Book Reviews From The Bookbag

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The Bookbag

Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page.

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Remarkable Animals by Tony Meeuwissen

4.5star.jpg For Sharing

Can I introduce you to the Ally-Topus? He’s powerful enough to drag a man in to water, likes to hover over fragrant flowers but seems to be extremely shy and almost impossible to keep in captivity. Sound familiar? Maybe it would help to describe the accompanying picture – an alligator’s head, a bird’s body and a platypus tail. Still don’t recognise him? Maybe we can try another animal. What about the Pleevillar? The By-Tollar? No? I’d best stop there. There are one thousand creatures in Remarkable Animals so we could be here rather a long time. Full review...

In God We Trust by Winshluss

4.5star.jpg Graphic Novels

To start with, a rhetorical test. How about God and Adam playing badminton day in and day out, until one gets bored and decides to create Eve? Or the defeater of Goliath and the saviour of the Israelites being one Conan the Barbarian? Or this as a test – Jesus Himself failing to have a successful session of tequila slammers with Gabriel due to the holes through His hands? I barely need mention that in these pages God does battle with Superman, for you to have answered the test and put yourself firmly in one of two camps for this book – one very much opposed to buying it, and one very much in favour. Full review...

How to Make Coffee: The Science Behind the Bean by Lani Kingston

4star.jpg Cookery

Have you ever caught the aroma of coffee brewing but when it came to that first sip the taste has been, well, distinctly underwhelming - and you might actually have preferred a glass of water? Well, Lani Kingston has written 'How to Make Coffee' which takes you from plant to cup, tells you how to make the perfect drink and explains the science behind it. It's a comprehensive book which gives you an overview of the history of coffee, the areas in which it originated and how it spread before moving on to an explanation of the chemistry behind what is probably the world's favourite drink. Full review...

Death of A Liar by M C Beaton

3.5star.jpg Crime

Hamish Macbeth is still enjoying the relatively easy life of running the two-man station in remote Lochdubh in the highlands of Scotland. He could maybe do without current side-kick Dick Fraser's eternal presence on site, but has to admit that the man's cooking skills and his tendency to whip out a stove and frying pan in the remotest of locations do have their advantages. Still and all, it's not doing our eternal Sergeant's love-life any favours. Full review...

Cheep Cheep Pop-Up Fun (Little Snappers) by Jonathan Litton and Kasia Nowowiejska

4star.jpg For Sharing

The animals on the farm are in a playful mood and some of them are hiding. Duck knows that there's a dotty animal playing peek-a-moo behind the tractor, but who is it? Lift the flap and we can all see that it's laughing cow, with her head popping right out to greet us. Someone is playing the same game with ginger cat - and there's an awful lot of mud around. Who can it be? Well, when you move the mud out of the way (don't worry - it's a flap - rubber gloves are not required) we can see that it's piglet, who's having a wonderful time. Full review...

Viking Longship by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom

3.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Fly on the Wall is a new series of history books by award-winning duo Manning and Granström, which aim to bring history to life for young readers. Viking Longship is the story of Grimm, a Viking warrior who buys a broken ship called the Sea Dragon and fixes it up to set sail in search of pastures new. The story follows Grimm's progress as he invades England with his band of warriors and then creates a farm settlement where his family can live in peace. The book touches on various aspects of Viking life before coming full circle when the settlement is raided by Saxons, culminating in a Viking funeral and a final image of the longboat in flames. Full review...

Egg: An Egg-Citing Easter Eggs-Capade! (My Little World) by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway

4star.jpg For Sharing

There's a big hole in the front of Egg and - curiously - it's egg-shaped. Behind this hole and on every page there's another egg-shaped hole and they get smaller and smaller leaving a neat shape which you could easily balance on egg in. The colours shout SPRING and in case you are in any doubt we're told it's An eggs-citing Easter egg-scapade! You get the idea? Full review...

Roman Fort by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Fly on the Wall is a new series of history books by award-winning duo Manning and Granström, which aim to bring history to life for young readers. Roman Fort follows the adventures of Centurion Vespian as he escorts the lady Lepidina and her son to the safety of the Roman fort to celebrate her best friend's birthday. Along the way, the story touches on various aspects of Roman life, including clothing, family life, buildings and religion. Full review...

Nightbird by Alice Hoffman

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

TTwig's mother is the most beautiful woman in Sidwell. She bakes famous Pink Apple pies. Makes delicious lavender honey butter. Has an exotic and mysterious past. And Twig loves her with everything she's got. But not all is well in Twig's world. Friends aren't allowed. Because a friend might discover the secret kept so carefully by Twig and her mother. There is a centuries-old curse on their family. So Twig is a lonely girl... Full review...

