Bear and Hare: Snow! by Emily Gravett

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Bear and Hare: Snow! by Emily Gravett

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 5/5
Reviewer: Rachael Spencer
Reviewed by Rachael Spencer
Summary: Emily Gravett brings us yet another wonderful book for teeny tiny tots. Bear and Hare: Snow! does exactly what it says on the tin. Romp through the snow with them during the cold, wintery months.
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Pages: 32 Date: September 2014
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 978-1447273233

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Emily Gravett is, let's face it, always good. There are books upon books which are well written and well thought out for the preschool market, but I can't help but feel like very young tots are often an after thought. Gravett, however, takes her sweet and witty style and gives it to just this market, and she is repeatedly excellent at it. There is just as much thought in her work as with any picture book for a slightly older reader, but it speaks to small ones in particular and I cannot do anything other than applaud her for that.

In this book, Bear and Hare are off on an adventure in the snow, and we get to go with them; how lovely for us! The words are simple and minimal, working perfectly in conjunction with the beautifully funny pictures which are really the star of the whole book. As with her breakthrough book, Orange Pear Apple Bear, Gravett uses the words to enhance what is happening on the page in order to get little ones connecting the words with what they mean. This is a skill which I think she has perfected, and every book by her which I have read has had this same sense of wit and charm working in its favour.

We have met Bear and Hare before, when they went fishing, and I think it's great that we're getting a series of books from this author for this age group. It's nice to know when a book is going to be good, and I'm pretty certain we're always going to be able to rely upon Bear and Hare to be good fun to go on an adventure with.

This book makes a perfect gift at this time of year, full of snow, scarves, and sledging, I can't imagine many people who wouldn't enjoy coming inside from the cold and curling up to read this with a mug of hot chocolate.

If you missed their previous book, then why not try Bear and Hare Go Fishing, or if you want a real classic with lots of great word play then you really must read Orange Pear Apple Bear.

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