Newest Confident Readers Reviews

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Terror Town: Elf Girl and Raven Boy 5 by Marcus Sedgwick

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Nobody wants to go to Terror Town. It might have a fabulous castle, a Horror Hotel to stay in, and more, but nobody wants to go there. Oh, except for Elf Girl and Raven Boy, who need to collect something from the Hotel in order to defeat the Goblin King. And lo and behold, the Singing Sword held at the Hotel is just given away as a complete annoyance – but getting what they came for so easily could only come at a price… Full review...

The Secrets of Stonehenge by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom

3.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

I hope you agree with me about the sheer optimism of this book's title. It carries a certain chutzpah to pretend to show all the secrets about a mystical site which remains, even with a lot of evidence, sheer conjecture. Yes we know when the stones were erected, and from where they came under the orders of what kind of prehistoric man, but nothing is guaranteed in the occult world of pagan ritual, prehistoric pantheons and primitive perpetual calendars. This book won't admit to doubt beyond saying some people have different ideas about Stonehenge, but it will succeed in giving a fleeting glimpse to some of the mysteries and oo-er factors that make the site so intriguing for all ages to this day. Full review...

Ogres Don't Dance (Ogden the Ogre) by Kirsty McKay

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Meet Ogden the Ogre. Getting lost in the forest one night after a raid on the village for a bit of human-shaped supper he finds a barn full of colourfully-dressed people having a riotous time, dancing away happily. Obviously Oscar wants to join in, but it's only when he chances on meeting Willow, an incredibly independent nine year old girl, that he gets the opportunity to learn how to dance. But will he stick to the promise he has to give her in return, that of never eating another human, or will he leave her a weeping Willow? Full review...

Sentinel by Joshua Winning

3.5star.jpg Horror

In many ways this book is not as typical of fantasy and mild horror as the summary might suggest. Unlike a lot of stories where we join the main character in the aftermath of a major event, this one begins before Nicholas is orphaned. The ever-increasing tension as his parents leave for a train journey, coming so soon after a menacing and mysterious prologue, makes it pretty clear to us that they won't be returning, and that Nicholas will soon be in deadly danger himself. Full review...

Tale of a Tail by Margaret Mahy and Tony Ross

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Imagine you have a dog. (That would be nice...I'd like a dog). Now imagine that the dog is magical! He's a special sort of dog who can grant wishes, just with a special up and down wag of his tail. There couldn't be anything better, could there, than a dog that grants wishes? Just so long as you're always very careful about what you wish for whenever that dog is within hearing range! Full review...

A-Maze-ing Minotaur by Juliet Rix and Juliet Snape

3.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Greek Myths are fantastic. They are full of action, characters and more gore than a truck load of video nasties, but how do you tell them to children? Remove the grisly bits for one and write them in a way that will appeal to the modern adolescent. This is exactly what writer Juliet Rix and illustrator Juliet Snape set out to do in ‘A-Maze-ing Minotaur’. Anything that uses the word “a-maze-ing”, must appeal to kids, right? Full review...

House of Secrets: Battle of the Beasts by Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Columbus and Vizzini’s sequel to House of Secrets is action packed, cinematic and compelling. Their influences are myriad and range from the Goonies and early Harry Potter (directed by Columbus) to the fantastical and creepy writings of pulp novelist Robert E Howard, Gothic author H P Lovecraft and Ray Bradbury. The result resembles an explosion of colours from a renegade paint box of genres crossed with high octane movie plots. Fantasy, science fiction, magic, action, horror and war combine to create a curious mix of the supernatural and the historical. Full review...

Flora and Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures by Kate DiCamillo and K G Campbell

5star.jpg Confident Readers

Holy bagumba! What a gem of a book. When Kate DiCamillo decided to tell a story featuring a crazy vacuum cleaner, a 'natural-born cynic' who loves comics and a special squirrel she probably didn't imagine the odyssey her book would take. What she has created is an affectionate tribute to the super heroes of comic books intertwined with the belief that anything is possible. It is further illuminated by the expressive, imaginative and humorous graphics of K G Campbell. There is interplay between individual full page black and white drawings and panels of sequential art as the antics of DiCamillo’s eccentric and vulnerable characters evolve. This is enhanced by the use of speech bubbles shaped like clouds and experimentation with different fonts. Full review...

