehands of company boards which are dysfunctional. She had quite a few questions when the author popped into Bookbag TowersSue wanted to know more.
|category=newsletterslists|title=November 2013 NewsletterTop Ten Self-Published Books 2021|summary= Hi, hello and how the devil are you? Did you know We thought that 2013 marks 2020 was a strange year but 2021 has been equally so. Once again we've been amazed by the 60th anniversary quality of the [http://wwwself-published books which have come our way.thecwaLast year's top ten consisted of eleven books (maths never was our strong Crime Writers' Association]? To celebrate, they held a poll to find the greatest crime writer, crime series and crime novel. The fantabulous [[The Grand Tour: Letters and photographs from the British Empire expedition by Agatha Christie and Mathew Prichard (editor)|Agatha Christie]] topped the ratings for greatest writer with her novel but this year we're going to have to make it a baker'The Murder of Roger Ackroyds dozen as we really couldn'' as the greatest novelt split them apart. [[Eliminate the Impossible: An Examination of the World of Sherlock Holmes on Page and Screen Here they are, in alphabetical order, by Alistair Duncan and Steve Emecz|Sherlock Holmes]] was the greatest seriesauthor.. No surprises then, but it shows how much Christie and Conan Doyle are a part of our national pride and discourse.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Stephanie ElmasHow to Write a Standout Book Review in a Saturated Market|summary=Sue was completely captivated by [[The Room Beyond by Stephanie Elmas]] Book reviews are a crucial tool for the reading community — it’s via these that opinions are exchanged, ideas discussed, and there was quite recommendations found. But though the growth of book review sites is promising for readers, a lot saturated market also means that it’s getting increasingly difficult to talk about when Stephanie popped in to Bookbag Towersmake your mark as a book reviewer.}}
{{newfeature|category=interviews|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Kristen Zimmer|summary=Robert was impressed when he read [[The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer|The Gravity Between Us]] If you’re looking for ways to freshen your voice and delighted when author Kristen Zimmer popped in for make a stronger impression, I’ve got a few tips that might help. As an interviewavid reader of book reviews, I’ve noticed that the ones that stay with me usually follow these three guidelines.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Sebastiana RandoneGerry Brown, Andrew Kakabadse and Filipe Morais about The Independent Director in Society|summary=Jill thought that Sue was an enthusiastic reader of [[The House Independent Director in Society: Our current crisis of governance and what to do by Sebastiana RandoneGerry Brown, Andrew Kakabadse and Filipe Morais|The Independent Director in Society: Our current crisis of governance and what to do]] was genre busting and she had quite a few questions for several points she wanted to discuss with the author authors when she they popped into Bookbag Towers.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Kristen ZimmerComic Books Where the Bad Guys Won|summary=Robert was impressed when he read [[The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer|The Gravity Between Us]] Comic books and movies, in general, have been given the portrayal of good; always winning and delighted when author Kristen Zimmer popped saving the day. however, thanks to the creativity of writers, we have a few writers of comics who have managed to alter this unsaid rule, 'evil wins at the end of the day'. While it may not be a great thought to bear in for an interviewmind, it is still something a bit fascinating to dwell on. And, we believe that it is a breath of fresh air to discover that we have something different from the cliché where the hero always emerges as the victor.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Julie BerryGerry Brown About Making a Difference: Leadership, Change and Giving Back the Independent Director Way|summary=Robert thought Gerry Brown is so keen to see people geting involved that Julie Berrythere's exploration of the story of a voiceless girl was worth readingfree digital [https://www. He had quite a few points to raise when she popped into Bookbag download] of this £42 book.
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Howard WebsterTop Ten Self-Published Books 2020|summary=Sue thought that [[Canton Elegy: A FatherIn this strangest of years we's Letter of Sacrifice, Survival and Love ve been delighted by Stephen Jinthe self-Nom Lee published books we've read and Howard Webster]] was compelling and lifethey're all books which compare well with traditionally-affirming readingpublished books in the same genres. She had quite a few questions for coWe really couldn't narrow the choice down any further -so this year's top ten consists of eleven books and here they are, in alphabetical order by author Howard Webster...