Master of War: Defiant Unto Death by David Gilman

5star.jpg Historical Fiction

Spoilers straight ahead for the first book, Master of War so go read that first…



It's been 10 years since the young Thomas Blackstone chose military service over hanging and faced the French at Crecy, coming away from the battle knighted. Time's passing now finds him and his wife Christiana living with their two children in Normandy castle. Meanwhile in French held France, the current king, John II, is proving unpopular, starving the country with taxes and spreading fear with his cruel capricious nature. He sees betrayal everywhere and will execute those he perceives to be against him. However, now he's right and there is a plot brewing and French royalist Simon Bucy has a plan to put it down: remove its cornerstone. His perceived cornerstone is none other than Sir Thomas Blackstone. This isn't going to be a clean fight; bring on the Savage Priest! Full review...

Before He Finds Her by Michael Kardos

4.5star.jpg Thrillers

The newspaper reports at the time were unanimous: in September 1991 Ramsey Miller held a party for all his neighbours and then, when it ended, killed his wife Allie and toddler daughter Meg, then ran away, remaining a fugitive from justice. The newspapers were wrong. Meg isn't dead but has been kept hidden by her Uncle Wayne and Aunt Kendra, had her name changed to Melanie and has led a sheltered life. No photos, no internet, no friends after school, no holidays away from home. That's no way to live and now she approaches her 18th birthday, Melanie/Meg wants to end her half-life in order to live fully and yet to do that she must risk any form of life. She must find her father before he finds her. Full review...

Deliciously Ella: Awesome Ingredients, Incredible Food That You and Your Body Will Love by Ella Woodward

4star.jpg Cookery

Last year I had some health problems which caused me to take a hard look at the way that I was eating: within a month or so I was feeling a lot better as a result of the changes and six months on I can't imagine going back to the way that I used to eat. But there was one snag: we seemed to be eating the same few dishes most of the time and I needed fresh inspiration. Deliciously Ella was the book everyone seemed to be talking about and with a few clicks it was on its way to me from Amazon. Full review...

Preposterous Rhinoceros by Tracy Gunaratnam and Marta Costa

4.5star.jpg For Sharing

Reading is easy! You may say that, after all you are reading this very review. However, if you had never read a book before and someone gave you one, would you know what to do? When King Lion loses his voice, Preposterous Rhinoceros thinks he can help, but it takes more than just hope to read a book aloud. Will Rhino figure out what to do before the other animals get restless? Full review...

The Ship by Antonia Honeywell

4star.jpg Dystopian Fiction

Sixteen year old Lalla has spent her life in London – mostly inside her family home. Because this is not the London of today, or any other day. When Lalla was seven, the apocalypse arrived; banks crashed, flood defences failed, power failed – and the world could only focus on survival. Now the Nazareth Act is in force and without your identity card, you don’t exist – literally, as you will be shot if you don't produce it. Full review...

Rasputin: A Short Life by Frances Welch

4star.jpg Biography

Was Grigori Rasputin, the Siberian peasant turned mystic and the time bomb who almost single-handedly precipitated the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, a genuine holy man or an evil-minded reprobate and total disaster? Full review...

HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes

4star.jpg Biography

Hillary Clinton initially came to our attention as First Lady and even then she might have faded into international obscurity had it not been for the way in which she managed to hold her head high during those unfortunate incidents with Bill - well, HRC wasn't involved but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Then she re-emerged through the fog of the George W Bush presidency with her bid to gain the Democratic nomination, losing in a hotly contested series of primaries to Barack Obama - and went on to become his Secretary of State. Now the question is whether or not she will make another run for President in 2016. Full review...

The Deadly Seven by Garth Jennings

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Most of us do our best to live our lives as polite, sensible, clean human beings. After all, society would soon fall apart if we grabbed whatever we wanted, always said the first thing that came into our heads, and punched anyone who annoyed us. But admit it - deep down, there are moments when you'd just love to bop some irritating twit on the nose, shred your report card and use it as hamster litter, eat a whole box of chocolates in one go, then burp every single verse of The Twelve Days of Christmas, right? Seriously - never? Hmm . . . not sure you're being entirely honest there, pal. Full review...

Down to the Sea in Ships by Horatio Clare

4star.jpg Travel

Inspired by a chance read of Moby Dick, the aptly named Horatio Clare applies to be a writer in residence for a shipping company. They accept, and he travels with them on two voyages - one from Felixstowe to Los Angeles, and the other from Antwerp to Montreal. Full review...

Tape by Steven Camden

4.5star.jpg Teens

This treasure of a book is an affectionate tribute to the world of the mixed tape and the human desire to find a fairy tale. It encapsulates universal themes of love, hope and fate while adding a soupcon of magic. Full review...

Best Lowly Worm Book Ever! by Richard Scarry

5star.jpg For Sharing

Since we have worn our copy of Busiest People Ever almost to shreds it was with great delight that we sat down to take a look at this book all about Lowly Worm. Lowly Worm is already a well known character in our house, and so there's something delightful in having a whole book about him! And what a book! This has a little bit of everything in, from the Lowly Worm alphabet right at the start, through counting and what it's like at school, to a delightful chapter all about good manners and on to the never-ending fun of playing 'where's Lowly Worm'. It's possible this will become our new favourite bedtime read! Full review...

