The Wheels on the Bus by Britta Teckentrup

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The Wheels on the Bus by Britta Teckentrup

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Sue Magee
Reviewed by Sue Magee
Summary: Another look at the ever-popular song - this time through die-cut shapes which gradually reveal all the occupants. A fun book. Now try and get the tune out of your head.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 24 Date: July 2011
Publisher: Orchard Books
External links: Author's website
ISBN: 978-1408314401

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I doubt that there are many parents who've not sung The Wheels on the Bus to their child at some point. I've heard it chanted in an attempt to get a fractious child to settle and I've often wondered why it is that no one seems to know all the words. Most parents never seem to get past the wheels going round and round but Britta Teckentrup has produced a book with cut-outs to take us through all the words as all the animals take the bus to the playground.

It's clever. Each double-page spread reveals just a little bit more of the bus and its occupants through the die-cut shapes. There are the obvious wheels to start with, then the doors and the wipers… I'm sure you get the picture. (What? You don't know the words either? Hmmm…) There's a lot of repetition in the song so children will quickly pick up the refrain and join in and with ten different animals to recognise there's plenty to look for on each page.

It's not a one-read book, either. Apart from the fact that you're not going to be able to stop singing this tune there's plenty on the page to spot on each reading. You might not spot mouse on the first reading, but just have a look at his attempts and the methods he uses to catch up with the bus.

I'm reading the book in the hardback version and this is sturdy. The die-cut shapes are cut into a good quality paper with none too close to the edge of the page and whilst they won't last indefinitely if they get rough handling it's not the sort of book which Mummy is going to have to keep on a shelf to keep it safe.

Go on. You know that you need to know all the words, don't you?

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

For another look at a familiar rhyme we can recommend One Two That's My Shoe by Alison Murray.

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Luci said:

We always make up our own version of Wheels on the Bus - the dinos on the bus go raaah! raaaah! raaaah!
