The Pelican Who Couldn't by Neil Griffiths and Peggy Collins

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The Pelican Who Couldn't by Neil Griffiths and Peggy Collins

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 3/5
Reviewer: Sue Magee
Reviewed by Sue Magee
Summary: A cautionary tale, but it doesn't have a happy ending. Consider how your child will react before reading.
Buy? Maybe Borrow? Maybe
Pages: 36 Date: August 2012
Publisher: Red Robin Books
ISBN: 978-1908702043

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Two pelicans stood on a rock attempting to outdo each other over what they could eat, getting more outrageous with every mouthful and with most of their fun coming from their can, can't arguments with each other. Every parent will recognise the symptoms! But beware for this is a cautionary tale and it doesn't have a happy outcome. When one pelican attempted to gobble up a shark what happened was inevitable, with just the one pelican left standing on the rock...

The pictures by Peggy Collins are stunning and include a couple of pop-up spreads which are quite startling the first time you see them, even though you have to fold the wings out to get the full effect! As they're made of what seems like the same paper as the pages they won't stand heavy handling but there will be few children who won't be delighted by the opportunity to look into the pelican's mouth.

The story is very simple and the language pitched in terms that a child in the two to five age group will understand. It won't be long before they're repeating the can/can't 'chorus' along with you! New sea creatures are introduced every couple of pages so that there's plenty of opportunity for discussion. My press release indicates that there are downloadable parent resources available from the [ publisher's website] but I was unable to find them and the site doesn't seem to be searchable.

I know - I'm a softy - but I don't like the idea of children getting to know these birds and then to have to cope with one of them being killed. I can well see a sensitive child ending up in tears. But - you know your own child and how he or she will react.

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

For a dark tale with some tension but a more light-hearted ending we can recommend A Dark, Dark Tale by Ruth Brown.

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