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Angela YoungOlga Kokshagina and Allen Alexander|summary=Sue thought that was so impressed by [[Speaking of Love The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs by Angela Young|Speaking of LoveOlga Kokshagina and Allen Alexander]] was one that she wished that she had a good business idea of her own so that she could use the most compelling pictures of mental illness which she'd readbook. There Perhaps that was quite a lot to talk what she was talking about when author Angela Young Olga and Allen popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Sharmi AlbrechtsenAndrew Hampshire|summary=Jill learned a great deal about Danes, about Americans and about herself when she read Technology can seem frightening to people who don't have the background. In [[A Piece of Danish Happiness Creating Value Through Technology: Discover the Tech that Can Transform Your Business by Sharmi AlbrechtsenAndrew Hampshire|A Piece of Danish HappinessCreating Value Through Technology: Discover the Tech that Can Transform Your Business]]Andrew Hampshire discusses the tech that can add quantifiable value to your business and how to get the most out of it. She He and Sue had quite a few things lot to discuss with author Sharmi Albrechtsen chat about when she popped in to he dropped into Bookbag Towers.
|title=October 2013 Newsletter
We wanted to talk a little bit about dyslexia this month. And in particular, about the way dyslexia affects potential readers, especially young readers. If you don't know much about this condition, you can find out more at the [ British Dyslexia Association] and [ Dyslexia Action]. Dyslexic readers often struggle with books: they have problems with fonts, text size, background colours, vocabulary and all sorts of other things. We at Bookbag want parents to be able to find reading that will suit dyslexic children and so we have a dedicated category for [[:Category:Dyslexia Friendly|dyslexia friendly]] books. You'll find stories by great writers there: Anthony McGowan, Michael Morpurgo, Darren Shan, Tom Palmer, Meg Rosoff, Eoin Colfer and many more.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Eric Lindner
|summary=Jill thought that [[Hospice Voices: Lessons for Living at the End of Life by Eric Lindner]] was touching, illuminating and uplifting. She was delighted when the author popped in to chat to us.
|title=Tom Moorhouse Talks To Bookbag About Fantasy, Reality and Water VolesStand Up to Bullying With a Pulitzer Prize Winner|summary=Anne loved The River Singers by Tom Moorhouse|The River Singers]] In every generation, there are kids who become bullies. They bully their siblings, neighbor kids, and we were delighted when Tom Moorhouse popped into Bookbag Towers their classmates. They seem to chat believe that other kids look up to us about his favourite childhood books them and how they've influenced himrespect them.}} {{newfeature|category=interviews|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Cora Harrison|summary=It took Robert a long time to write his review of [[Debutantes: In Love by Cora Harrison]] because all he really wanted to say was ''Oh wowThat is self-delusion, oh wowas most adults are aware, I loved this book and you need but kids don't have the experience to go out properly judge what is respect and get it '''right now!''' '' When Cora popped ito Bookbag Towers they had lots to chat aboutwhat is merely fear.
|title=Simon Packham Talks To Bookbag About Going Back To SchoolFrom Sci Fi to Reality: How Dreams Turn Into Innovations|summary=Simon Packham was surprised when he realisedhow much of his writing involved schoolThe gap between sci-fi and reality is not so big anymore. Now he realises You don’t have to go that it was inevitablefar back in time to see huge developments in technology. For example, the smartphone has been around for over 10 years now, but if you don’t have one in today’s society, you’d either be seen as crazy or just out of touch.
|title=Marcus Sedgwick Talks To Bookbag About Co-inky-dinks5 Great AI books to read in 2020|summary=We were blown away by Marcus Sedgwick's [[She Is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick|She Is Not Invisible]] and we wondered what he wanted to chat to us about when he popped Artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded into Bookbag Towersone of the most important technologies in human history. WellIt comes with so many benefits, it was Co-inky-dinksfrom improving the efficiency of simple, basic tasks to helping to solve advanced problems by quickly analyzing large data sets.
