A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson

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A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Zoe Morris
Reviewed by Zoe Morris
Summary: A starting-school book with a difference: this has an extra angle to the fun story and lovely presentation too
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 32 Date: July 2014
Publisher: Andersen
ISBN: 978-1783440382

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It's summer which means new school uniforms are in the shops, new stationery is on every shelf, and for those starting school for the first time, there's a wealth of Starting school books to ease the transition. This is a fun new addition to the shelves that ticks all the boxes: colourful, inventive, sweet and, best of all, told in rhyme. I love rhyme.

Migs is starting school and he’s trying to be brave about it but it's a bit scary. The teacher is nice and there's lots of things to see, do and play with, but Migs finds it hard to join in the fun. Sometimes, though, you have to fake it until you make it, and with a new costume Migs soon has an alter ego who is outgoing and keen to join in. But they say you should walk before you can run, and as Migs is, literally, running around disaster strikes.

I felt so bad for Migs when the accident happened! He tries as hard as he can to fix it but it looks like nothing can make it better, Rokko is all upset, and Migs' confidence starts to fade. Can a good idea save the day?

This wasn't the usual story I was expecting about a first day in the classroom, because it wasn't all fun and games. It developed into a different tale quite quickly making it perfect for the whole school year, not just the first few days.

The rhyme is perfect, very jazzy and full of life and the pages are a rainbow of colour and activity. It's simple, sweet and lovely, and of course we recommend it.

Thanks go to the publishers for supplying this book. We also have a review of My Friend Nigel by Jo Hodgkinson.

Also in this vein, we can recommend Lucky Wish Mouse: Starting School by Clara Vulliamy and Betsy Goes To School by Helen Stephens.

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Buy A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson at Amazon.co.uk Amazon currently charges £2.99 for standard delivery for orders under £20, over which delivery is free.
Buy A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy A Big Day for Migs by Jo Hodgkinson at Amazon.com.


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