Book Reviews From The Bookbag

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Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page.

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Frightfully Friendly Ghosties: Ghostly Holler-day by Daren King and David Roberts

4star.jpg Confident Readers

After scaring all the still-alives from their house we're back with the frightfully friendly ghosties who, since it's winter, have decided that they need a holler-day. After an argument over their destination (will it be Frighten-on-Sea or Scare-borough?) they receive a postcard from their friend, Headless Leslie. He is in Frighten and has forgotten how to get back home! So, off they go to Frighten to enjoy the delights of a haunted pier and fun fair and to try and rescue Headless Leslie from whatever trouble he has landed himself in. Full review...

Stand by Me by Sheila O'Flanagan

4star.jpg Women's Fiction

Many of us would love to be married to a successful, wealthy and attractive businessman and for Dominique Delahaye it becomes a reality. Not only does she get to live in luxurious houses, go on expensive holidays and wear glamorous clothes, she also gets to organise and attend wonderful charity events and has her photo in nearly every magazine and newspaper. Once a spotty and unpopular school girl, she is now the centre of everyone's attention. Her husband, Brendan Delahaye, starts out as a builder but soon has his own construction business, Delahaye Developments. The couple become known as the "Dazzling Delahayes" and whilst their lives seem perfect to the outside world, it hasn't always been that way. Brendan and Dominique, who gets given the nickname 'Domino' from her husband, are quite literally forced to marry through unforeseen circumstances. Their marriage suffers a number of problems and as the title "Stand by Me" suggests, both of them are faced with the decision of whether to stay or leave. However, their greatest challenge comes when the perfect life they've built is destroyed. Domino must face an uncertain future and take control of her life but first she has to make some heartbreaking decisions. Full review...

Changeless: The Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger

4.5star.jpg Fantasy

I recently read (and reviewed) the first book Soulless in this trilogy and thoroughly enjoyed it. Therefore I had high hopes for this book. But will it be as good? I crossed my fingers and started reading ... The feisty and fiery Alexia had left a bit of a lasting impression on me. I had no problem in picking up where I had left off. Carriger chooses not to share with her readers details of the wedding but I can picture the scene in my mind's eye, all the same. Full review...

Long Time Waiting by Rachel Sargeant

2.5star.jpg Crime

Pippa Adams is determined to do well on her first day as a CID detective, especially when she is plunged straight into a murder case. However, an unfortunate comment about Agatha Christie plunges that into disarray and she becomes known as 'Agatha'. There is little time to dwell on this though; there is a murder to solve. Two men broke into the Brocks' home late one night, took Carl Brock away and killed him, and chained his wife, Gaby, to a chair. Carl Brock was a teacher and presumably above reproach - but as Pippa and her colleagues investigate, all sorts of issues come to the surface and it seems that Carl was not as innocent as they first presumed. Can Pippa find out the truth and persuade her disdainful colleagues that she is a capable detective? Full review...

ABC Animal Rhymes For You And Me by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz

3star.jpg For Sharing

Repackaging some rhymes found in Rumble In The Jungle and Commotion In The Ocean, ABC Animal Rhymes For You And Me takes us through the alphabet, with rhymes about the angelfish, boa constrictor, crocodile, and so on. Full review...

Secrets of Tamarind by Nadia Aguiar

4star.jpg Confident Readers

The Island of Tamarind is once again under threat, from the evils of the Red Coral. Once more Simon and his sisters Maya and Penny (but mostly Simon) must save the island that only they can reach, as it lies in some exotic Bermuda Triangle. For a second book running they must breach the barriers, solve mysteries surrounding their native friend Helix's legacy, and the native magical element ophalla, and put the island to rights. Full review...

Horrid Henry Rocks by Francesca Simon and Tony Ross

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Horrid Henry Rocks brings us four more stories from the delightfully horrid little boy, Henry. Here we see him battle with his sappy little brother Peter, sabotage his neighbour, Moody Margaret's, sleepover, write his autobiography and finally he's evicted by security from the Dancing Daisies children's stage show where he stands on stage singing songs by The Killer Boy Rats! Full review...