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Deborah SchwartzA Baker's Dozen of Books to Keep the Kids Occupied When They Can't Go Out|summary=Sue was hooked on [[Woman on Top by Deborah Schwartz|Woman on Top]] from Are you running out of inspiration for what to do with the first page and she had more than kids when they can't go out? We've come up with a few questions for author Deborah Schwartz when she popped in baker's dozen of books to see usgive you some brilliant ideas.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Tony Robinson OBE
|summary=Sue reads quite a lot of business books but very few have such an engaging mix of satire and sage business advice as [[Freedom from Bosses Forever by Tony Robinson OBE|Freedom from Bosses Forever]]. It's mainly about Canadian businesswoman Leonora Soculitherz, but Sue had quite a few questions for author Tony Robinson OBE when he popped in to see us.
|title=September 2013 Newsletter
Hi there. How is everything your way? Good, we hope. Summer is over. The children are going back to school. Jill's oldest son is heading off to university, as is Bookbag reviewer Nigethan. We hope all goes well for them both - and Jill hasn't shed a single tear at the loss of her oldest, honest!
As the evenings begin to draw in, you may be in need of some satisfying reading material. Read on for some recommendations. And don't forget that the [[Man Booker Prize 2013|Booker shortlist]] is out. Who will win? We have a sneaky feeling Eleanor Catton's [[The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton|The Luminaries]] will take it. We've reviewed the entire long list though - never let it be said we leave you wanting more!
|title=Man Booker Prize 2013Top Ten Self-Published Books 2019|summary=The longlist was announced on 23 JulyWe've seen some cracking self-published books this year and they're all books which compare well with traditionally-published books in the same genres. The shortlist is in We really couldn't narrow the diary for 10 September choice down any further - so this year's top ten consists of eleven books and the winner will be announced on 15 Octoberhere they are, in alphabetical order by author...
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Desiree Villena Talks To David CanningBookbag About 5 Key Tips for Writing a Critical-Yet-Fair Book Review|summary=Sue enjoyed [[Out of the Clouds of Deceit by David Canning|Out of the Clouds of Deceit]] despite the fact that she doesnWriting a book review isn't usaully like reading military fiction. She and author David Canning had quite difficult, you know, but there are a lot few things you need to chat about when he popped keep us in to see mind. Desiree Villena gives usfive tips.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Philippa GregoryMelanie Martin|summary=Robert has been blown away by |summary=In [[Changeling War and Love: A family's testament of anguish, endurance and devotion in occupied Amsterdam by Philippa GregoryMelanie Martin|ChangelingWar and Love: A family's testament of anguish, endurance and devotion in occupied Amsterdam]] Melanie Martin reconstructs what happened to her family in occupied Amsterdam in WWII. It's a highly compelling if occasionally shocking read. Days after she finished the book Sue could not stop thinking about what she had read and [[Stormbringers by Philippa Gregory|Stormbringers]] so he was delighted when the author [[:Category:Philippa Gregory|Philippa Gregory]] popped in agreed to see uschat with her.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The InterviewFraming the Brexit narrative: Bookbag Talks To Bridget Tylerimmigration, myths and public perception|summary=Robert was blown away by [[Drummer Girl by Bridget Tyler]] Loobna Joomun looks at how Brexit is likely to affect the publishing industry - and it grabbed him from the first paragraph. He had quite a few questions for the author when she popped in to see uswider country.
|category=listscomments|title=Jill's Top Ten YA novels of 20128 ways to motivate yourself to write, right NOW by Jessica Jarlvi|summary=2012 was Ever felt that you've hit a great year for YA fiction. Here are Jill's favourites. Why not [mailto:sue@thebookbag.cobrick wall with your writing? Jessica Jarlvi has eight tips yo get you writing tell us] about yours?
|title=Mairi Kidd Greg Hickey Talks To Bookbag About The Founding Of Barrington StokeOld Guard of Dystopian Fiction|summary=Here at Bookbag Towers we love books Where do you go when you move beyond classics like ''1984'' and reading and it horrifys us that many children can't share that love because they suffer from dyslexia. To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the founding of Barrington Stoke, MD Mairi Kidd popped in to tell us how it all began.'Brave New World''?
