{{newreview<!-- Doescher -->*[[image:Doescher_Will.jpg|left|authorlink=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/159474985X?ie=Ian DoescherUTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=159474985X]] |title===[[William Shakespeare's the Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventhby Ian Doescher]]===|rating=[[image:4.55star.jpg|genrelink=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Science Fiction|Science Fiction]], [[:Category:Humour|Humour]] |summary=A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, there was a man called William Shakespeare, who was able to create a series of dramatic histories full of machinations most foul, rulers most evil and rebellious heroes and heroines most sturdy. You may or may not have noticed the cinematic version of his original stage play for ''The Force Doth Awaken'', but here at last we get the actual script, complete with annoying-in-different-ways-to-before droids anew, returning heroes from elsewhere in his oeuvre, and people keeping it in the family til it hurts. And if you need further encouragement, don't forget his audience only demanded three parts of Henry VI – here the series is so popular we're on to part seven – surely making this over twice as good…[[William Shakespeare's the Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventh by Ian Doescher|Full Review]]|amazonuk=<amazonuk>159474985X</amazonukbr>}}
|author=James Goss and Russell T Davies