{{newreview<!-- Stibbe -->*[[image:Stibbe_Xmas.jpg|authorleft|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0241309824?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=Nina Stibbeas2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=0241309824]] |title===[[An Almost Perfect Christmasby Nina Stibbe]]===|rating=[[image:4.55star.jpg|genrelink=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Humour |Humour]], [[:Category:Short Stories|Short Stories]] |summary=Christmas – the time of traditional trauma. You only have to think about the turkey for that – once upon a time it was leaving it sat on the downstairs loo to defrost overnight, and if that failed the hair-dryer shoved inside it treatment was your next best bet. Nowadays it's all having to make sure it's suitably free-range and organic – but not too organic that you can go and visit it, and get too friendly with it to want to eat it. Christmas, though, is of course also a time of great boons. It's cash in hand for a lot of plump people who can hire red suits and beards, it was always a godsend for postmen with all the thank-you letters to aunties you saw twice a decade that your parents made you write out in long-hand as a child, and as for the makers of Meltis Newberry Fruits – well, did they even try and sell them any other time of the year?[[An Almost Perfect Christmas by Nina Stibbe|Full Review]]|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0241309824</amazonukbr>}}
|author=Ian Doescher