The Fallen: Fallen and Leviathan by Thomas E Sniegoski

4star.jpg Teens

Thousands of years ago, a bunch of angels fell in love with human women. For their sins, they were cast out of Heaven. Their children are the Nephilim. They are hunted by Verchiel, leader of the Powers, hell-bent (excuse the pun!) on destroying them, especially the leader who prophecy says will lead them. On his 18th birthday, Aaron Corbet has a strange dream of weapons clanging and angels descending on a battlefield... and wakes up able to speak and understand any language, including that of his dog Gabriel. We can see where this is going, can't we? Full review...

Noah Barleywater Runs Away by John Boyne

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Noah Barleywater gets up very early one morning. He's eight years old and he's decided to leave home in search of adventure. Off he goes through the forest and villages until he sees a marvellous tree. As he gazes at it, he meets a friendly dachshund and a (very) hungry donkey who tell him all about the toyshop behind the marvellous tree. And so Noah opens the door and goes in. Full review...

Look at the Birdie by Kurt Vonnegut

4star.jpg Short Stories

Kurt Vonnegut died a couple of years ago after a sci fi writing career spanning over fifty years; he was well-known for his humanist views. This collection of unpublished short stories shows Vonnegut at his dark best, his theme, individuals out for themselves in an uncaring society. A colleague at The Bookbag recently wrote that Kurt Vonnegut's early writing is his strongest. If that is so, then this collection, illustrated with cartoons by the author, will be good news for his many fans. Full review...

A Bouquet of Barbed Wire by Andrea Newman

2.5star.jpg General Fiction

For those of you who've never heard of it, A Bouquet of Barbed Wire was most famous as a landmark 70's TV series based on this 1969 novel by Andrea Newman. I'd never read the book before - in fact I'm not even sure I knew there was a book - or seen the TV series but I was aware of the controversy it created at the time of release so lapped up the chance to read the rerelease, accompanying the remake of the TV series which has just started. Full review...

11:59 by David Williams

4star.jpg General Fiction

The back cover blurb informs the reader that this novel was a semi-finalist in the 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. And the front jacket is stylish and a bit Hitchcock-esque. All the signs looked promising for a decent read. But did it deliver? Full review...

Teenage Revolution: Growing Up in the 80s by Alan Davies

3.5star.jpg Autobiography

Born in 1966, Alan Davies grew up in Essex, the son of a staunchly Conservative-voting father and a mother who died of cancer when he was only six. It was a childhood dominated at first by 'Citizen Smith' and the other TV sitcoms, 'Starsky and Hutch', 'Grease', Barry Sheene, the Barron Knights, and Debbie Harry. The book begins at 1978, the year I started venturing out more, and finishes at 1988, when he graduated from Kent University to find that stand-up comedy could be an alternative to finding a job where he would have to do what he was told. Full review...

Screwing Up by Mark Oaten

4.5star.jpg Autobiography

Like John Profumo and others, Mark Oaten will probably be remembered for the wrong reasons. It was the episode which made him for a while the country's No. 1 paparazzi target, and which as he recounts in his Prologue, when his 'world was crashing down' and it hardly needs recounting in detail. Yet when all is said and done, this is a very lively, readable, sometimes quite poignant memoir from one of the men whose career at Westminster began and ended with the Blair and Brown years. Throughout there is an admirable absence of self-pity. Full review...

The Dead of Winter by Chris Priestley

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Michael Vyner's father died when Michael was just a baby. He was a hero, sacrificing himself to save the life of Sir Stephen Clarendon whilst fighting for the British Empire in Afghanistan. This was precious little comfort to Michael and his mother, who resented the rich man's largesse over the years, wishing for the man they lost and not the charity of the man he saved. So, when Michael's mother dies too and he finds himself all alone in the world, he is not entirely overjoyed to discover that Sir Stephen is now his guardian and has invited him to spend Christmas at Hawton Mere. Full review...

The Beautiful and the Grotesque by Ryunosuke Akutagawa

4star.jpg Short Stories

The author, the tongue-twisting Akutagawa is 'hailed as one of the greatest short story writers in world literature' says the back book cover. I was truly impressed and very keen to get reading. The front cover is both eye-catching and colourful, there's no doubt that this book is about Japan. There is a comprehensive Introduction with its lovely title A Sprig Of Wild Orange written by the translator. And straight away I got a strong sense of his enthusiasm for the short stories to follow. It is a good lead-in as it informs the reader of the gulf which exists between Western and Japanese values (a gulf as big as it gets, apparently) and of the conservative nature of the Japanese people. Full review...