A Day at the Fire Station by Richard Scarry

3.5star.jpg For Sharing

We're big fans of Richard Scarry in our house. Though I have to admit we don't usually read the story and we tend, instead, to just spend our pre-bedtime reading minutes scanning the pages for where the cheese car is, or who has stolen the bananas, or what Mr Frumble has crashed into now! This particular Scarry comes as a small disappointment, then, if that's what you're looking for as it focuses solely on the fire station and the activities of the firemen, but the story (if you bother to read it!) is actually quite good! Full review...

Hamish and the Worldstoppers by Danny Wallace

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Something strange is happening to Hamish, or happening around him, or actually, if we're being specific, things are not happening! He is finding that suddenly, in the middle of a perfectly normal day, everything stops except him. So the people around him are frozen, the birds are stuck mid wing-flap, planes hang un-moving in the sky, and Hamish is the only one who can still move around! What is causing these strange pauses, and is there anything Hamish can do about it? Full review...

Oliver and Patch by Claire Freedman and Kate Hindley

4.5star.jpg For Sharing

Moving house is never easy, especially when you're a child. Oliver has moved from the countryside to the city, and he finds that not only is he having to adapt to his new surroundings, but he's also dealing with terrible loneliness, as he misses all his friends dreadfully. One day, when Oliver can't bear being shut up inside any longer, he ventures out into the big city...will he manage to find a friend? Full review...

The Restoration of Otto Laird by Nigel Packer

4star.jpg General Fiction

The Restoration of Otto Laird is an interesting concept for a story. It pitches an ageing architect against an ageing building that was built early in Otto's career. When Otto makes the trip from Switzerland to London to try and save Marlowe house from demolition, he takes an unwilling journey down his own past. Full review...

1815: Regency Britain in the Year of Waterloo by Stephen Bates

4.5star.jpg History

The idea of taking a pivotal year from the past and devoting a whole book to the theme, embracing political, social and military history, is a very interesting one. Stephen Bates did so successfully not long ago with ‘Two Nations: Britain in 1846’, and here he does the same again, taking a step three decades back. Full review...

Small Elephant's Bath Time by Tatyana Feeney

4.5star.jpg For Sharing

Water is the funnest, and Small Elephant knows it. But the one time he’s not the biggest fan of aqua is when it’s bath time. Ewww. Bor-ring. He will do anything to avoid having to get into the tub and Mummy has to take drastic measures. Full review...

Robot Girl by Malorie Blackman

5star.jpg Dyslexia Friendly

Claire is excited and she's nagging her mother to tell her what her father has been doing in his laboratory, but her mother is no wiser than she is and tells Claire that she will simply have to wait until her father is ready to show her what he's been doing. He's a famous inventor and Claire knows that whatever it is will be exciting. For now all she can do is to tell her pen friend - and be patient. Full review...

The Complex Chemistry of Loss by Ian Walthew

5star.jpg General Fiction

Deep in rural France James Kerr was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. His mental problems were deep and intractable. Superficially he seemed never to have got over the sudden death of his mother and sister when he was a child and after their death his relationship with his father had deteriorated because his father refused to speak of their loss. There were additional factors too: Kerr had spent some time in Afghanistan in a secret capacity. In fact much of his life since he went to university had involved putting up a front, but doing something else in the background. Full review...

Blown Away by Rob Biddulph

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If you thought penguins didn’t fly, think again. Penguin Blue is up in the sky but it’s not what you might think – thanks to a fun kite and a cheeky gust of wind, he’s soaring up, up and away from the home, and as his friends try to help they get pulled up and away too. Uh oh. Where will the wind take these South Pole creatures? The answer, in this amazingly fun book, is to a lush, tropical island. It’s full of friendly creatures and wondrous green foliage like none they’ve ever seen before. But it’s rather hot and far from home. Full review...

Lost and Found by Brooke Davis

5star.jpg General Fiction

Millie Bird keeps a notebook. She writes in it all of the Dead Things that she sees. Her Very First Dead Thing was her dog Rambo. Then there were other things a spider, a Bird… but then there was number 28. The twenty-eighth dead thing than Millie Bird noticed was her Dad. Full review...

Wild Thing Goes Camping by Emma Barnes

4star.jpg Emerging Readers

Wild Thing is truly wild, keeping worms in her grandma's handbag, building dens in muddy holes in the garden, or setting up camps, complete with sticks ready for a fire, in her big sister's bedroom! She's the sort of child who sends her parents grey in their twenties! Poor Kate, her older sister, is stuck being the sensible one in the family, trying to keep an eye on Wild Thing and help her dad out (her mum died when Wild Thing was very little), and the strain of always being sensible and reliable begins to show and Kate starts to think maybe she'd like to be wild too! Full review...