I Love My Daddy by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway

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I Love My Daddy by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Sam Tyler
Reviewed by Sam Tyler
Summary: Giving a gift to someone you appreciate is a nice thing to do and all the Daddies in this book get a gold star for their efforts, but who is their best little star? Find out in this sweet book that is ideal for a baby or young toddler.
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Pages: 16 Date: May 2016
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
ISBN: 9781848691780

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Father's Day is a great time to really pump up your Dad's ego. If he is anything like me he already thinks he is a bit of an Adonis; seeing that paunch in the mirror more as relaxed muscle than the beer gut that it is. To be honest, as a Pop, I am pretty much content with a pint, a book or a football game, but if a child does insist on getting their elder a gift, a nice book about the parent/child relationship may just warm the coldest of cockles.

Today is a day for giving out stars to Dads as they are doing a great job. Hippo has taught his child to swim, whilst Lion has fixed his child' favourite toy. Meet different pairs of animals as they thank one another for the good work they have done and give a star-like gift. However, with the Daddys getting all the praise, which star do they love the most? Perhaps it could be their little one?

The My Little World set of books are a collection of hardback children's stories made for babies and young toddlers. The items themselves are designed perfectly for this; sturdy cardboard pages and a peaky hole in each page so that you can look through, or poke them with tiny fingers. In the case of Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway's I Love My Mummy, the shape is that of a star and on each page a baby animal is giving one to their father.

The story itself is a simple, but this is in keeping with the book being aimed at the baby market. The page opens with two animals, a Father and a child – Dad has done something cool, so their kid is giving them a gift. The same sentence structure is used and they rhyme. This builds up a rhythm and a familiarity with the book that means your child will soon start to know what is coming next and can follow the action. To earn his crust Litton has added a little extra to the end of the book that is super sweet and will give any Dad a warm glow in their heart.

Perhaps the main appeal of these books is Galloway's excellent, bold illustrations. The pages are relatively small as this is a short and sturdy hardback deigned for little hands to grab, but Galloway has packed them with colour. The animals themselves are distinct and obvious, but they also sit on strong backgrounds that has fun items to find. Babies of 6-12 months will gain a lot from the colours and playing with the inbuilt hole, whilst 1-3 year olds can start to explore the surroundings more and pick up on the message about parents and child.

I Love You Daddy is a simple affair, but also simply wonderful. The book appeals to a child because it is stands out and has a repetitive sentences and an interactive-ness that they can understand. For a Father it also works as it has a sweet message that makes you want to lean over and kiss the top of your baby's head once you have finished reading. A great gift 'from' a baby to their Dad on his birthday or Father's Day.

Another great book by this author/illustrator combo is BOO!, whilst a classic of the baby genre is Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell.

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Buy I Love My Daddy by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy I Love My Daddy by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway at Amazon.com.


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