The Curse of the Pampered Poodle: Mariella Mystery 4 by Kate Pankhurst

4star.jpg Confident Readers

In this latest instalment of the popular Mariella Mystery series, the Mystery girls are off for a sleepover at the local museum to investigate some decidedly strange goings-on involving a stuffed poodle called Misty. If reports are to be believed, bad luck seems to follow this cursed canine everywhere, leaving death and disaster in her wake. It is said that anyone who insults Misty will hear a loud bark and then be plagued with bad luck as the infamous curse strikes again. Full review...

An Episode of Sparrows by Rumer Godden

5star.jpg Confident Readers

It is post war London and in a private garden in a prosperous square someone has been digging up the earth. The formidable Miss Angela Chesney of the Garden Committee is convinced that a gang of local boys from nearby Catford Street is to blame. Her sister Olivia, a more thoughtful and kindly woman, worries about these children, ‘the sparrows’ and believes that there is more to this than petty theft. Meanwhile in Catford Street a little girl named Lovejoy Mason, abandoned by her mother to the care of restaurant owner Vincent and his wife, nurtures hopes and dreams of her own. As this story unfolds these very different lives become entangled in ways none of them could have anticipated. Full review...

Valentine Joe by Rebecca Stevens

5star.jpg Confident Readers

Rose’s grandfather Brian takes her to Ypres to pay their respects to his dead brother, but while there she notices the grave of a 15-year-old boy, Valentine Joe. Tormented by thoughts of such a young lad dying so tragically, she wakes up that night and looks out of the window to see the strange sight of a 1910s town, and a soldier marching. Slipping back in time, she meets Valentine Joe himself – but why has this happened, and what will the future be for these two children? Full review...

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe and Yanai Pery

3star.jpg Confident Readers

A man sits, slumped over his books and in his quite ugly pyjamas, seeking relief from grief, when he starts to be haunted by a knocking from outside his chambers. He only sees a darkness when he first opens the door – mirroring the darkness inside, for he is in mourning. When he opens the window, he is doubly haunted – both by the memories of his beloved Lenore, and the figure of a raven that enters the room and remains, with its one-word mantra of a message. We are in the world of the 1840s and of Poe, as never seen before… Full review...

Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey by Alex Milway

4star.jpg Confident Readers

In a world where explorer's backpacks are able to fit pigs, hamsters, voles and ducks, sits Pigsticks, dreaming of surpassing his forepigs in their adventures. When his itchy feet get the better of him and he finds himself in need of an explorer's assistant, he finds Harold the hamster – well, angry mice don't really cut it. They make an unlikely duo, but when the Battenburg cake is packed the earth is their oyster, and in trying to find the ends of it they make for a most unlikely journey too… Full review...

Childish Spirits by Rob Keeley

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Ellie and her mum and brother Charlie have moved into Inchwood Manor. Ellie's mum is going to transform the old house into a heritage visitor attraction. Ellie doesn't mind this but she does wish her dad had come too. But for some reason, he hasn't. And if Ellie wasn't texting him, he wouldn't even know how they were getting on. There's a great deal of work to be done to get Inchwood Manor ready and mum is busy with manager Marcus. Charlie is busy being fed up at being stuck in the back end of beyond. And so neither of them notice the strange things that Ellie does... Full review...

Operation Sting (SWARM) by Simon Cheshire

3star.jpg Confident Readers

There are bugs and there are bugs. The latest ultra-secret British security body, SWARM, uses both at the same time – micro-robots based around the forms of a mosquito, scorpion, spider, butterfly, stag beetle, dragonfly and centipede. They're only supposed to be showing themselves off as surveillance operatives while a high-tech weapon device is transported by a sole human agent across London, when it's stolen. The dangers of it being in the wrong hands, the very fact that the demonstration failed, and the disapproval of the Home Secretary at not knowing SWARM ever was on the cards in the first place, all pile the pressure onto the tiny robots' shoulders… Full review...

Tom Gates: A Tiny Bit Lucky by Liz Pichon

3.5star.jpg Confident Readers

It's enrichment week at Tom Gates' school, which means lessons in unlikely subjects, such as pizza cooking and film-making. It's been badly tagged onto the school's inspection period, too, so the staff – who have never been appreciative enough of Tom's ways at doodling and ways into and out of scrapes – are even more on tenterhooks. It's also enrichment week at home, with Tom's parents deciding he needs less time watching TV and more time witnessing dad get all excited about making a kite. Tom's enrichment ideas for himself involve doodling more, rocking with his school band, and eating more caramel wafers, but he's not going to get his own way – the only one who will is the new neighbourhood cat from next door… Full review...

Dead Man's Cove and Kidnap in the Caribbean: Two Laura Marlin Mysteries by Lauren St John

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

The first book in the Laura Marlin series was Dead Man's Cove and it introduced us to the young orphan who dreams about being a detective. We loved the story and the fully rounded and well-drwawn characters. Full review...