Death on the Marais by Adrian Magson

4star.jpg Crime

We meet the central character, Inspector Rocco and are informed that he's a city man, happiest pounding the elegant streets of Paris. But suddenly and against his will, he finds himself in the sticks. He's not too happy about it. His new colleagues are more than happy to rib him a little, tell him that nothing much in the way of crime happens here. One of these colleagues takes things a stage further - puffs up his cheeks before commenting 'we get the occasional punch-up over a game of bar billiards ...' Rocco thinks he'll be bored out of his skull in no time. Big surprise then when on day one, yes, on day one he's involved in the discovery of a young woman. And Magson wastes no time in giving his readers all the gory details of this woman's last few hours alive. We almost feel her slow, agonising death. And the question is why? Full review...

Deep Secret by Berlie Doherty

5star.jpg Teens

Every now and again them there publisher people do this reviewer a big favour and reissue a book that she missed first time around. This is one of those now and thens. Anybody who loves words - child or adult - will love the way Berlie Doherty writes. Her graceful, lyrical prose just floats from the page and you lose yourself in the worlds she creates. She's known for her versatility too - writing realistic books about contemporary issues, fantasies and, as here with Deep Secret, historical novels. Full review...

Scrummy! by Leigh Hodgkinson

4.5star.jpg For Sharing

Sunny McCloud is back after losing, then finding, her smile. This time she's considering what kind of sandwich ingredients her family are. When her sandwich turns out to be a bit of a mundane cheese sandwich, she wonders what would spice up her sandwich and her family, going wild with bananas/monkeys and ice cream/penguins. Ice cream in a cheese sandwich? Hmm... Full review...

Limelight Larry by Leigh Hodgkinson

5star.jpg For Sharing

Limelight Larry is, like most peacocks, a bit of a show-off. He's absolutely delighted to be the star of his very own book, and can't help but preen and boast about how wonderful he is, and how amazing his book will be. When Mouse pops in to the corner of a page, Larry is annoyed to be sharing the limelight, and his frustration grows and grows as more and more creatures show up to talk about Larry's book. How will Larry be able to get the attention he so desperately craves? Full review...

Winnie In Space by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul

4star.jpg For Sharing

Winnie The Witch is back, and this time she has a hankering to go into space. With a wave of her magic wand, she creates a rocket, and she and her cat Wilbur are whizzing along from planet to planet, exploring the cosmos, and getting into all sorts of trouble with space rabbits. Full review...

The Three Billy Goats Fluff by Rachael Mortimer and Liz Pichon

3.5star.jpg For Sharing

Mr Troll has a headache. The Billy Goats Fluff keep trip-trapping over his bridge, making an awful racket. He's not happy one little bit. He's cursing the newspaper advert that brought him under the bridge, and desperate for something to stop the goats from ruining his life. Whatever can a troll do in those circumstances? Full review...

C by Tom McCarthy

5star.jpg Literary Fiction

C follows the life of Serge Carrefax. Set in the early part of the twentieth century, the reader encounters Serge at various key moments in his life and each of these is quite fascinating and engrossingly related. It's one of those books that is like Dr Who's Tardis - so much happens that when he recalls an earlier part of his life, I found myself thinking 'oh yes, that was in this book too, wasn't it?' The book has been described as post-structuralist but don't let that literary labelling put you off. Yes, it's a complex book that can be read at many levels, (and one which I know I'll come back to), but it's completely readable and not at all 'difficult'. Full review...

The Book of Bones: A Kit Salter Adventure by Natasha Narayan

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

I thoroughly enjoyed Kit Salter's previous two adventures, The Mummy Snatcher of Memphis and The Maharajah's Monkey, so I was looking forward to her latest outing. Here in The Book of Bones I read anxiously as Kit and her friends were kidnapped by their arch enemies, The Baker Brothers. The Baker Brothers tell them that one of the friends has been poisoned, but not which one, and the only way to save themselves is if they undertake a dangerous journey to China in search of an ancient book about martial arts, the Book of Bones. En route the children do battle with pirates, doctors of phrenology as well as the Emperor's army. Will they discover which of them has been poisoned, or find the magical book, before it's too late...? Full review...

