Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey

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Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey

Buy Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey at Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

Category: Teens
Rating: 3.5/5
Reviewer: Loralei Haylock
Reviewed by Loralei Haylock
Summary: Not a bad book, but still not quite living up to the promise of the interesting ideas going on in the background. Good if you are in the mood for something a bit lighthearted and romantic.
Buy? Maybe Borrow? Yes
Pages: 304 Date: November 2010
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing plc
ISBN: 978-1408807064

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Hunter Wild has always been head of her class at the Helios-Ra Vampire Hunter Academy. Her family takes vampire hunting very seriously – she's called Hunter, after all – and her Grandpa is one of the most infamous vampire hunters of his generation. He believes in staking all vampires, no questions asked. But then, he also believes it's a good idea for Hunter to cut off all her long blonde hair. Hunter isn't so sure on either count.

Times are changing. The truce brought about by the Drake clan of vampires, though uneasy, is a truce and the first step towards a democratic understanding between the friendlier vampire clans and the Helios-Ra. They have a common enemy, the Hel-Blar, feral vampires who kill humans and vampires indiscriminately. The Hel-Blar have been getting ever closer to the town and the innocent people there and the Helios-Ra alone may not be enough to stop them.

Meanwhile, something weird is happening in the school. Kids are getting ill and Hunter's roommate has a serious case of the mood-swings. Something is going on, and Hunter finds herself turning to an unlikely ally in her quest to find out what's going on – one very attractive vampire, Quinn Blake.

For those who have read the previous instalments in this series, Out For Blood is much the same sort of fare. A forbidden love, vampiric battles, betrayals and subterfuge. Oh, and making out. Lots of the latter.

While the romance remains wafer thin – Harvey still relies on the 'instant attraction and love' approach rather than taking time to develop relationships between characters in a believable way, but that aside, this is a light read that is easy going enough to race through in an afternoon. It won't make you think too hard, but that can be a good thing. And if you are in the mood for something a bit lighthearted and romantic, then you could do much much worse.

Overall, not a bad book, but still not quite living up to the promise of the interesting ideas going on in the background behind Quinn and his dashing swagger.

My thanks to the publishers for sending a copy.

Fans of the vampire romance genre might enjoy the Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine. We also enjoyed The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer.

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Buy Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey at Amazon.com.


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