Arrowhead by Ruth Eastham

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Thirteen-year-old Jack doesn’t believe in the local myths and legends of Norway. Until he finds the frozen body of a Norse warrior boy trapped in the ice, carrying with him an ancient arrowhead. The arrowhead bears a terrible curse, which leaves the adults struck down and nature itself turning on Jack’s town, and the rest of the world. With only his friends Skuli and Emma to help him, can Jack save the day? Full review...

The Tin Snail by Cameron McAllister

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

It's France at the 1938 Paris Motor Show. A wonderful new car has been unveiled: the Deux Chevaux or 2CV for short. It looks a bit odd and is nicknamed Tin Snail but this is a car for the people: functional, reliable, affordable. And its inventor is just 13 years old! But WWII is about to break out and France is about to be occupied by the Germans. The Tin Snail must face a perilous journey - to carry a farmer and his wife, a flagon of wine and a tray of eggs, across a bumpy field in a sleepy French village without spilling a drop or cracking a shell - and then go into hiding... Full review...

Mutant City by Steve Feasey

4star.jpg Teens

After a devastating chemical war, the world is slowly rebuilding itself. A select group had hidden away in underground bunkers and, when they re-emerged, built six cities in which the genetically pure live in luxury and comfort. But outside the city walls, everything is very different. The survivors there are mutants, fighting for survival in degrading, impoverished circumstances. Full review...

Hairy Horror by Sandra Glover

4star.jpg Confident Readers

In many ways, Anna’s life changed for the better when her mum married Steve. She now has a real dad for the first time in her life, as well as a beautiful home in the countryside and a gorgeous new baby brother, Jamie. In fact, you could describe her new life as almost perfect, apart from one rather major detail: her teenage brother Hal has a Top-Secret lab in the basement and he has been working on a BIG project involving a hairy tarantula called Tula. If there is one thing that Anna can’t stand, it’s spiders and Tula is anything but an ordinary spider... Full review...

The Case of the Secret Tunnel (Maisie Hitchins) by Holly Webb

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

'Maisie Hitchins' is a detective series set in Victorian London centred on the adventures of our titular heroine who lives and works in her grandmother’s boarding house. In 'The Case of the Secret Tunnel', Maisie has to solve a mystery involving art smugglers, stolen washing and the London Underground. Sleuthing is hard work, but Gran won’t be pleased if Maisie neglects her chores, especially as the boarding house has a new guest, one who seems to be acting very suspiciously indeed... Full review...


Seventeen Coffins by Philip Caveney

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Poor Tom! He's barely recovered from his time-slip journey to plague-ridden seventeenth century Edinburgh when he's off again, this time to the nineteenth century. Just like on his first journey he's lost and friendless, and in deadly peril – but somehow, he ends up once again employed to feed the pigs. It seems some things never change. Full review...

Charlie Merrick's Misfits in Fouls, Friends, and Football by Dave Cousins

3.5star.jpg Confident Readers

The world, we are told, loves a trier, and Charlie Merrick is one of the world's biggest. His only hobby and only skill is in football, but his intent is never matched by his actual talent – a statement that stretches to most of his team-mates. With several under-12s league games under their belt and with no points to their name, Charlie must try his hardest to get the squad working as a team, which is hard considering what he has to put up with, and even harder when he makes some very unfortunate decisions… Full review...

The Glass Bird Girl by Esme Kerr

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Edie is a new student at Knight’s Haddon boarding school – but not just any new student. Planted there by her uncle, who can fix anything, she’s been given a mission – to investigate the problems his client’s daughter, Russian princess Anastasia is having. But what seems like it’ll be a straightforward case of schoolgirl bullying is actually much more complicated, and dangerous. Full review...

Red Shadow by Paul Dowswell

4.5star.jpg Teens

It's Moscow in 1940. Misha's life transformed when his father was offered a job in the Kremlin by his old revolutionary comrade, Stalin. Misha's life is easier in many ways than those of his peers - he lives in a spacious and comfortable flat, and he has plenty of good food to eat.

But Russia is at war - currently allied to Hitler's Germany but about to be betrayed by them. And Stalin is both paranoid and unstable - this is the time of the purges and nobody is safe from denunciation. Full review...