School Blues by Daniel Pennac

4.5star.jpg Politics and Society

Daniel Pennac's book discusses the issue of children who struggle at school, and offers some ideas on how teachers can and should help them. It is not a dry textbook on educational theory. He writes from personal experience, as a teacher and novelist who was once 'un cancre', translated here as a dunce or a bad student. Full review...

Angel by L A Weatherly

5star.jpg Teens

If you loved the Twilight series, you will also love Angel, the first book in a new paranormal trilogy. However, even if you are among those who didn't see the attraction of Ms Meyer's books, there's a very good chance you will enjoy this: L A Weatherly is a gifted writer, and her take on paranormal romance is expertly crafted, full of exciting plot twists and well-rounded characters. Full review...

Bomber County by Daniel Swift

4star.jpg History

Bomber County is, of course, Lincolnshire where squadrons of Beaufighters, Wellingtons, Halifaxes and Lancasters were huddled in hangars for combined raids against enemy targets in German occupied Europe. As the war progressed the targets escalated, from attacks against the German Fleet, the industrial complex of the Ruhr and later, with the aim of breaking enemy morale, the targets included the cities - including Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and Cologne. Night after night, crews already warmly dressed in jerseys and thick woollen socks zipped themselves into flying suits and made their way towards the enemy coast. Conditions were cramped and the temperatures plummeted as they gained altitude flying by the light of the moon to their appointed destinations. Full review...

The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View by Richard Tarnas

5star.jpg History

With plaudits such as 'Ten years in the making' and a 'US Bestseller', this book has serious pedigree. It is a serious book in content also. At its very heart is the link between the disciplines of philosophy, religion and science. Small sentence, huge implications, I'm thinking right at the outset. Where to begin? Well, all the chapters are usefully sub-divided into bite-sized pieces. So, although this book may look daunting to some at first glance, the subject matter can be broken down very easily. Therefore, it starts with a section headed 'The Greek World View' and as many might expect, covers Socrates, Plato and Homer. Full review...

Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2010 - 2011 by Royal and Ancient

4.5star.jpg Sport

The rules of golf are complex, but designed so that they give no unfair advantages or disadvantages to any players across the full range of abilities. Followed faithfully and honestly they should ensure a fair and comfortable game for all. But times have changed and there are always situations which are not explicitly covered by the rules. The Royal and Ancient receives over three thousand written requests for clarification each year – and these are not frivolous requests since they will only be considered if they are submitted by a representative of the committee in charge of the particular competition. 'Decisions on the Rules of Golf' is the accumulated wisdom on situations which might be considered ambiguous. Full review...

Blood Ransom by Sophie McKenzie

4star.jpg Teens

It's not enough to find out you're a clone and to have both a renegade scientist and a fundamentalist terrorist group trying to kill you. Oh no. Because when MI5 and the FBI relocate you, they condemn you to living thousands of miles away from the only other person in the world that might understand what you've been through. It's safer that way, apparently. Full review...

Born Wild: The Extraordinary Story of One Man's Passion for Lions and for Africa by Tony Fitzjohn

4.5star.jpg Autobiography

Maybe it's just my rock-chick nature but "Born Wild" feels a little clunky as titles go. Surely it should have been "Born To Be Wild"? Perhaps that phrase has been copyrighted and wasn't available. Or maybe Fitzjohn was deliberately referencing Joy Adamson's book "Born Free" – since much of the early part of his own time in Africa was spent with her husband George. "Born To Be Wild" would have been more accurate as well. Many of the animals we meet weren't born wild at all – though a good few of them got to live out the remainder of their days and die that way. Full review...

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in Space by Mary Roach

4.5star.jpg Popular Science

Space is big. Really big. And it's a long way away, too. I mean, I'm having enough trouble deciding what to pack for a year in Africa. I'd be hopeless if I were off to Mars. But then, no-one's written a book on what to stick in your suitcase for Sierra Leone. And Mary Roach has written a book on what to take to the red planet...

Except, this is so much more than a shopping list. This is the definitive inside scoop for anyone who has ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in a world that is, well, out of this world. Full review...

