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|comment= I am just the opposite - I like fantasy and s-f for the world-building especially. But that might be one of the reasons why so of them are so excruciatingly long (though it doesn't have to be like that as some of the best show).
Lucy Beadle
|comment= Hi Lucy and thanks for the comment!
Re-reading the review, I think I've been unclear! I meant to say that I personally don't like worldbuilding, which is why I prefer real-world fantasies. I think children, actually, like both. They like real-world fantasies because they can keep on hoping to find some magic themselves one day. But children are also magpies, aren't they? They love collecting stuff and worldbuilding buys right into that. I have a son right here who's had enough worldbuilding fads in books, trading cards, online games and TV shows to have known to make that properly clear! Sorry!