Marooned in Manhattan by Sheila Agnew

4star.jpg Confident Readers

After her mother's death, Evie has to move to Manhattan to live with her uncle Scott, who she doesn't know too well. Initially she's convinced that she'll take him up on his offer to let her return to Ireland and move in with her godmother at the end of the summer. Between helping him out in his veterinary practice, making new friends, and getting to know the city, though, Evie starts to wonder whether she should stay in New York - but one person wants to take the decision out of her hands. Will she be able to make the choice for herself, and if so, where will she end up living? Full review...

Ash Road by Ivan Southall

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

The North Wind is blowing. It's churned its way across two thousand miles of Australia, and it brings with it ferocity, and an endless dryness. Above, below, to either side of it, and in front of and behind it, is heat. This is a summer in the early 1960s and the land is suffering above-century heat. Unfortunately, through pure accident, three young lads out camping in the bush have started a fire, and it's getting worse and worse under the conditions that are ideal for it. Although in the leeward side of a large reservoir, the small community of Ash Road would surely suffer if the conflagration were to become big enough to threaten them – and it is, it is… Full review...

Over The Line by Tom Palmer

5star.jpg Dyslexia Friendly

Jack Cock made his debut as a professional footballer for Huddersfield Town and that fragile dream of playing for his country came just a little bit closer, but this was just before the beginning of the First World War, when there was immense pressure on young men to do the honourable thing and join the war to fight in France. Over the Line is the story of Jack's war, of joining the Footballers' Battalion, playing in the Flanders Cup, fighting in the trenches and not just surviving but being decorated for bravery. After the war he scored England's first international goal and was one of the first of the modern generation of 'professional footballers'. Full review...

Mars Evacuees by Sophia McDougall

5star.jpg Confident Readers

If you want to know how the average young adolescent thinks and speaks, read this book. Yes, it's a sci-fi adventure with monsters and robots and space travel. And yes, it's a story of war to the death with invisible aliens. But kids are kids, no matter what the circumstances, and anyone brave enough to get on a ship for a week with three hundred young people and no parents is, frankly, asking for trouble. Full review...

Going Home by Cliff McNish

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Ralphie, Fred, Mitch and Bessie are the ‘No-Hopers’- dogs who have been at Happy Paws Rescue Centre for so long that it seems unlikely they will ever find new homes. Bessie, a beautiful collie, has a fear of being touched; Mitch can’t stop chasing cats; Fred is depressed and despondent and Ralph is horribly disfigured. Luckily for them, Happy Paws has a policy of never putting a healthy dog down. However, when a new manager takes over the centre, the rules change and it becomes a desperate race against time to find the No-Hopers a home. Full review...

Horrid Henry's Wedding by Francesca Simon and Tony Ross

5star.jpg Emerging Readers

What on earth was Prissy Polly thinking? If she had wanted her wedding to Pimply Paul to go without a hitch, why, oh why had she insisted on asking her awful cousin Horrid Henry to be a page boy? One thing is for certain: when you take a certain horrid boy with a reputation for mischief and force him to wear a lilac shirt, green satin knickerbockers, tights, a pink cummerbund and white satin shoes with gold buckles, you are just asking for trouble... Full review...

Famous Five Colour Reads: A Lazy Afternoon by Enid Blyton

5star.jpg Emerging Readers

Perhaps the only thing better than a favourite author publishing a new book, is one of their old works that you missed first time around being re-released. The Famous Five, you see, didn’t just feature in their most well-known tales. They also had some short story adventures that were first seen in albums and magazines and whatnot, but are now being published as books in their own right. Hurrah! Full review...

Secrets of the Seashore by Carron Brown and Alyssa Nassner

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

This book starts in a rock pool. It’s not a boring, quiet, calm place, though, it’s bustling with life, and with every page that turns we learn more about the mysterious creatures that live within it. You might not see them at first, but with a hint of magic they appear. Full review...

The Edge of the Cloud by K M Peyton

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

First things first: this is a brilliant book and you could read it on its own but it's an extra-brilliant book if you've read the first book in the Flambards series. It's inevitable that there are going to be spoilers in this review so if you want to get the best out of this series, click away right now. I really won't be offended. Full review...

Flambards by K M Peyton

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Christina Parsons was orphaned as a child and since then had been shunted around between various relatives, but her Uncle Russell decided that she must come and live with him and his two sons. The twelve-year-old discovered accidentally (it sounds a little harsh to mention that she was reading someone else's correspondence, doesn't it?) that the the aunt with whom she was living suspected that the plan was that Christina would eventually marry Mark, the elder son and the money (quite a lot of it actually) which she would inherit on her twenty-first birthday would be used to prop up Flambards - the Russell's country estate - which was falling into disrepair. Full review...