The Badness of King George by Judith Summers

5star.jpg Autobiography

People know how to get round me: they offer me a book and then say 'It's about a dog' and like Pavlov's canine I say 'Oh, lovely'. And so it was with The Badness of King George. George is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I have to quibble with the title – superb as it is – because George is not bad. If anything he's badly done by as Judith Summers, plagued by empty nest syndrome when her son goes to university, decides to foster rescue dogs. Poor George has absolutely no idea what she's let him in for. And nor has Judith. Full review...

Moorehawke Trilogy: The Crowded Shadows by Celine Kiernan

5star.jpg Teens

At the end of the first book of the Moorehawke Trilogy, The Poison Throne, Wynter Moorhawke, her childhood friend Razi, and her romantic interest Christopher were all desperately trying to find Razi's half-brother Alberon, whose father Jonathon appeared to be driven insane. I thought I knew exactly what to expect from this second novel in the sequence, but was thrown sideways by the massive detour taken. Full review...

Swimming with Piranhas at Feeding Time: My Life Doing Dumb Stuff with Animals by Richard Conniff

4star.jpg Popular Science

This isn't quite the book it seems. From the subtitle, I inferred a memoir or autobiography. Instead Richard Conniff has chosen twenty-three of his journal articles to reprint from a clutch of prestigious magazines, including National Geographic and Smithsonian. Taken together, they illustrate his wide range of interests in the animal world. While this glimpse of some of the most peculiar creatures on the planet makes for fascinating reading, it's definitely not a book to be galloped through in a single sitting. Full review...

Lightbringer: The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

5star.jpg Fantasy

Gavin Guile is the Prism, the only person able to split light into its entire spectrum of colours, which makes him the most powerful man in the world. Peace between the seven Satrapies relies on his power, his charm and wit. And a fragile peace has been maintained for the past sixteen years, since the False Prism War that devastated the world. Full review...

Tilly's Pony Tails: Parkview Pickle, the Naughty Show Pony by Pippa Funnell

4star.jpg Confident Readers

Here at Bookbag Towers we first met Tilly Redbrow in Neptune the Heroic Horse. Tilly's back home from her holiday in Cornwall and back at the Silver Shoe Riding Stables as often as she can be – which is before school, after school and every minute she can be at weekends and in the holidays. There's a lot of excitement at the stables when they find out that a new show pony is moving in. Parkview Pickle is a real beauty, although perhaps a little bit on the plump side and with a rather nervous rider and the ultimate pushy parent. Full review...

The Children of the Lost by David Whitley

3.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Mark and Lily have left Agora and they have no idea what to expect from the land beyond the city walls. They have been brought up within a rigid system based on barter in a city where everything can be traded: goods, services, people, even emotions are up for sale. They have also been taught that outside the city walls is a wilderness, with no civilised life. Do bear in mind here that their idea of civilisation is Agora…They are ill equipped to survive, and immediately make things worse by arguing with one another. Mark is furious with Lily for her part in their banishment and his actions lead to Lily being placed in great danger. Full review...

The Fan Tan Players by Julian Lees

4star.jpg Historical Fiction

The story opens with a vividly described cyclone in 1920s Macao. I found Lees' writing was such in the opening chapter that it felt almost apocalyptic. The loss of life, the damage to property and ... 'sounds of the surf regurgitating gurgling carcasses of belly-bulging cows.' I couldn't help but think of the real-life tragedy unfolding in Pakistan. I felt a bit queasy when I was reading this, to tell you the truth. Full review...

The Wrong Miss Richmond by Sandra Wilson

3.5star.jpg Women's Fiction

Mr Richmond had been married twice. From his first marriage he had a daughter, Christina and another daughter, Jane from his second marriage. Christina is quiet, sensible, bookish and, in her mid-twenties, with no expectations of matrimony. Jane, or the other hand, is the heiress of her mother's fortune, just a little wild and loves the bright, society life. That's probably not unreasonable as she's not yet twenty and whilst the girls are chalk and cheese they love each other dearly. Christina is pleased when Jane makes a good match – she's to marry Lord St Clement – until she meets her lordship, when she realises that her heart might not be quite so hardened to emotion as she thought. Full review...