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|publisher=Virago Press Ltd
If you are interested in the factual aspects of shopping then Bookbag can recommend Joanna Blythman's book [[Shopped]] which details the shocking power of the British supermarkets. For a history of one particular shop we think you would definitely enjoy [[The Rise and Fall of Marks and Spencer - and How It Rose Again]] by Judy Bevan. If shopping in fiction is your thing then you can do no better than the [[Shopaholic]] series by Sophie Kinsella.
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|comment= I was wondering when I saw it at The Book People... (as your statement about Internet shoppping was very aplicable to me). And on this note, I quite guiltily recently realised that I don't dislike shopping at all, I just dislike going to the shops. I positively like most of the Internet shopping, and don't mind mail order of any kind.
On shoplifting, I often do wonder how blatantly one has to be intending to steal, considering the numerous times I walked out of stores with unpaid-for items (it's very easy to do accidentally if you are nor carrying a basket and use a baby buggy & nappy bag to stick different purchases around).
|comment= I hate going to the shops. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I enjoy internet shopping - or mail order - but the fact that I can do it from the workroom does make it tolerable.
Perhaps security people have an instinct for the people who genuinely do intend to pay but forget rather than those who had no intention at all?
[[Category:Trivia|Joy of Shopping]]

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