Say Hello Like This by Mary Murphy

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Say Hello Like This by Mary Murphy

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Zoe Morris
Reviewed by Zoe Morris
Summary: All the animals teach you how to say hello, so you can greet them too. Cute as can be.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 32 Date: [[:Category:February 2014link title|February 2014link title]]
Publisher: Walker
ISBN: 978-1406347463

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[[Category:February 2014link title]] Hello!
Good day!

There’s lots of ways people can great each other, but what about animals. How do they say hello? If you read this book you’ll know who says bow-wow, who says tip tap, who says hee haw and so on.

This is a really fun book with bright illustrations that are clear as can be: there’s no trying to work out if it’s a donkey or a horse here, you just know, right off the bat.

Initially, I thought this would be a good book for guessing the answer as the design has a half page flap for each animal pair so you get the description, for example A frog hello is jumpy and croaky and then have to turn over to see what that means (in this case croakety croak). However I soon realised that the weighting of the paper and the way the book is bound somehow meant that the flap turned over automatically and you had to turn it back to read the description if you wanted that before the answer. As I read on I learnt how to turn the page in such a way that this didn’t happen, but it was a tiny bit annoying to start with.

Other than that, this is a sweet, funny book that is perfect for those who are learning their animals and their animal noises. All the animals are animated and friendly (and colourful, which doesn’t hurt) and they’re an interesting mix, complete with beetles and chickens.

Thanks go to the publishers for sending us this book.

Animal Noises by Nicola Killen manages to include a (predominantly) different bunch of critters. Why not get both?

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