Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace

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Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace

Buy Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace at Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

Category: Confident Readers
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Jill Murphy
Reviewed by Jill Murphy
Summary: A second set of nutty adventures from the pen of Danny Wallace, featuring an alternative world of same-but-different people and objects. Impossible not to love - so long as you don't mind being left with your head in a spin. And surely everyone knows that the land of spinning heads is the best land of all. Right? Right!
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 368 Date: February 2016
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
External links: Author's website
ISBN: 147112391X

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Ok. You may know this already but Hamish recently saved the world. And now he is about to meet the Prime Minister, who wants to say thank you. Very much. But things don't quite go to plan. The Prime Minister appears to have gone quite mad. Something about pants. And one by one, people start following him. Before he knows it, Hamish is pulled right into the thick of a second threat to humanity, this time involving the Neverpeople. The same Neverpeople he's been told his father was helping during his personal battle against evil.

Who are the Neverpeople? Well, imagine an alternative world full of same-but-different people. Everyone has an opposite. And Hamish has Holly. These two might look alike but their personalities are different in every way. I don't want to say too much more about the plot for fear of inadvertent spoilers but let's just say that Hamish and his PDF (Pause Defence Force) are in for another madcap dash to save the world. The Terribles are back!

There are scary bits. There are exciting bits. There are funny bits. (And they are hilariously funny). There are happy bits and there are sad bits. I hope you notice them all because Hamish and the Neverpeople is a real page-turner. You might have to read it twice to take it all in. But this wouldn't be a hardship. Hamish might have surreal adventures but he is a normal human being, just like you and me. You can relate to him even as your brain melts with the silliness of it all. Can he outsmart the Terribles? Will he find his father? And what is the connection between pants and poodles, other than the letter P?

Oh, you know. It's impossible not to love Hamish, er Holly, er the PDF, er the whole darn thing. Wallace's infectious enthusiasm for his story carries you through the pages at a ridiculous pace and you'll thoroughly enjoy the ride - so long, that is, as you don't mind being left with your head in a spin. And we all know that the land of spinning heads is the best land of all. Right? Right!

You might have worried that a second Hamish story might flag a little. Rest assured. It hasn't. How could you dislike a book whose introduction is titled You Nitwit!?!


If Hamish and his daft adventures sound like your kind of thing, you'll probably also enjoy Billionaire Boy by David Walliams. And if you haven't met Hamish before, then don't forget the first book in the series.

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Buy Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace at Amazon.co.uk Amazon currently charges £2.99 for standard delivery for orders under £20, over which delivery is free.

Buy Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy Hamish and the Neverpeople by Danny Wallace at Amazon.com.


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