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Candy Harper|summary=Robert was ''seriously'' impressed when he read [[Have a Little Faith by Candy Harper|Have a Little Faith]] and he had plenty of questions for author Candy Harper when she popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us.}} {{newfeature|category=newsletters|title=August 2013 NewsletterTop Ten Self-Published Books 2018|summary=Hi, hello and how Choosing the devil are you? Enjoying the summer? Looking for top ten self-published books to we read while youin 2018 was difficult as we're on holiday? Looking for constantly surprised at just how good some self-published books for the children to read while they're on holiday? Look no furtherare. We Here'll give you s our picks of the month and morefinal top ten in alphabetical order by authorWhat do you think to Jane Austen being depicted on the £10 note? We like it! We also like the suggestions from Abe Books about other authors and other currencies. Take a look at their ideas and see what you think! }} {{newfeature|category=comments|title=Emily Diamand Talks To Bookbag About how scary should it be?|summary=We loved Emily Diamand's [[Ways To See a Ghost by Emily Diamand|Ways To See a Ghost]] and when we plucked up the courage to peep out from under the covers we were fascinated to hear what Emily had to say about how scary children's fiction should be.
|title=Jillian Larkin James Donald Talks To Bookbag About The FlappersDeath Of Norman Breyfogle|summary=Robert was very impressed by ''The Flappers'One of the finest storytellers you've never heard of, but he was keen to find out how Jillian Larkin felt about the series and what she had planned for who died in September 2018 at the futureage of 58.
|title=July 2013 Newsletter
Hi, hello, how are you?
We have exciting news! Bookbag reviewer Robin Stevens has signed a deal with Random House for three books about a children's detective agency. Hooray! Robin has a day job working for Orion Children's Books. She writes [[:Category:Reviewed by Robin Stevens|reviews]] for us and an interesting [ blog]. And she writes novels too! What a woman. Where does she find the time? Seriously - congratulations to Robin. The deal is richly deserved.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Simon PontMelissa Leet|summary=Before Sue was impressed when she started read [[Remember to Breathe Landslide by Simon PontMelissa Leet|Remember to BreatheLandslide]] Sue wondered if it by Melissa Leet and was going surprised to be the sort of book she would enjoy, but she loved find that it and was a debut novel. She had quite a few questions for author Simon Pont Melissa when he she popped in to see usinto Bookbag Towers.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Faiz Kermani talks to Bookbag Talks To Tom Clempsonabout how a blue frog is helping Malawi's vulnerable children to live safe, healthy and happy lives|summary=Robert thought that [[One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend: In the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Samsonite by Tom Clempson]] was rude and crude, but seriously funny and recommended reading - as long as you're not on public transport!Every child has a right to medical care
|title=Dan Smith talks to Abi Silver Talks To The Bookbag about Paper MoviesAbout A Few Of Her Favourite Things|summary=Jill was mightily impressed by Dan Smith''We could definitely make a flying car – but that's debut novel for young peoplenot the hard part. The hard part is, [[My Friend the Enemy by Dan Smith|My Friend the Enemy]] how do you make a flying car that's super safe and loved Danquiet?'s YouTube videos about it. Here, he tells us about the making of...': Elon Musk
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Rick YanceyDaniel Peltz|summary=Robert thought that Sue wasn't expecting to enjoy a novel about a ''building'', but was surprised by just how compelling she found [[The 5th Wave Indomitable Chiesa di Santa Maria by Rick YanceyDaniel Peltz|The 5th WaveIndomitable Chiesa di Santa Maria]] . There was tough, brutal and completely gripping and he was delighted a lot to chat about when author Rick Yancey Daniel Peltz popped in to see usinto Bookbag Towers.
