Bathtime for Little Rabbit by Jorg Muhle

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Bathtime for Little Rabbit by Jorg Muhle

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 5/5
Reviewer: Sam Tyler
Reviewed by Sam Tyler
Summary: Help Little Bunny have a proper wash in this lovely board book that asks you the reader to help out at every stage.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 20 Date: January 2017
Publisher: Gecko Press
ISBN: 9781776571376

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Bathing a child normally goes one of two ways; they love it, or they hate it. Very rarely will you find a child that sits in the bath with a nonplussed expression on their face, suffering the ridicules of hygiene with an air of indifferent sanguine. You are much more likely to have a child that splashes water everywhere in the hopes of finding that one gap in the grouting, or a child that will arch their entire body in the hope that doing so will prevent them touching anything wet. A book that teaches a toddler how bathtime is meant to be may just help your nightly routine, but also greatly entertain everyone.

The clock has passed 6pm and that can only mean that Little Rabbit's bathtime draws ever nearer. You are tasked with the job of helping Rabbit out, be it checking that the water is right, or that he has a towel. You can even help him use the hairdryer, but what happens if it does not work? I am sure that we can come up with a solution together.

Bathtime for Little Rabbit is a delightfully simple story that invites a reader to join in. There is a time when a baby starts to learn what imagination and play are, no longer are they just bashing a brick, but you find them trying to feed a teddy. At this point they can start to really enjoy interacting with books too. Most children's books are full of things to interact with indirectly by using the illustrations – can you spot the cat? Where is the ball in this picture? Bathtime goes a step further and asks the reader directly for help.

The child takes on the role of Little Rabbit's carer and must help out the bunny as he goes in and out of the bath. This has a duel outcome; a thoroughly entertaining little adventure, but also teaches them about the steps needed at bathtime. The section towards the end is particularly fun as the interaction ramps up to hilarious levels. The idea of an interactive story only holds weight if the execution works and here Muhle has done a wonderful job, the entire books feels like it has been designed with a child in mind. The compact hardback version is easy to hold and the short 20 page length means that it captures the attention of a young toddler/older baby. Muhle has kept things super simple in terms of visuals and words. All the actions are easy to follow and it means that any child with even a basic grasp of their surroundings will be able to join in. There is something wondrous about watching your child play and giggle as they read.

Muhle has done a great job of taking a simple concept and not overcomplicating matters. By doing so he has created a series of books that can be translated into a multitude of languages and still work as the book speaks perfect baby. With all the different fun actions to partake in as you go through the book, this is one story that both adults and children will enjoy with the added benefit of improving bathtime for all.

There are other cool interact books out there including ones for slightly older children Boris Babysits by Sam Lloyd. We also enjoyed Tickle My Ears by Jorg Muhle.

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