|category=commentslists|title=Sophia Bennett Talks To Bookbag About Top Ten Self-Published Books She Loved When She Was A Teenager2017|summary=Robert was blown away when he read [[You Don't Know Me by Sophia Bennett]] and they got chatting about Choosing the top ten self-published books Sophia we read when she in 2017 was one of the toughest jobs we did all year and involved a teenagergreat deal of discussion. Here's our final top ten in alphabetical order by author...
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Siobhan CurhamChit Dubey|summary=Robert thought that Sue was quietly impressed when she read [[Shipwrecked 21 Doors to Happiness: Life Through Travel Experiences and Meditation by Siobhan Curham|ShipwreckedChit Dubey]] had brilliant charaterisation and a really interesting settingas it chimed with her personal view of life. He had a few questions She was delighted when author Siobhan Curham Chit Dubey popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us. }} {{newfeature|category=newsletters|title=June 2013 Newsletter|summary=Hi, hello and good reading to you. We'd just like to say a sad goodbye to Iain Banks, who died this month, long before his time. He was two brilliant authors, and we will miss him. The [[The Desmond Elliott Prize for Debut Fiction Published in the UK 2013|Desmond Eilliott Prize]] shortlist is out. It's for debut fiction published in the UK in 2013 and we have reviewed all three books. Take a look. You should read all three - of course! - but [[The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan]] has a special place in a corner of Bookbag's heart. We defy you to read our review and fail to rush out and buy a copy!
|title=Jackie Marchant Melita Thomas Talks To Bookbag About Mice The King's Pearl: Henry VIII and Tarantulas - the things we do for researchhis Daughter Mary|summary=Jackie is terrified of spiders but with the boy-next-door, [[:Category:Dougal Trump|Dougal Trump]] she's just written [[I'm Dougal Trump . . . Where's My Tarantula? by Dougal Trump|Melita Thomas tell us that Mary was a book about tarantulas]].true Renaissance Princess
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ben MezrichElizabeth Fox and Martin le Comte|summary=Robert doesn't often say Peter thought that a book should have been longer, but [[Straight Flush The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership by Ben MezrichElizabeth Fox and Martin le Comte|Straight FlushThe Ten Golden Rules of Leadership]] was one of the rare exceptions. There were best book on leadership he'd ever read and he couldn't resist asking authors Elizabeth Fox and Martin le Comte quite a few questions he wanted when they came to Bookbag Towers to chat to ask Benus.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Sophia BennettGabe Riggs|summary=When Robert reviewed Luke thought that [[You Don't Know Me Punk Love Foucault by Sophia BennettGabe Riggs]] he couldn't bring himself to say too much about it in case he gave any spoilerswas an intense, emotional and visceral read that illuminates and educates with a strong voice and clear, capable prose. He did take the opportunity There was a lot to chat to Sophia talk about when she Gabe popped in into Bookbag Towers to chat to see us though! .
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Joe CraigSandra Aragona|summary=Robert is a great fan of Joe Craig and he had a whole list of questions for him when he poppoed in to chat to us.}} {{newfeature|category=comments|title=Simon Packham Talks To Bookbag About Sue loved Sandra Aragona''Firewallers''|summary=One of the highlights of the first few months of 2013 for Robert was reading a new book by s lightly-fictionalised [[Sorting the Priorities:Category:Simon PackhamAmbassadress and Beagle Survive Diplomacy by Sandra Aragona|Simon Packhamautobiography]], one of the most consistently excellent YA contemporary authors writing todaylife as a diplomatic spouse. Firewallers is There was a fantastic read, so he was thrilled lot that she wanted to ask about when Simon agreed to write a guest post for usSandra popped into Bookbag Towers.
|title=The Desmond Elliott Prize for Debut Fiction Published in the UK 2013
|summary=We've reviewed the shortlisted books!
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Lynne ThomasK J Lawrence|summary=Jill thought that Sue was delighted when she read [[Jelly Cooper: Alien The Cossack by Lynne ThomasK J Lawrence|Jelly Cooper: AlienThe Cossack]] was a fun book about a teenager with special powers and she had a few questions she wanted to ask as it restored her faith in the thriller genre. When the author Lynne Thomas when she , K J Lawrence, popped into Bookbag chat to us, Sue had quite a few questions ready!
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Katie McGarryStuart Burrell|summary=Robert enjoyed Sue found Start Burrell's book [[Pushing the Limits Twelve Times To The Max: One Man's Journey to, and Recollections of, Setting Twelve Verified World Records by Katie McGarryStuart Burrell|Twelve Times To The Max: One Man's Journey to, and Recollections of, Setting Twelve Verified World Records]] and he was delighted an inspiring, feel-good read. She wanted to know more when the author Stuart popped in into Bookbag Towers to chat to see us.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Steve ColeWes Stuart|summary=Here at Bookbag Towers we're massive fans to Steve Cole Luke enjoyed the combination of compellingly-written science fiction which blends themes of innocence and we thought his growth with some well depicted moments of horror in [[Magic Ink My Name is Sam by Steve ColeWes Stuart|latest bookMy Name is Sam]] was just brilliant, but and he had quite a few questions for author Wes Stuart when we heard that Steve was popping in he popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us we decided that we needed an expert to conduct the interview - eight-year-old Billy Young. Over to you, Billy!
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To O H RobssonB C R Fegan|summary=Sue thought that giggled like a child when she read [[The Spark Henry and the Hidden Treasure by O H RobssonB C R Fegan and Lenny Wen]] was a rewarding read for those who like to get to know their characters - and that : it was likely to tempt you into planning 's a holiday in western Norwaygood story with some valuable lessons. She had quite It was a few questions real pleasure to chat to writer B C R Fegan when the author he popped in to see usinto Bookbag Towers.
|title=May 2013 Newsletter
|summary=Hi, hello and how are you?
What are you reading? And is it any good? Choosing books is tricky, isn't it? Nobody chooses a book they think they'll hate. It can be even more tricky for reviewers, who have less choice in the books they read. We try to do things a little differently here at Bookbag. Our reviewers choose their own books from our review-copy stock. So they choose, mostly, the books they think they'll like. This does mean that our reviews are skewed to the positive - but it does mean that fans of chick lit are reading reviews by people who also enjoy reading chick lit, not by people who enjoy snotting all over it. So we think our policy leads not only to a happy place for its contributors, but also to a place where niche fans can find reviews by their peers. We like this policy, but we can see why some people wouldn't. And that's why Michael Deacon's hilarious [ take-down of Dan Brown] over at the Telegraph made us laugh this month.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Clive LawtonAnnie Ingram|summary=Jill really enjoyed Very few people believe that dogs can talk so it was something of a relief when Sue met author, Annie Ingram. She has lengthy conversations with her cocker spaniel Kammie and has shared them with us in her [[Flowers From Fukushima Conversations with Kammie by Clive LawtonAnnie Ingram|book]], a haunting story of two survivors in a Japanese post-disaster wasteland. She and Clive ha There was a lot to talk about when he she popped in into Bookbag Towers to chat to see us.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Andy RobbStephan Santiago|summary=Robert loved the live-action role playing in Ani was quietly moved by [[Geekhood: Mission Improbable Returning Home by Andy RobbStephan Santiago|Geekhood: Mission ImprobableReturning Home]] and there were several points she wanted to discuss with author Stephan Santiago when he had quite a few questions for author Andy Robbpopped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us.
Check out the full lists of Move to [[:Category: Interviews|interviewsRecommended Resources]], [[:Category: Lists|top tens]] and [[:Category: Comments|articles]]. 